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The Never Ending Toadfish Interview Cycle!

Started by goat starer, November 17, 2006, 10:08:15 AM

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1. Are you more rational than not?

Yes. By nature I am a cool-headed, placid, laid-back individual. I do not get stressed. I am also a scientist, and rationality and logical progression are trained into you.

2. What makes you irrational-what event/place/thing- makes you go simply emotional and the heck with reason?

Nothing specific. I do not get panicky, or unreasonable in stress situations. I keep a clear head, and think logically. Emotional does not necessarily mean irrational. A succession of embuggerances, and I will lose my temper, I'm not a robot. But it does take quite a bit.

3. What person keeps you grounded and sane and all that is good.

Here is where I got lucky. Most people have 2 or 3 really good friends. The kind who will drop everything and come running when you need them. A group of us made friends at Uni. I have about 20 people I can call for help. And know that they would shift mountains if they had to. Quite a few of them are married, have significant others etc. Every single one of the later additions is the same kind of person. One of the group, who trained as a pyschologist, says that we are the largest such group he knows of. He wants to write a paper about us. if he does, none of us will read it. We don't need to know the what ifs and wherefores of a group dynamic, who is the what and why.

We love each other. It is as simple as that. And woe betide anyone who upsets one of us. We have Smiting Sticks, too. And will gang up to use them.


1. I love cheese. Do you?

2. Are you a morning person, or an evening person?

3. What is your favourite animal?
Imus ad magum Ozi videndum, magum Ozi mirum mirissimum....


1. I love cheese. Do you?

Love it, love it, love it! I suspect one of the reasons I became a vegetarian is so I could have cheese instead of meat.

2. Are you a morning person, or an evening person?

I am a morning person and an evening person. It's the middle of the day I'm not so good at.

3. What is your favourite animal?

I've always loved the manta ray. Does that count? I love cats, giraffes, bumblebees (I pet them when they're too busy to care- no lie!), cheetahs, moths, dolphins, owls, orangutans, turtles, too many to name all. And toadfish!

:yar: :toadfishwink: :yar: :toadfishwink: :yar: :toadfishwink:

1) If you were a piece of furniture, which one would you be?

2) What herb or spice do you use the most?

3) If your favorite living author showed up at your house asking to use the phone to call for a mechanic for his/her broken car, would you gush to her/him over his work?

Kiyoodle the Gambrinous

1) If you were a piece of furniture, which one would you be?

Probably a toilett, as very often, I'm full of ****... :)

But probably I'd be a worn-out sofa, smelling of a bar, it's been in, and whiskey, that someone poured over it by accident... :)

2) What herb or spice do you use the most?

Chilli peppers...

3) If your favorite living author showed up at your house asking to use the phone to call for a mechanic for his/her broken car, would you gush to her/him over his work?

Probably not, as I wouldn't even recognize him... :) And if I did recognize him, I'd probably not even know what to ask...


1. What was the last movie you've seen in cinema?

2. What was the last play you've seen in the theatre?

3. What kind of sun-glasses do you own?


I'm back..



1. Troy

2. Return to the Forbidden Planet (many years ago)

3. I own no sunglasses.


1. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

2. What is your earliest memory?

3. Would you be cryogenically frozen?
Imus ad magum Ozi videndum, magum Ozi mirum mirissimum....

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

1. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Rapido ruedan los carros car*gados de azucar* al ferrocarril

2. What is your earliest memory?
Me on a bus on the hands of my father (standing) going home in the evening. I must have been 3.

3. Would you be cryogenically frozen?
Nope. What's the point? Besides, even if I am not a decrepit old man, the part of me that believes in the supernatural fears that my soul -if indeed exists- would be trapped there instead of moving on.

*non rolled 'R's
:bed: :bed: :bed: :bed: :bed: :bed:
1. How important is eating good to you?

2. How important is exercising to you?

3. Are you obsessive/compulsive for something in particular?

Bonus: whats on your fridge right now?
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.


1. How important is eating good to you?

Pretty important. My stomach is fussy and I try to avoid the discomfort of fast food. My best bet is to eat very simply.

2. How important is exercising to you?

It has become more important now that I'm older and have some back problems. If I don't excercise, I feel the back problems. So I excercise. Again, a preventative measure.

3. Are you obsessive/compulsive for something in particular?

My husband would say I'm obsessive/compulsive about the kitchen sink. I can't stand seeing gunk in it first thing in the morning, especially when that gunk is under the breakfast  dishes. So I'll take out the breakfast dishes, wash the sink, put the dishes back in and then wash them. I'm not a clean freak, but I don't relish the thought of last night's bacteria in this morning's dishwater. I prefer my bacteria fresh, I guess.

Bonus: On my fridge is a bunch of drawings by my daughter, a Zippy the Pinhead comic, a Tom the Dancing Bug comic, a calendar,and an invitation to a reunion for d.c. space (an art club I used to frequent).

:-\   :-\   :-\   :-\   :-\

1) Bees: pro or con?

2) Are you a fan of hats?

3) I have three houses for sale in the afterlife: The first is in Hell, next door to the original Blackbeard the pirate. The second is in Limbo, next to Oscar Wilde. The third is in Heaven, next to Martin Luther King, Jr. Which one might you be interested in?


1) Bees: pro or con?

Bees are cool. they have a fascinating social structure, and I love honey.

2) Are you a fan of hats?

Hats are cool. I have lots of hats. My most recent is a fez, obtained in Turkey a month ago. Loving the fez. An Aussie Barmah hat is on its way, as a birthday pressie from a friend.

3) I have three houses for sale in the afterlife: The first is in Hell, next door to the original Blackbeard the pirate. The second is in Limbo, next to Oscar Wilde. The third is in Heaven, next to Martin Luther King, Jr. Which one might you be interested in?

All three. Can then switch between them, and rent out the unoccupied two to the deserving. I suspect I'd spend most time in Limbo. Dinner parties inviting the neighbours would be interesting...


1. Given 10 minutes, an iron-cast alibi and a baseball bat, who would be in trouble?

2. Returning to the theme of dinner parties, name your five favourite guests. (death and being a fictional character no bar)

3. Britney or Christina?
Imus ad magum Ozi videndum, magum Ozi mirum mirissimum....

Sibling Lambicus the Toluous

1. Given 10 minutes, an iron-cast alibi and a baseball bat, who would be in trouble?

Nobody.  I'm not really into the idea of settling disagreements with a baseball bat.

2. Returning to the theme of dinner parties, name your five favourite guests. (death and being a fictional character no bar)

Not sure if this would count as my "favourite" guests, but this dinner party would be interesting:

- Mahatma Ghandi
- Babe Ruth
- Steven Wright
- John A. MacDonald
- William Randolph Hearst

3. Britney or Christina?

Christina, but only because my wife wasn't an option.   ;)

:istad: :istad: :istad: :istad: :istad: :istad: :istad: :istad: :istad:

1. Hang gliding or bungee jumping?  Why?

2. How late do you have to get up before you consider it "sleeping in"?

3. Do you vote in every election (i.e. federal, state/provincial, local... all of 'em)?  Which ones do you skip, if any?

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

Quote from: Sibling Lambicus the Toluous on July 19, 2007, 08:50:30 PM
1. Given 10 minutes, an iron-cast alibi and a baseball bat, who would be in trouble?
Nobody.  I'm not really into the idea of settling disagreements with a baseball bat.
The individual that crossed my mind while reading the question could have a 'healthier' demise just by forcing him to run on a treadmill until his hearth stops, but that couldn't be called humble, shame on me...
:devil2: :devil2: :devil2:

1. Hang gliding or bungee jumping?  Why?
As a desire, hang gliding (more control), although I have to admit that both appeal to me and that it isn't likely I will be doing any (my wife wouldn't allow it).

2. How late do you have to get up before you consider it "sleeping in"?
You mean keep sleeping? Quite late then, after 8 PM and likely to wake up at 12-1 (not such a good idea).

3. Do you vote in every election (i.e. federal, state/provincial, local... all of 'em)?  Which ones do you skip, if any?
If I can I do unless something prevents me from doing it (like important work that day or travel). Ironically the one that I skip is usually the condo association one...
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
1. The road is yours, straight, alone and in perfect shape (and no police in sight). Do you indulge your right feet?

2. Sweets, meats or breads?

3. Have you found yourself liking the work of someone with whom you disagree in some fundamental way? Who and what?
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.

Kiyoodle the Gambrinous

1. The road is yours, straight, alone and in perfect shape (and no police in sight). Do you indulge your right feet?

I indulge it until I make a hole in the floor... :)

2. Sweets, meats or breads?

First have a steak with a piece of bread and then some sweet sweet dessert.

3. Have you found yourself liking the work of someone with whom you disagree in some fundamental way? Who and what?

I really don't know...


1. Please answer the previous question no. 3, as I wasn't able to give a nice answer.

2. Do you like Gershwin? Would you like to meet him personally?

3. If you had to choose between playing the piano at the Carnegie Hall or performing at the Sidney Opera, what would you choose?

Bonus: Do you respect yourself?

I'm back..


Scriblerus the Philosophe

1. Please answer the previous question no. 3, as I wasn't able to give a nice answer.
(3. Have you found yourself liking the work of someone with whom you disagree in some fundamental way? Who and what?)
Yes. I disagree with ROn Paul on a few issues, such as abortion and gay marriage, but I can see his points and tolerate his views.

2. Do you like Gershwin? Would you like to meet him personally?
Dunno. He was amusing, from what I've read of him, and I like his work, but I dunno if I'd really want to meet him.

3. If you had to choose between playing the piano at the Carnegie Hall or performing at the Sidney Opera, what would you choose?

In reality: SInging. I can sing passably for a total ameature.
Ideally: Piano. I wish to no end I played something.

Bonus: Do you respect yourself?
I try.
1. Do you hate junk mail as much as I do?

2. Do you have an irrational fear of anything? If so, what is it?

3. Did you get hte new Harry Potter book?
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay


1. Do you hate junk mail as much as I do?
Electronic or on paper (feed it to the oven!)

2. Do you have an irrational fear of anything? If so, what is it?
Certain mostly harmless animals are the first to come to mind.
And then there is the fear that I could spontaneously commit some horrid act.

3. Did you get hte new Harry Potter book?
Yes, and read it more or less in 1 go (and went to bed at 5am as a result)


1. What movie genre is your favorite?

2. Do you feel attracted or revulsed by the "obscene"

3. Do you like snakes?
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.


1. What movie genre is your favorite?

I like artsy movies, that is- ones that don't follow Hollywood formulas, but involve more creativity and message.

2. Do you feel attracted or revulsed by the "obscene"

That depends on your definition of "obscene". To me, obscene is violence and cruelty. I am completely repulsed by them. To some people, nakedness and sex are obscene, but to me that's just nature.

3. Do you like snakes?

I think that snakes are very unique animals and deserve more respect. I respect them quite a lot. When I come across one in the garden, my first reaction is to respect it so much I yelp slightly and back off quickly. My next reaction would be to try to identify the snake, to make sure the domestic critters are safe. Even if it was a poisonous snake, I would not try to kill it, or ask anyone else to do so. I  might call animal control to see if they would come and remove it to a safer spot.


1) Do you think that forgiveness is part of being humble?

2) Is there anythig you would judge to be unforgivable?

3) Which better suits you: "Forgive and Forget" or "Live and Learn"?


1) Do you think that forgiveness is part of being humble?
Yes and no, I think is is someting to strive for, but I don't think it is in the human nature to be able to completely forgive and forget.

2) Is there anything you would judge to be unforgivable?
Yes, a few things. I think what one is able to forgive is and has to be someting very personal.

3) Which better suits you: "Forgive and Forget" or "Live and Learn"?
The later, my live has thought me to learn by my misstakes and then move on.


1) If you for one day could become another human being who would that be, and why?

2) If you for one day could become any animal what animal would that be, and why?

3) If you had the choose to either spend a month in a spacecraft and on a spacestation or a month at a underwater research station what would you choose and why?
"Kafka was a social realist" -Lindorm out of context

"You think education is expensive, try ignorance" -Anonymous


1) If you for one day could become another human being who would that be, and why?
Given that it is only a short term experience, a person of the opposite sex would be first choice (and one, unlike me, having a sex life for that matter). Ok, that's rather shallow but the only reason to be a specific other person would be to know something about them that one could not know otherwise. This would also point more towards a character in the past.

2) If you for one day could become any animal what animal would that be, and why?
I really would like to know how it is to be a cephalopod (either a giant squid or a smaller one with color changing ability). An added feature would be that they are very probably self-conscious.

3) If you had the choose to either spend a month in a spacecraft and on a spacestation or a month at a underwater research station what would you choose and why?
Difficult choice but giving my sensitivity to vertigo, zero gravity might not be desirable. If the sealab is in an interesting spot, that would therefore win. I don't know, whether I would pass a diving test though.


1) Do you have allergies and to what extent?

2) Prose, epic or poetry? (and do you dabble in any of it yourself?)

3) Do you prefer sung or instrumental music (or don't you like either)?
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.