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The Never Ending Toadfish Interview Cycle!

Started by goat starer, November 17, 2006, 10:08:15 AM

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Sibling Lambicus the Toluous

1) Have you ever drank water straight from the earth? (stream or spring - wells don't count, and no cups or other utensils allowed)

Yup... out of a lake plenty of times, assuming that a cupped hand over the side of a canoe doesn't count as a utensil.

2) What's the dodgiest water source you've drank from?

Either out of a questionable stream when I was too young to know about things like giardia (a.k.a. "beaver fever"), or when I accidentally swallowed a mouthful of seawater while swimming in the Pacific.

3) What's the best water you've ever tasted?

Dunno.  I don't remember ever thinking "gee, that's good water."  To me, water either tastes bad or like nothing at all.

:goldfish: :goldfish: :goldfish: :goldfish: :goldfish:

1. What's the first film you remember seeing as a child?

2. How long does a car trip have to be for you before you consider it to be "far"?

3. What's your favourite thing to make or do by yourself (as opposed to buying it in a store/hiring someone to do it)?

Scriblerus the Philosophe

1. What's the first film you remember seeing as a child?

2. How long does a car trip have to be for you before you consider it to be "far"?
Four or more hours. It takes about three to get to the next big town from where I live, so further then that is a long drive.

3. What's your favourite thing to make or do by yourself (as opposed to buying it in a store/hiring someone to do it)?

Sewing my own purses.
1. Ever had a tick?

2. Favorite national landmark (wherever you may live)?

3. Know l33t?
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay


1. Ever had a tick?
Even the traditional one in the eye (the metaphorical ones are too numerous to fill in the margin)

2. Favorite national landmark (wherever you may live)?
Difficult, the ICC would qualify.

3. Know l33t?
Know of existence but not much about content.


1. Who will rid US of that meddlesome vice president ;)?

2. Is chess sports?

3. What singing voice do you like most (tenor, soprano etc.)?
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

1. Who will rid US of that meddlesome vice president?
God (you may interpret that answer at your leisure)

2. Is chess sports?
May be? Is definitively not physical but it isn't poker either. Back home chess is considered a sport under the sports state office.

3. What singing voice do you like most (tenor, soprano etc.)?
Counter-tenor specially for classical and pre-classical stuff.
:nervous: :nervous: :nervous:
1. Do you have a hand shower?

2. Do you have potted plants? If so, how often do you have a sick/dead plant?

3. Did you have any formal musical training at some point in your life?
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.


1. Yes, the shower head is de-mountable, and has a plastic hose.

2.Yes, there are quite a few potted plants around if my mother is around. I personally prefer the ambience of the garden, particularly in the early evening. Mum is pretty green-fingered, so few dead or sick (not counting the herbs used for cooking, who don't last long...)

3. They tried. Oh, how they tried. But my total and complete lack of any form of musicality beat them. I spent all the music lessons outside, reading a book. Better for them, better for me...


My turn.

1. Where is your favourite place on the planet.

2. Why is it your favourite place on the planet.

3. Do androids dream of electric sheep?
Imus ad magum Ozi videndum, magum Ozi mirum mirissimum....

Kiyoodle the Gambrinous

1. Where is your favourite place on the planet.

I think it's Belgrade (capital of Serbia), which is a city I love the most. And it's the place, where I grew up, the place, where I know a lot of good positive people, I have many many memories about it. It's my town...

2. Why is it your favourite place on the planet.

Already answered above and am too lazy to do "Cut - Paste".

3. Do androids dream of electric sheep?

They probably just count them, not dream of them...


1. Do you want to give me around 1.000 euros to get out of a bad financial situation?

2. Do you prefer formal or casual wear at work?

3. Do you sleepwalk?

Bonus: What is your parfume, it smells really nice...

I'm back..



1. Do you want to give me around 1.000 euros to get out of a bad financial situation?
That's about 60% of what I currently have available and health insurance will eat that away in less than a year. Sorry, at the moment No.

2. Do you prefer formal or casual wear at work?
casual (I hate formal and even the "casual" is often too formal)

3. Do you sleepwalk?
Not that I know of

Bonus: What is your parfume, it smells really nice...
So, you love soap?


1. Should the issuing of a driving licence be age or only maturity dependent?

2. Should there be mandatory retesting for the driving license similar to that for flying licences?

3. What do you think about squids as pets?

Bonus question: Squids on a plane? (and on which side?)
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

1. Should the issuing of a driving licence be age or only maturity dependent?
Maturity plus Good judgment, like slowing down in the rain, being mindful of pedestrians, etc.

2. Should there be mandatory retesting for the driving license similar to that for flying licences?
From certain age and increase in frequency. There are too many older drivers in Florida that should NOT be driving.

3. What do you think about squids as pets?
I think is cool, just be mindful that they are smarter (it is suggested to give them toys) and that their life span isn't too long.

Bonus question: Squids on a plane? (and on which side?)
As a side dish, you mean? Without water, how can the squids terrorize the passengers? Unless we are talking about some relatives of Admiral Ackbar ;)
:squidlings: :squidlings: :squidlings: :squidlings: :squidlings:
1. What causes you terror and why?

2. Have you been in a situation that you thought at the moment you were going to die?

3. Do you like rollercoasters?

Bonus: a movie worth watching?
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.

The Meromorph

1. What causes you terror and why?
Spiders. I really don't know why, and don't want to think about them for long enough to find out why!

2. Have you been in a situation that you thought at the moment you were going to die?
At least three times. It's very freeing. :) Once when when sliding off a snowy road down a dropoff and heading for some very large trees.(car passed between them with a measured [later] 1/2 inch to spare). Once when very sick. (I watched the universe spin slowly to a stop). Once when I fell off the trail offroading down a 30 degree mud and loose rock slope, at the end of which was a 100 foot sheer drop I managed to veer enough to hit a moderately sized tree before going over the cliff. My Insurance agent thanked me for hitting a tree!).

3. Do you like rollercoasters?
Yes, particularly wooden ones. I hate waiting in line for them, though. :P

Bonus: a movie worth watching?

The Emerald Forest.
Dances with Motorcycles.

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.

The Meromorph

1. Why do you think I forgot to ask any questions?

2. What questions do you think I should ask?

3. Have you ever encountered a more inane and unhelpful response?

Bonus Question.   Do you want to ask and answer your own questions? And then ask some more?
Dances with Motorcycles.


1. Brain was focused on higher things. (trying to decipher an E. Razer post?) That or the onset of dementia, delirium tremens, Galloping Knobrot (pick your own favourite condition)

2. I think you should ask questions about nomenclative determinism.

3. Yes. But, due to my signing the Official Secrets Act, I am not permitted to talk about it.

Bonus Question.

No, but I will ask some.


Are you afraid of beachballs?

Given the parlous state of televisual entertainment foisted upon an unsuspecting audience, are we justified in ritually executing TV executives and producers?

What happens when you smell mint?

Imus ad magum Ozi videndum, magum Ozi mirum mirissimum....

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

Are you afraid of beachballs?
Yes, it means that now I have to go to the beach

Given the parlous state of televisual entertainment foisted upon an unsuspecting audience, are we justified in ritually executing TV executives and producers?
Only if the execution is on live TV  :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

What happens when you smell mint?
Search and... enjoy.  :D
O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0
1. You had an accident and the main nerve of a limb was severed. You can keep the limb but it will be useless and it will not feel a thing, with a high risk of long term lesions due to lack of sensibility. Do you keep it or prefer to get a functional but synthetic prosthesis?

2. You lost the limb. Your options are
  a) Wait a year until an artificially cultivated limb is grown from your own DNA (after that you will need at least other 6 months o therapy)
  b) Get a functional robotic arm now
Note that the insurance will only pay for one of the two choices.

3. It is official, your body cannot hold you any longer, you could have your mind moved to a computerized robot or die, what would you choose?

bonus: how do you feel about cyborgs?
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.


1. You had an accident and the main nerve of a limb was severed. You can keep the limb but it will be useless and it will not feel a thing, with a high risk of long term lesions due to lack of sensibility. Do you keep it or prefer to get a functional but synthetic prosthesis?


2. You lost the limb. Your options are
  a) Wait a year until an artificially cultivated limb is grown from your own DNA (after that you will need at least other 6 months o therapy)
  b) Get a functional robotic arm now
Note that the insurance will only pay for one of the two choices.

a) In the long term this would surely be a better option, prpared to scrifice immediate gain for long term better solution.

3. It is official, your body cannot hold you any longer, you could have your mind moved to a computerized robot or die, what would you choose?

I'd go the robot option.  Could always get myself turned  off if I finally have had enough.

bonus: how do you feel about cyborgs?

Cyborgs ar OK, Cybermen are not and Daleks are right out of the questions.


1. If you were in a survival situation - life boat at sea, etc - and you had the choice of eating a recently deceased companion or dying, which would you choose?

2. What would you want your companions to do, if you were the one who died, in the above situation?

3. In a survival situation, is there anything you would refuse to eat, even if it meant you would die, including only those things that are not poisonous themselves?

Bonus question: What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?
Myers Briggs personality type: ENTP -  "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 3.2% of the total population.


1. If you were in a survival situation - life boat at sea, etc - and you had the choice of eating a recently deceased companion or dying, which would you choose?

have you ever read "survivor type by Steven King---- don't know about this- I usually don't eat alot of meat anyway, it would probably depend greatly on how big a b@#$%^$ you were to me before

2. What would you want your companions to do, if you were the one who died, in the above situation?

carve away- as long as i was completely dead first- no picking off bits while alive but "looking like a goner"

3. In a survival situation, is there anything you would refuse to eat, even if it meant you would die, including only those things that are not poisonous themselves?
I can't think of anything, I've eaten bugs, grubs, crickets, ants, etc. I do not think I could bring myself to consume feces(much of which contains large amounts of undigested vegetable matter)-I'm thinking large herbivore here. I do not want to eat eyes- but they are edible and in many places are considered the food gift of honor at t feast- but were talking starving here

Bonus question: What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?
roasted sago palm grubs- ok so maybe this counts as eyes- just not big juicy ones


1-Are  you more rational than not?

2-What makes you irrational- what event-place-thing makes you go simply emotional and the heck with reason?

3-What person helps keep you grounded and sane and all that is good?

Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.