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The Never Ending Toadfish Interview Cycle!

Started by goat starer, November 17, 2006, 10:08:15 AM

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1. Hot or mild salsa?
Depends on dish. In case of doubt hot.
2. How organized are your book marks?
Pieces of paper within range of hand are sufficient. If you mean for the browser, depends on computer I am working on and the mood of the software.
3. How good are the odds that the US will 'do something' about Iran? (Insert whatever you think that something is)
Something will be done and given the current administration nothing good.
Bonus: How much does the TB scare tell us about the world's ability to handle possible pandemics?
Too much and nothing good.


1. Do you read Harry Potter books and/or are you going to buy the last one as sonn as available?

2. Cold or hot dishes preferred?

3. Is where you live more threatened by drought or flooding or both?

Bonus Question: Should duels with lethal weapons become regulated but legal?
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.

Griffin NoName

1. Do you read Harry Potter books and/or are you going to buy the last one as sonn as available?

Absolutely and it's already on pre-order.... !

2. Cold or hot dishes preferred?

Cold, grab from fridge, on bad days. Hot if energy available. I eat to live.

3. Is where you live more threatened by drought or flooding or both?

Sort of both. Flooding if the Thames Estuary scheme does not get actioned soon enough as the Thames Barrier is designed to allow flooding in my area to prevent flooding in other areas. Drought due to Thames Water giving massive profits to shareholders rather than spending them on the massive leaks in their pipes. The water was off again this morning and for the first time we had an apology letter warning us. But the management policy seems to be finger in the dyke.

Bonus Question: Should duels with lethal weapons become regulated but legal?

Freedom is important. If I want a good fight with one of my kitchen knives I should be able to do that in the privacy of my own home.


1. Which world leaders would you like to see on The Weakest Link and who would you expect to be voted off in which order and why?

2. How do you interpret the personalities of people wearing odd socks or shoes?

3. Did you see any giants when you were a child?
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand

Scriblerus the Philosophe

1. Which world leaders would you like to see on The Weakest Link and who would you expect to be voted off in which order and why?
Amadinejad, Bush, Abbas, Cheney, Condi, Blair, Olmert.

Neither Iran nor the US is terribly happy with their elected official at the moments, Abbas is not terribly useful, Cheney irritates me, Condi is mildly better, and I don't know what to do with Olmert.

2. How do you interpret the personalities of people wearing odd socks or shoes?
"I really don't care about what I looks like and what you think. I have better things to do then make sure my socks/shoes match."

3. Did you see any giants when you were a child?
1. How much sugar do you put in your morning beverage of choice?

2. What're your favorite news sources?

3. Paper or plastic?

Bonus: How useful do you think the USA PATRIOT act is?
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay


1. When did you barf last?

At my doctor's surgery about 15 months ago.

2. What was the reason for that?

A vaso vascular collapse. They plunged a huge shot of magnesium into my thigh muscle which shot up into my hip (extreme pain). I did a slow keel over pass out. The nurse had to call another nurse and a doctor which involved trying to stop me falling off my chair while phoning for help and holding the sick bowl. I couldn't walk for three weeks after - thigh and hip pain excrutiating - and they decided my doing self-adminstered magnesium injections at home probably wasn't a good idea.

3. Did you enjoy it?

No. Nor did anyone else.

Bonus question: Why those barfophile questions?

Are you a secret barfer junkie?


1. Do you think that having every alternate tooth removed will catch on as a fashion statement?

2. What academy would you like to found?

3. Why are there nasty people in the world?
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.


1. Do you think that having every alternate tooth removed will catch on as a fashion statement?

well is will make flossing easier

2. What academy would you like to found?

the academy of dispatcher who can best interpret garbled radio traffic

3. Why are there nasty people in the world?

because Paris Hilton needs a group to be the leader of


1) do you floss everyday?

2) Waxed or Unwaxed?

3) Flavored or Unflavored?

bonus-- do you use the spool floss or the pre-loaded floss picks?
Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.


1) do you floss everyday?
Nope.  I really should start (and I've been saying that for at least a decade).  It's like deodorant - a great idea on paper but sometimes slips my mind.  Mind you, I manage the deodorant MUCH more frequently than the floss, and probably have less of a need of it (depends on what I've been eating, in regards to both).

2) Waxed or Unwaxed?
Unwaxed, I think.  There's some horrible new netted type of floss around here (dentist sample) that I grab by mistake sometimes.

3) Flavored or Unflavored?
Either, though I guess I prefer unflavored or mint. It's all samples; I never buy it.

bonus-- do you use the spool floss or the pre-loaded floss picks?
Sometimes I use business cards. ;D  Usually spool.

^o^  ^o^  ^o^  ^o^  ^o^  ^o^  ^o^  ^o^  ^o^  ^o^  ^o^  ^o^  ^o^  ^o^  ^o^  ^o^  ^o^  ^o^

1) Which Sibling here to you feel you know the most about?

2) Which Sibling would do you feel you don't know enough about (and would like to know more)?

3) Which Sibling do you think you'd get along with best in real life?

Bonus:  Are there any Siblings that you think are very like you under different circumstances?  (i.e. you'd be very like them if you had followed their life's path)


1) Which Sibling here to you feel you know the most about?
My dear siblings Aggie and NoName.

2) Which Sibling would do you feel you don't know enough about (and would like to know more)?
My dear sibling The Meromorph

3) Which Sibling do you think you'd get along with best in real life?
My dear siblings Aggie and NoName

Bonus:  Are there any Siblings that you think are very like you under different circumstances?  (i.e. you'd be very like them if you had followed their life's path)
Weirdly enough, my dear sibling The Meromorph.


1) If we built an actual monastery, would you come and visit?

2) If we made Toadfish logo magnets would you put one on your car? (If no car, fridge?)

3) If you met God and God didn't look anything like you thought he/she/it might look, how would you know it was God?

Scriblerus the Philosophe

1) If we built an actual monastery, would you come and visit?
Eventually, yes, or if was near someplace I was going anyway. I'm a tad strapped for cash.

2) If we made Toadfish logo magnets would you put one on your car? (If no car, fridge?)
I'd love one! Of course.

3) If you met God and God didn't look anything like you thought he/she/it might look, how would you know it was God?

I expect I'd simply know.
1. What is your favorite art style?

2. Do you ever find that sometimes the music you have on perfectly suits the moment by total coincidence?

3. If you cook, what's your favorite cookbook? If you don't, who's your favorite cook?
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

1. What is your favorite art style?
In general? Applied to painting/sculpture? In painting I am particularly fond of both Italian and Dutch renaissance, but I also like Spanish painters like Velazquez, Goya up to Picasso , and I also like the impressionist...
Oh, and of all paintings that I've seen in real life, the ones that stand out more are Van Gogh's. ;D

2. Do you ever find that sometimes the music you have on perfectly suits the moment by total coincidence?
With some frequency, although I listen to music a lot therefore it is bound to happen eventually.

3. If you cook, what's your favorite cookbook? If you don't, who's your favorite cook?
I do cook, but believe it or not I do not have a cookbook. The few recipes I know have been learned from someone in the family, watching cook, told by someone else, or some creativity on top of those.
:smartass: :smartass: :smartass: :smartass: :smartass: :smartass: :smartass: :smartass:
1. Have you heard music of Gyorgy Ligeti? What do you think of his music? (If you have seen 2001 Space Odyssey  you have, in the (surreal) scene leading to the end where Bowman is on a moving pod making faces).

2. Have you heard of Fernando Botero? Do you like his stuff?

3. Do you like the 'serious' Chaplin (Limelight) or the funny one?

Bonus: check this out. What do you think?
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.


1. Have you heard music of Gyorgy Ligeti? What do you think of his music? (If you have seen 2001 Space Odyssey  you have, in the (surreal) scene leading to the end where Bowman is on a moving pod making faces).

I've seen that movie and I remember the music from the psychedelic scene. As I recall it was very experimental and interesting with minimalistic phrases. (Sheesh, I sound like I'm  at a wine tasting!) I don't know whether I could sit through a whole album of his, but then again, I like Phillip Glass and Steven Reich, so perhaps I could!

2. Have you heard of Fernando Botero? Do you like his stuff?

Yes, I've heard of him and have seen an exhibit of his. I thought it was funny and more than a little egocentric, but enjoyable in a way.

3. Do you like the 'serious' Chaplin (Limelight) or the funny one?

I like both Chapmans, but I think I love the serious, artsy one the most. He had a gift for physical communication.

Bonus: check this out. What do you think?

Whew. That stuff was pretty intense. I think I may have seen a couple of Abu Ghraib pieces in The Washington Post, once. I didn't realise that subject was such an obsession of his. It looks a  lot like Botero, doesn't it? But it borders on another kind of fetishism. I find it kind of scary, but recognize that art does that sometimes.


1) Do you like tasting wines and rattling on about each and every scent and flavor passage? (I do!  ;) )

2) Are you a collector of anything, and if so, what?

3) What size is your "personal space"?

Bonus point: If Botero and Abu Ghraib got into a fight, who would win?

Scriblerus the Philosophe

1) Do you like tasting wines and rattling on about each and every scent and flavor passage? (I do!  Wink )

No, as I dislike alcohol in general, as well as the fact that I am too young to legally drink.

2) Are you a collector of anything, and if so, what?
Anything I can use to hold stuff--boxes, bottles, etc. as well as of books.

3) What size is your "personal space"?
If I can reach out and touch you with the flat of my palm at full arm's length, then you're in my space. The only time I really mind people in my space is if I'm at the computer (I hate people reading over my shoulder) or in a new social situation. My room (roughly 9'x13') is also my personal space, and I most of the time hate having people in my room, with reasonable exceptions.

Bonus point: If Botero and Abu Ghraib got into a fight, who would win?
Dunno, couldn't tell you.
1. Favorite movie/play sound track?
2. Have you ever been to a protest?
3. What was it for, if you have?

Bonus: Favorite classical composer?
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

1. Favorite movie/play sound track?
If you ask me a different day I might answer a different movie (from Starwars to Dune, Farinelli to the Red Violin, Moulin Rouge or Aliens...) but I'll stick with the previous time I answered: Prokofiev's Alexander Nevsky (for Eisenstein's film).

2. Have you ever been to a protest?
Yup, if that counts as protest.

3. What was it for, if you have?
It was when the likely winner of the presidential elections in Colombia was assassinated in 1989 (Luis Carlos Galan if you must know). Tens of thousands of students from all major universities and even from regular schools went to march as a sign of protest. The guy was killed on orders from the Cartel de Medellin but foul play has been seriously suspected by the ruling Partido Liberal. The protest was a pacific march with black armbands.

From that experience and having watched multiple protests of different kinds, I no longer believe them much useful. In order to achieve change you and a significant percentage of others must be willing to put your life on the line for an important period of time (from weeks to years) otherwise whomever is responsible will not be affected (see Satyagraha).
:candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle:
1. Are you willing to die for principles? If so which ones?

2. At what point pragmatism overtakes principles?

3. What are your feelings about patriotism?

(no need for bonus with those...)
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.

Scriblerus the Philosophe

These are too good of questions for me to pass up, so *yoink!*

1. Are you willing to die for principles? If so which ones?
Yes. Freedom.

2. At what point pragmatism overtakes principles?
When pragmatism gets things done.

3. What are your feelings about patriotism?
A good thing, in limited doses. Patriotism helps a country succeed. Nationalism screws things up.

(no need for bonus with those...)
1. Who invented the internets?
2. What is the internets made of?
3. What is your preferred economic model and why?

Bonus: What, if any, are the benefits of red tape and the bureaucracy?
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

1. Who invented the internets?
A bunch of engineers in a bunker during the cold war.

2. What is the internets made of?
Bits and pieces.

3. What is your preferred economic model and why?
A mixture of cooperativism and, health and environmentally regulated capitalism. I'll expand in the NET helpline thread when I have a chance.

Bonus: What, if any, are the benefits of red tape and the bureaucracy?
Checks and balances for the most part, even if it is inefficient and usually behind the times. IMHO bureaucracy is not an evil in itself but excessive bureaucracy. Just to use an example imagine what would happen if a new drug is brought to market without that red tape. Codes and regulations tend to exist for a reason, if the reason is outdated then challenge the regulation itself, not all regulations.
:nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous:
1. Bauhaus or deconstructivism?  :devil2:

2. Your opinion on Penderecky's Threnody to the victims of Hiroshima? :devil2: :devil2:

3. Was Kant right or wrong when he proposed his understanding of perception? :devil2::devil2::devil2:

Bonus: you can skip any of the questions or all if you provide the exact location of the bottler of your beverage of choice.
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.


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80 Des Carrières
Chambly, Québec
J3L 2H6
Tél: 450-658-7658
Fax: 450-658-9195

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1) Have you ever drank water straight from the earth? (stream or spring - wells don't count, and no cups or other utensils allowed)

2) What's the dodgiest water source you've drank from?

3) What's the best water you've ever tasted?