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Pip Pip, Tally Ho - Talk Like a Land Lubber

Started by DaveL, March 07, 2008, 11:06:30 PM

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Awfully romantic Lord Barty. I do hope Lady Bart reads such novels to reinforce her class status. We can't be reading about riff-raff now, can we?
Busily tracking Santa on NORAD...

This year your toast ye chubby, slegh driving, white bearded, coca cola advertisement!!


Oh- a quid each... I get it, now. Haw haw!

Rahlly, I can be so dim. It's the over-breeding, you know. But Mumsy says it's awl for the best. Meaning us, don't you know.

Black Bart

Well Sir Opsa whilst I've tickled one's ribs so to speak...I have another hilarious jokette...

What does one call a US President who loves to listen to Vivaldi?

Baroque Obama... ;D
She was only the Lighthouse Keeper's daughter, but she never went out at night


*titter* *wheeze* *clutches chest in slight convulsion*

I say, Old Man, your jokes are quite the giggle. But I hope you're not calling me "Sir". I mean, just because I wear tweed and a monocle, which I think make me look rather sophisticated and scholarly, and Pater says that it doesn't matter if I dress in an eccentric manner, because someone's going to marry me for all his cash, anyway. So there.


Oooh, I say!  Has your Pater got a lot of cash?

<rubs hands gleefully>

I've always been attracted to ladies of an independent mind, don't you know?
Myers Briggs personality type: ENTP -  "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 3.2% of the total population.


Eau, he's quite filthy with it, and I admire your candor. Pater says everyone's sew affected these days.


Oh yes, well one has always found that there is nothing quite so attractive in a woman as very large bags of filty lucre.  I had been rather blind to your charms, but now I find myself all quite bedazzled!  And may I say you do look remarkably intelligent not to say attractive in your monacle and that tweed suit certainly looks quite becoming.  My kind of woman indeed!

<gives leering wink>
Myers Briggs personality type: ENTP -  "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 3.2% of the total population.

The Meromorph

I'll have to introduce you to one of my gundogs, young Bluenose, she's got a trust fund, as I recall, and very bohemian ways, when she's not 'working' of course. Well documented family tree, they say...
Dances with Motorcycles.


Lord Mero- are you comparing me to a... a... (swoons and faints, having blood like water.)


I say, it's been jolly quiet in here, lately, non?

The Meromorph

Sorry, Lady Opsa, bin a bit confused doncherknow...
No, dear Lady, I wasn't comparing you to one of my gundogs. One just thought that Bluenose felon fellow might find m'dogs a bit closer to his level, so to speak. Nothing worse than a declasse pirate gettin' ideas above his station, what?.
Dances with Motorcycles.

Sibling DavidH

I See, that little be Chang'd since I felle Asleep.  This remindeth mee grately, of ye CONVERSACIOUN, atte Gryblynge Hall.
I was Tolde that I shoulde fynde good fellows, here.
I remayne,
Yr True Frende, Humphrey Gryblynge.


Ai sai, Well met, Sir Humphrey. Tempt you with a snifter of brandy? Or are you a whisky-and-soda man?
Imus ad magum Ozi videndum, magum Ozi mirum mirissimum....


Thank you for clearing that up for me, Lord Mero darling. Not that I don't have an excellent pedigree... *titter*

Eau Pachy, do introduce me to your new friend. I do so admire his quaint outfit. From out of town, I take it?


Lady Opsa, this is Sir Humphrey. Be gentle, he's new here.

Sir Humphrey, may I present Lady Opsa, heiress to a fortune, and one of our most eligible fillies, dontcher know.
Imus ad magum Ozi videndum, magum Ozi mirum mirissimum....