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"Canadian Smalltalk" (weather - all nations included!) Thread

Started by Aggie, November 29, 2006, 06:36:23 PM

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Sibling Lambicus the Toluous

Outis made an appearance, so it seems she at least has Internet access from her avalanche-covered home.

BTW - here, we've had a foot or two of snow overnight, and it's all blowing around... which works out well for me, since it sends all the snow from my driveway down the street!

Scriblerus the Philosophe

Ahh, it's weather like that that makes me glad to live where I do.
80*F here, and I'm running around in a tank top and Hawaiian shirt.  ;D blooming is overwith, by and large, and our trees are leafing up.
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

Sibling Lambicus the Toluous

I was in Mexico last week.  I think I lost ten pounds in sweat and breathed in ten pounds of dust.

It's been warm (well, above freezing.  I know "warm" is relative) back home here, so everything got melty and semi-green.  It's supposed to get cold again, so it seems like things will be brown and bare soon.

Sibling Chatty

My peach trees are blooming, the bluebonnets are coming out nice and full this year, and the mid-day mid 80's are already getting warm....

Wish I had a camera, and steady hands. The peach blossoms are spectacular. Maybe THIS year, I'll get them thinned out and get some decent peaches. LAST year, I was too busy to bother.
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Bruder Cuzzen

The temp. is hovering around zero during the days, very cold at night due to the wind but the smell of spring is in the air.I've noticed afew of the squirrels i've been fattening up in the autumn have not returned so i believe the winter was hard on the ones that forgot buried their  lunches.

Anyhow playoff time be a coming and the Leafs shall be in contention now that the Keon curse is over.

Sibling Lambicus the Toluous

It's hovering around zero (or around 30-ish, for the Americans reading this) here, too.

It's quite windy as well; if it weren't for the temperature, I'd say that this is some of the best surfing weather I've ever seen on freshwater.

Brother Cuzzen, you aren't Canadian, are you?

Bruder Cuzzen

Greetings Sibling Lambicus!

Tis I,formally known as ChowMein, and yes i am Canadian,more accurately i could be refferd to as a CanAsian (haha).

It's 2 degrees C at the moment but very windy and overcast ,however the hockey playoffs are just around the corner and run on till June so i am feeling the warmth of late sring as i type.Spring shall be glorious, sigh.(It will be a month later in Tansy's part of Ontario,I think she moved up to the Soo or Sudbury,that would be the same approximate latitude as the furthest point of Michigan,It's cooold up there.
Much nicer down here in Toronto.

Sibling Lambicus the Toluous

Ack!  I'm in the GTA myself.  Not Toronto proper, though - I'm in Durham.

I'm a Canadian who doesn't care about or follow hockey, so I'm a bit of a social pariah.   ;D

Bruder Cuzzen

Hey Sib Lambicus,I only follow the actual playoffs,the regular season is far to long and overly violent for my liking.How some of those guys get away with criminal assaults is beyond me.



What's this stuff falling from the sky?  It feels like water.  Yeah, right, water falling from the sky - go ahead pull the other one, it's got bells on it!

I have done some research on the phenomenon and have found some obscure references in an ancient scroll to something called "rain".  My research reveals that most scholars believe that this "rain" is some sort of mythological fertility god.  I did find one article in an obscure journal that claimed that "rain" was some sort of meteorological event, but this article went on to make all sorts of unlikely claims such as ice and even some sort of fluffy white stuff (I think it was called "snow") also falling from the sky.  This guy has obviously been smoking too much happy weed IMO.

Sibling Bluenose
Myers Briggs personality type: ENTP -  "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 3.2% of the total population.

Sibling Chatty

I know about the 'rain'. We have that some times.

I DO NOT believe in "snow".

The sun lives in the sky, so OBVIOUSLY any 'frozen' rain would melt before it could fall.

These jokers must think we're daft.

My theory on rain is that a strong wind blows water out of a lake or ocean, and it falls on you, much like the rain of fish or cabbages we sometimes hear about from Pseudopolis and Quirm, and even Klatch.
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Griffin NoName

What about the frogs?

Quote from: the end of the movie, a rare but precedented event occurs: frogs rain from the sky

No ones mentioned the frogs  :'(
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand

Sibling Chatty

We're having a Wiki-quote problem. The forum is missing the close parenthesis at the end of URLs from Wiki. It took me three tries to get the Lamb Chop one right where I used it...

Rains of frogs are MUCH too Biblical. And much too squishy.

Or much too Aristophanean.

Aristophanes wrote The Frogs. I had to take theater history. This guy
sums it all up for me!
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Bruder Cuzzen

All the talk of beer has made me thirsty,However the only beer i can't get enough of is ginger beer.

Any other type of beer seems a waste of good water and barley to me.

yep, beer is wasted on me ,however i can finish a Guinness,Canadian and the one in a green bottle from Denmark without vomitting immediately.
From my family of eight i'm the only one that can say that.
Red wine and hard booze I can drink far to much of and i find myself (half the time) sticking a finger down my throat or driking an outrageous amount of water to avoid alcohol poisoning.

But i haven't had to do so in years since that kinda drinking was decades ago.

Besides if i feel like getting sick i watch a Leaf game.

Griffin NoName

The wiki link I put in to Magnolia above is missing a ")" at the end of the link - it is shown above but is black not blue and not picked up when clicking on the link.

This fault seems to be specific to the way I quoted it which is as the "author" of the quote. Quotes normally include a date etc after author when using the quote function in the reply page. I think because I typed it, not adding a date after author, it isn't handling the last character correctly, maybe because it is a ")" or maybe it wouldn't whatever that character was. Too lazy to test !! (will anyone ever quote a link that ends in a ")" again?) The issue arises due to Wiki differentiating [in brackets] between a Magnolia flower and the Magnolia film.

I could write more on this topic ;)
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand