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The Never Ending Toadfish Interview Cycle!

Started by goat starer, November 17, 2006, 10:08:15 AM

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Scriblerus the Philosophe

1. Although it is not recorded, someone must have once said tree falleth not by man alone. Who would have it been that said that?

2. If you went on a Quest, what would you like to find at the end of it?
An excellent, excellent education.

3. Were novels better before the invention of the word processor?
I don't know, actually. I like some of the ones written post-Word, and some pre.
1. Do you want to hug a polar bear?
2. If you could learn any language ever spoken at any time in history, what would it be?
3. Who is your favorite person in history?
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay


1. Do you want to hug a polar bear?

Yes!  And a Loon too....  they are doing very very well right now against the Sloth.

2. If you could learn any language ever spoken at any time in history, what would it be?

Speaking?  Not sure, as there's little use for a spoken language outside of it's historical/geographical context.  Probably Mandarin (which I don't believe I'm capable of learning) or Esperanto.  From a written perspective, Latin for its scientific applications, or Hangul (which I'm supposed to be learning and can sound out a bit) which AFAIK is the first language designed specifically for the purpose of increasing national literacy rates.

3. Who is your favorite person in history?

*blank stare*  I haven't met many of them.  Do my ancestors count? My my maternal grandmother, maybe, or paternal grandfather.

:'( :-[ :( :) :D ;D :o ;)

1. Can you speak any 'garbled english' languages besides Pig Latin fluently?  (I know Unglish  ;D)

2. Have you ever tried to construct a secret language or code?

3. Have you ever invented a game or sport?

Bonus question:  What area of your education do you feel has been most useful in your day-to-day life?
(basic literacy and math skills do not count).


Sibling Chatty

1. Can you speak any 'garbled english' languages besides Pig Latin fluently? 

ope-Nay, ust-Jay ig-Pay at-Lay-in-hay. (atin-Lay, in the simplified version.)

2. Have you ever tried to construct a secret language or code?

No, the regular stuff is already garbled for dyslexics. Why make it worse?

3. Have you ever invented a game or sport?

A variation on a couple of card that combines Spades and Bridge that is pretty fun, if you have a lot of egotists playing. (You can force them to run their bid really high...)

Bonus question:  What area of your education do you feel has been most useful in your day-to-day life?

My psychology of communications classes in college. They taught me a lot about how people's minds work, and what I need to know to manipulate them if I feel I need to. I rarely feel the need to do so, but when it's needed, it's there.

(BTW, Dan taught himself to speak and read Esperanto. He got me to where I was fairly fluent, but it's not a language you use very often.)
:goldfish: :goldfish: :goldfish: :goldfish:

1. Woot!! An extra $100 (or equivalent) in your pocket!! What do you spend it on?

2. You go to the movies, only to find yourself at the Hell Multiplex, year 1997. These are your film choices:

Men in Black
The Lost World: Jurassic Park
Liar Liar 
Air Force One 
As Good as It Gets 
Good Will Hunting 
My Best Friend's Wedding 
Tomorrow Never Dies 

Which one do you go see? Why?

3. Why is there air?

Bonus question: What's for breakfast?
This sig area under construction.


1. Woot!! An extra $100 (or equivalent) in your pocket!! What do you spend it on?
Booze and some cheep!..a dozen DVDs or half a dozen books (or less, they are expensive these days).

2. You go to the movies, only to find yourself at the Hell Multiplex, year 1997. These are your film choices:

Men in Black
The Lost World: Jurassic Park
Liar Liar
Air Force One
As Good as It Gets
Good Will Hunting
My Best Friend's Wedding
Tomorrow Never Dies

Which one do you go see? Why?

I'd consider heading straight home again but, if I were forced to stay, the Bond or MiB look at least tolerable (have seen the latter but not the former). JP2 made even less sense than the book. With all respect for Kate Winslet, I don't have to see that Schmachtfetzen Titanic (I am actually surprised that there is no sequel yet, the Lusitania sailed for doom just a few year later)

3. Why is there air?
Because politicians produce a lot hot of it?

Bonus question: What's for breakfast?
Self-baked (and already a bit stale) onion breadroll with Lyoner (i.e. light sausage with herbs).


1. What shall we do with the Jerry Falwell (in absence of drunken sailors that is)?

2. What is your opinion of the current GOP candidates for the 2008 presidential elections?

3. Will you likely live to see the results?

Bonus question: Sex or violence?
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.

Scriblerus the Philosophe

1. What shall we do with the Jerry Falwell (in absence of drunken sailors that is)?
Bury him before he starts to smell.

2. What is your opinion of the current GOP candidates for the 2008 presidential elections?

Bleh. At the moment, I will not vote for any of them.

3. Will you likely live to see the results?
Unless I get extraordinarily sick or stupid, or by some bizarre twist of fate, I'll get to watch the results.

Bonus question: Sex or violence?
Option A, I think. I refuse to be involved with violence.
1. What question have you always asked about science?
2. Has it been answered?
3. Can it be answered by modern science?

Bonus: Do you like the drugs, or do they like you?

((Sorry, got a Marylin Manson song stuck in my head))
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

goat starer

Squidly!!!!! I miss you coz you are not here much!!!!  ;)


1. What question have you always asked about science?

what on earth is this quantum stuff about?

2. Has it been answered?

I'm sure someone would say so but I do not understand the answer and if you cant answer a question in a way that an Oxford graduate will understand it then frankly you aint much cop at answering questions!!

3. Can it be answered by modern science?

see answer 2....

Bonus: Do you like the drugs, or do they like you?

love many of em! but they dont like anybody let alone me  :(


1) can you answer the question above in a way i can understand?

2) do you know anyone who can?

3) can i have their telephone number?


Best regards

Comrade Goatvara

"And the Goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a Land not inhabited"

Sibling Lambicus the Toluous

1) can you answer the question above in a way i can understand?

It appears that at the smallest level (and therefore with effects at all levels), the universe acts very strangely indeed.

2) do you know anyone who can?

If the above answer works for you, then yes.

If it doesn't work for you, then probably still yes, but I'm not exactly sure who.

3) can i have their telephone number?

They'll call you.   ;)

:ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

1. If it were up to you, would you change the "line" with regard to recreational drug laws where you live?

e.g. where I am, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol (and certain hallucinogens for some reason!) are OK, THC, narcotics & stronger stuff are not

2. If yes to 1, where would you set it?  More strict than now or less?

3. What was the name of your teddy bear or other stuffing-headed friend from when you were a child?

Scriblerus the Philosophe

Yes, bit hectic right now. Senior finals and check out and everything is time-consuming. After this Friday, things ought to go back to normal.

1. If it were up to you, would you change the "line" with regard to recreational drug laws where you live? e.g. where I am, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol (and certain hallucinogens for some reason!) are OK, THC, narcotics & stronger stuff are not

Yep. Legalize it so it can have the tax crapped out of it. Or so the strong stuff can be taxed, since it's easier to grow certain other ones.

2. If yes to 1, where would you set it?  More strict than now or less?
Much less strict.

3. What was the name of your teddy bear or other stuffing-headed friend from when you were a child?
Which one? Figaro, Nibbles, Mr. Floppy, Bear-Bear, Fluffy Princess Rex...the list goes on. I had lots and lots of them as a child. They currently reside in a box in my garage.
1. Favorite web or otherwise comic?
2. Favorite noise?
3. Do you know someone who is almost a ninja? (seems to disappear and reappear without any apparent effort)
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

Sibling Lambicus the Toluous

1. Favorite web or otherwise comic?

Either or

2. Favorite noise?

The sound of a straight-cut gearbox at a high rate of acceleration.  It's like the wail of a banshee, but in the best way possible.

I also like listening to my wife sing, but I'd never call that "noise".   ;)

3. Do you know someone who is almost a ninja? (seems to disappear and reappear without any apparent effort)

The first person who comes to mind is my friend's former business partner, who, after they decided to fold the business, said "don't sell off the company's assets; I want to keep them and start up a new company.  Let me have them and I'll cut you a cheque for your half"... and then disappeared, never to be seen again, only appearing as rumour and shadow.



1. How did you do it?

2. What made you do it?

3. If you had to do things over, would you do it differently?


1. How did you do it?

It wasn't easy.

2. What made you do it?

The great entangling fabric of everything.

3. If you had to do things over, would you do it differently?

Only if I knew better this time.


1) What is your favorite popsicle flavor?

2) Which is more soothing to you: flute or guitar music?

3) If little green men offered you a one-way ticket off this planet, would you go?


1) What is your favorite popsicle flavor?
pure orange

2) Which is more soothing to you: flute or guitar music?
Flute (not a great guitar fan)

3) If little green men offered you a one-way ticket off this planet, would you go?
Depending on the destination and the situation.


1. What do you drink at breakfast?

2. When, how often and how long do you brush your teeth?

3. Would you give a detailed (public) report on your sex-life (provided you have one), if the payment was good enough (and how much would that be)?

Bonus question: What happened to the discussion about the joy of clubbing baby seals?
Yes, that is deliberately ambiguous and could mean the seals having a party
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

1. What do you drink at breakfast?
Unless you consider the liquid yogurt mixed with cereal a beverage nothing. Coffee and orange juice kill my stomach so I avoid them.

2. When, how often and how long do you brush your teeth?
In the evenings, sometimes after lunch or before leaving home, possibly not as long as it should be but as thoroughly as possible.

3. Would you give a detailed (public) report on your sex-life (provided you have one), if the payment was good enough (and how much would that be)?
Detailed report as in visual documentation, you mean? I dunno, I guess I wouldn't mind if it weren't frowned upon, particularly regarding one's job. The other side is that it would be uncomfortable if my son knew about it (mostly for him, as it would be for me to know about my parents').

Bonus question: What happened to the discussion about the joy of clubbing baby seals?
Perhaps it has something to do with the season and all interested are out enjoying themselves...  ::)
:goldfish: :goldfish: :goldfish: :goldfish: :goldfish: :goldfish:
1. What is it with whaling? Should the southern hemisphere enforce a ban of whaling in their area given that all whaler countries are in the northern hemisphere?

2. Would penguins survive if a few polar bears are moved to the south pole? Would the bears survive?

3. Who should regulate and enforce laws preventing cruise lines and other ships pouring sewer water in international seas?

Bonus question: Whale songs or songs about whales?
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.


1. What is it with whaling? Should the southern hemisphere enforce a ban of whaling in their area given that all whaler countries are in the northern hemisphere?
Then they will hunt in the North instead and most whales (to my knowledge) don't stay permanently in one hemisphere. And the perpetrators would use blackmail anyway.
Arm the whales! Seriously, only a total ban enforced with, if necessary, military power has a chance in my opinion.

2. Would penguins survive if a few polar bears are moved to the south pole? Would the bears survive?
The Antarctic penguins probably not, those farther North maybe. Don't know, if the bears could catch the seals there too.

3. Who should regulate and enforce laws preventing cruise lines and other ships pouring sewer water in international seas?
Armed patrol bird squads in connection with the now armed whales ;D
The UN need a bit more muscle and should do it.

Bonus question: Whale songs or songs about whales?
Isn't that essentially the same? I don't think whales sing about the joy of motocrossing.


1. When is the next important election where you are?

2. Should Gore run for president again?

3. Do you find it disturbing that Cheney didn't look the least evil on the photo with wife and grandchild.

Bonus question: Should Switzerland maintain a large blue water navy?
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

1. When is the next important election where you are?
Erm, the primaries...? I have no clue, besides I still can't vote here.

2. Should Gore run for president again?
I dunno, he has gathered more momentum doing other stuff so it may help him. Also, I like Obama but I sometimes (sadly) think that many people in the US would not vote for a black man. Who knows, perhaps it is Gore's time to run.

3. Do you find it disturbing that Cheney didn't look the least evil on the photo with wife and grandchild.
The devil has always been able to camouflage, it stands to logic that he would be able to hide his demonic innards from time to time.

Bonus question: Should Switzerland maintain a large blue water navy?
In principle sounds dumb, but the real question should be made to a non affiliated military strategist on the advantages of such navy in the case of an invasion. About the likelihood of such invasion, well, if rapture comes and the Chinese horde invades Europe...  ::) ::) ::)
:tank: :tank: :tank: :tank: :tank: :tank:
1. Should the EU become a (unified) military power?

2. Should the UN have its own army, and what should be its role?

3. When will the security council abolish veto power for its 5 VIP members?

Bonus question: If someone made a successful colony in international waters how long it would take for a power to take control of it?
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.

Scriblerus the Philosophe

1. Should the EU become a (unified) military power?
Absolutely not.

2. Should the UN have its own army, and what should be its role?
I'm sort of torn on this. On one hand, I am innately suspicious of ANYTHING international. But on the other, It would be a handy way to handle genocide and international terrorism.

3. When will the security council abolish veto power for its 5 VIP members?
Do I really have to answer that? I highly doubt it will ever happen, since none of the VIP members will want to give that power ip. It COULD happen if there was enough pressure, but that's the only way I can see it happening.

Bonus question: If someone made a successful colony in international waters how long it would take for a power to take control of it?
Dunno. Not long, I imagine.
1. Hot or mild salsa?
2. How organized are your book marks?
3. How good are the odds that the US will 'do something' about Iran? (Insert whatever you think that something is)
Bonus: How much does the TB scare tell us about the world's ability to handle possible pandemics?
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay