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Started by jjj, August 06, 2007, 11:10:00 AM

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Ok- I've stayed quiet  :-X
trying to be humble and allow my fellow human being his say but...

jjj- "vital male bits" etc   :headbang:

my female bits are vital as well or no males ever born (etc)

jjj-"dear strict moderators"
you haven't really seen strict yet friend--- some strict comes with a big ole smiting stick and so far it is well hidden somewhere in Texas by a dear one who wields it well ( I am so glad I don't have it with me- I would be bad)

also you seem to have this idea that all lesbians use a penis substitute as part of their lovemaking- ??????-- most lesbians I know, and I meet many as a wedding/ceremonial officiant, not to mention family and friends- anyway they don't need or desire a penis substitute!

Normal is a setting on a washing machine- not a human trait(genetic or otherwise). Genes are copies and when making copies things change and hence evolution over several billion years to what all earth species are now.
Gay/Lesbian people are not broken and in need of fixing. They are not mutants. The idea of genes being healthy or unhealthy is incorrect- genes don't have a moral compas- they exist strictly to survive and go on- some say we are simply "ugly bags of mostly water" that are simply gene vehicles and nothing else- that all else is secondary to our genes needing to replicate and go on.

variation is overwhealmingly a  GOOD thing.
Yes their is evil (holocaust, African slave disapora, sex slavery, etc)

debate is good- and is welcome and often refreshing- but when it degrades into arguing and categorising people negatively then it is bad

exchange of ideas is good- many positive things can come out of it- human growth is very dependant on the exchange of ideas- we've evolved this over many eons, but bashing is not good

Your thoughts and ideas are your own- and because you are a person you are entitled to your thoughts and ideas but you are taking it a bit further- you want to debate which is ok with me but you don't seem to want to learn from the debate, that is crossing the line here. We are a diverse group who don't agree 100% of the time- but we are humble enough to listen and try and wear each others shoes and play nicely.

Ok I'm going to be quiet now-- I've been a bit un-humble but when my "bits" are picked on ...

yours in peace
Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.


I think we should allow ourselves the luxury to speak our mind without worrying that someone is offended by it. I mean otherwise we cannot learn anything from each other if we all the time say... ahhh this is offensive, this is over the line, this is touching my bits... etc.
To me there's nothing at all whats-o-ever can offend or upset me!

This clearly means I'm censored in which insight I can disclose and which I have to hide... That's how it was under communism in East Germany!
See, I don't have this problem when I ponder and reason with myself. There I can be totally honest about my thoughts and views. It's been long time since I left East Germany. No wonder I got used to freedom of speech, but now the red flag hangs over me once again, Oh no, please!
Sure, my insight isn't perfect, but as I mentioned (many times) it's amendable. What more can one wish for? So, it's not true that I don't want to learn something. You see to enjoy revenge more than humility, don't you? That's a neg trait I think... I don't want to amend my insight with that; sorry. Well, it's almost 1 a.m... Allow me to dream about it. Good night!   :)


Quote from: jjj on August 18, 2007, 03:50:33 PM
I think we should allow ourselves the luxury to speak our mind without worrying that someone is offended by it. I mean otherwise we cannot learn anything from each other if we all the time say... ahhh this is offensive, this is over the line, this is touching my bits... etc.
To me there's nothing at all whats-o-ever can offend or upset me!

This clearly means I'm censored in which insight I can disclose and which I have to hide... That's how it was under communism in East Germany!
See, I don't have this problem when I ponder and reason with myself. There I can be totally honest about my thoughts and views. It's been long time since I left East Germany. No wonder I got used to freedom of speech, but now the red flag hangs over me once again, Oh no, please!
Sure, my insight isn't perfect, but as I mentioned (many times) it's amendable. What more can one wish for? So, it's not true that I don't want to learn something. You see to enjoy revenge more than humility, don't you? That's a neg trait I think... I don't want to amend my insight with that; sorry. Well, it's almost 1 a.m... Allow me to dream about it. Good night!   :)

Hi, jjj. This is a message written in my official capacity as an administrator of this forum.

You will please not accuse the management of this forum of censorship, be it by innuendo, outright accusation, or grossly over-inflated comparison to oppressive regimes in history. You have not been prevented from expressing your views. You shall accordingly not attempt to play the role of oppressed victim, because you are no such thing.

The members of this forum have a right of free expression equal to yours. If they are offended or otherwise moved by something, they are free to express that sentiment, and you are likewise free to express any sentiment of offense or lack thereof.

Thank you.
There is a pleasure sure to being mad
That only madmen know.
--John Dryden


May I please add in my capacity as a moderator that the stated goal of this site (see home page) is to learn how to communicate more effectively using humbleness and tolerance. The ones who stay here are the ones who feel that this is a worthy project. If we are simply blurting out whatever we want, unapologetically without regard to others, we are not communicating in the intended fashion.

If someone is unable to be sensitive to the feelings of others, he may have to accept that he is unqualified to continue here.

The Meromorph

Quote from: jjj on August 18, 2007, 03:50:33 PMSee, I don't have this problem when I ponder and reason with myself. There I can be totally honest about my thoughts and views.

If you sincerely wish to learn, and 'amend your views', perhaps you might consider that the reason you 'don't have this problem' when inside your own head, is that there is nothing else in there from which you might learn that a) your views are rooted in an appalling level of ignorance about the very things you claim to base them on, b) you are encountering no-one else in there to whom your inappropriate judgement of everything other than what pleases you as 'defective' might cause offense.
Dances with Motorcycles.

Kiyoodle the Gambrinous

I wanted to ignore this thread, as I get a little mad from time to time, while reading it, but I had to react. Not on the topic the moderators talked about, they stated clearly what many around here think.

I wanted to add something to the whole "anal" topic that was here. JJJ, you say that it's unnatural for a man to have sex with another man.

There's one thing in a male body that would actually quite denounce this statement:

A man's prosthate can be stimulated through the rectum and thus lead to an orgasm and ejaculation. Why would the nature give us men this "gift" if it wasn't intended for use? In you way of thinking I would say that us, heterosexuals, are being against nature laws, against our genes, because of not using this capability? Actually we are the "imperfect", "handicapped" ones...

I'm back..


Scriblerus the Philosophe

JJ, I've mostly stayed away from debating you. It's my standard to be tolerant of views different than mine, now matter how different than mine.
And yours are cannot resemble mine less.

I have no problem with you having an opinion. And with you speaking about it.
I do object those who are impervious to reason.
As you seem to be.

I do object to people who are extremely pushy about their views,
As you have been.

I do object to people who play the victim.
Which you just did.
Our admins and mods have been so very tolerant of you. Far more then I would be. They've put up with your comments about camps and homosexuality. They've allowed you to say your piece.
If this was Soviet East Germany, you'd have been in a gulag in Siberia right now, and you know it!
How dare you compare one of the most tolerant group of people I've ever, ever met with a government that killed and imprisoned millions of people for very damn little! One that oppressed and mislead its people for decades!

I do object to people who refuse to adjust their views to logic!
You've been presented with lots of information that counters yours, and yet you refuse to adjust.

I do object to hypocrites.
You don't want to cloud your world view with that of others, huh? But you'll sell your crackpot views to any sucker who'll buy it in order to enlighten them?
Hmmm...I wonder.

I do object to cherry picking and back pedaling.
And you've done both.

I object to people who purposely stir others up.
And I swear that's what it looks like you're doing!

Perhaps I've over stepped my bounds as a non-mod, and I apologize. I normally am more relaxed and even tempered, but you frustrate me so very, very much.
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay


Sibling Chatty

Sibling K, you're a Sibling.

Modship isn't anywhere near as important as Siblinghood. (Mods get to do the heavy lifting of clean-up, except me, because I am too lazy to learn how...heh, heh.)

You may speak truth when you wish, and you have, and I thank you.
This sig area under construction.

goat starer

here is a medal for kanaloa from the people republic of goatistan!

she is hereby made president of the lions club (whatever that is!)


Best regards

Comrade Goatvara

"And the Goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a Land not inhabited"


I am also not one to confront the silicon anti-defamation league easily and am happy that the need for modding here is far lower than it was at TOP.
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.

Bruder Cuzzen

@#$%&! jj I can't believe this shit !!!! You weren't even supposed respond as a sign of good will !!! Now that I've found you after wandering about , lost in the corridors , I find that the mods have gotten so befuddled by you that sibling Chatty has been called to the front .

Now Chatty happens to be very dear to us and has earned our respect , if you piss her off a phone call will most likely be sent to Auntie Dee Dee , if that happens I'm headed for cover and you are on your own pal .

Scriblerus the Philosophe

I think she's already gone in, BC.

Thanks! And I'll wear that medal with pride, O Leader of the Goatistan People.
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

Griffin NoName

I have nothing to add to the posts by other Toadfish here except to say to jjj here is an opportunity for you to read the posts and understand them and amend your insights, an activity you talk a lot about doing.

I do wish to amend things which I are factually incorrect.

Quote from: jjj on August 18, 2007, 11:16:33 AM
QuoteChildbirth is far from perfect. It is still a killer of women and children.  A natural killer. One which humans mess with and prevent correction to survival of the fittest. Steralisation of bad pelvic females may be needed.
Women have the choice/ right not to have children. Bad pelvic women are aware of their condition and thus, need to abstain from childbearing or choose the Cesarean method. Or could it be (like homosexuality) that nature tries to curb population growth in this way?

Worldwide, few women have the choice/right not to have children.

"Bad pelvic" women are not aware of the shape of their pelvis until it fails to allow childbirth the first time, unless they have been X-rayed or scanned which few will have been. The usual way it is discovered is post-childbirth when birth trauma leads to investigation. If they are still alive.

Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand

Scriblerus the Philosophe

Usually, I think.
My own mother has a bad pelvis for child birth. And there are three of us.
I didn't see this one before. I'm sort of surprised that you suggested that, jjj. But I shouldn't be.
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay