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Started by jjj, August 06, 2007, 11:10:00 AM

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Sibling Lambicus the Toluous

Quote from: jjj on August 18, 2007, 09:04:56 AM
QuoteEnvy and power-hunger are only ambition cranked way up.  Selfishness is only too much self-interest (and possessiveness is only too much regard for material posessions), and aggression is only assertiveness taken too far.  Anger (or rage) can be a positive trait when used properly; much of the Civil Rights movement came out of anger at the status quo, for example.
That's why we should dismantle them instead of putting up with them or worse, fostering them. If you analyze every neg/ detrimental result the true cause was a (or several) neg trait(s).

You're ignoring my point: just about any trait that a person can have can be positive or negative, depening on how its applied.

A person with no capacity for anger will be happy with any injustice.  A person with no personal ambition to change the world (which, if taken to its extreme could become hunger for power) would not try to grasp it from a tyrant.

Saying that because we don't want rage, for example, we should breed it out is like saying that because drug overdoses are dangerous, we should get rid of all drugs, even if very beneficial at the proper dosages.

Quote from: jjj on August 18, 2007, 09:04:56 AM
Women's bodies are designed to take it; men not.
It's my contention that peoples' bodies are not designed at all, which would render your argument meaningless.

Quote from: jjj on August 18, 2007, 09:04:56 AM amount of piano practice will change your genes.
Since you know it, please explain how (for instants) a musical talent is inherited, if it's not, because an ancestor from that particular family tree was musically active?  On Boxing Day I used to ask my little fans: 'What did you get for Christmas? I got a whistle!  See, that explains it all or does it?
I'm not really sure what you're referring to about Christmas, but here's a crash course in genetics:

- Each of us has a set of genes.  These genes are fixed and do not change during our lives. 

- We get certain traits from our genes.  We get other traits in other ways: environment (which can include everything from hormones while in the womb to upbringing), learning, circumstance, luck, etc.  While these traits may help or harm us as individuals, they don't change our genes.

- If we're lucky enough to find mates and have children, their genes will be a combination of the genes of both parents.  These genes will, in some combination, give the children some innate traits that either one parent or both parents had.  Children don't directly get piano playing ability through their genes, for example, but whatever innate capacity was in the parents may lie untapped within the child as well.

- In addition to our genes, we pass down other traits to our children by providing their environment (which causes traits in the child), teaching them both directly and indirectly, etc.

So... let's look at how this effects piano playing ability: the genes would affect the inherent, innate, unlearned traits, such as: finger length, muscle structure, or general intelligence.  Building on that foundation, we put the learned behaviour: the actually playing piano part.

So... you may get better at piano over your life, but this doesn't affect your genes.  Your child may be better at playing the piano than you are, but all else being equal (i.e. same parents, same environment, same education, etc.), your child will play the piano just as well whether or not you played.