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The Never Ending Toadfish Interview Cycle!

Started by goat starer, November 17, 2006, 10:08:15 AM

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1. Do you plan to post pictures of your Halloween costume?

Oh, I all ready have.

2. What were you?

I was me- the weirdest thing I can think of!

3. Are you already planning for next year?

Yes, I'm planning to be me again.

;D :mrgreen: ;D :mrgreen: ;D :mrgreen: ;D :mrgreen: ;D :mrgreen: ;D :mrgreen:

1) What smell do you find to be the most objectionable?

2) What is your favorite part of November?

3) Chewy, crunchy or creamy?


1) What smell do you find to be the most objectionable?
Black mold (presumably Aspergillus niger).  I enjoy many pungent smells (durian, hot garbage with diesel fumes, chocolate lily [Fritillaria sp.]), but mold smell makes me retch.

2) What is your favorite part of November?
Remembrance Day, especially on a Friday or Monday. ;) 
Otherwise, November is my least favorite month. 

3) Chewy, crunchy or creamy?
All three together, especially in chocolate bars. ;)
Slight edge to crunchy overall and creamy/soft for fruit.


1) What is your favorite month?

2) What makes a month 'good' to you - weather and activities, or holidays and happenings?

3) Are you looking forward to any upcoming years in particular?  Which year(s)?

Scriblerus the Philosophe

1) What is your favorite month?

2) What makes a month 'good' to you - weather and activities, or holidays and happenings?


3) Are you looking forward to any upcoming years in particular?  Which year(s)?

Mmm, 2009. I move out.
1. Muffins or scones?

2. Have you ever had a nazook?

3. Dreds or bald--which is better?
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay


1. Muffins or scones?
muffins--- warm from the oven

2. Have you ever had a nazook?
never had it- had to google to find out it is a type of pastry- must try and find some or try and make some- I'm a carb-aholic- sounds delish

3. Dreds or bald--which is better?
depends on the person
Bob Marley--- what else but dreds
Patrick Stewart-- what else but bald

bald guys are sexy overall- but so are guys with lots of hair (think 80's bands)-- so I just like boys 


1. Which one place could you live in for the rest of your life- city, area, etc-- money is no object.

2. Who was your best friend growing up?

3. Do you still know that childhood friend- do you keep up?

Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.


1. Which one place could you live in for the rest of your life- city, area, etc-- money is no object.

Ahhh, Santa Barbara, CA. If only I could just buy the old monastery there and live out my days with you guys on the lovely landcsape between the steep mountains and the sea. I can see us pulling chairs out onto the stone patios and chatting until the wee hours.

2. Who was your best friend growing up?

Her name was Jeanne. She was from Monatana and just sorta showed up beside me one day in art class. She was an outsider, shy and funny. We loved being different from everyone else and often decided to do projects together quite independently from what the school had in mind. Once we got sick of seeing a very long empty bulletin board in one of the halls, so we skipped class and helped ourselves to the art supplies, making a display by dipping our hands in paint and creating flowers from open-hand prints and buds in various stages of opening from our fists. Luckily, our art teacher was an odd person himself, and claimed to have given us permission when we were called on it.

3. Do you still know that childhood friend- do you keep up?

Alas, she died of breast cancer around eight years ago. But I think of her often. I was just talking to her the other day in my mind (it being Samhain and all) and remembering our antics and thanking her for being such a great friend.

:tlite: :tlite: :tlite: :tlite: :tlite: :tlite: :tlite: :tlite: :tlite: :tlite: :tlite: :tlite: :tlite: :tlite: :tlite: :tlite: :tlite: :tlite: :tlite: :tlite: :tlite: :tlite: :tlite: :tlite:

1) Do you think that maybe we can still communicate with our deceased friends?

2) Do you ever give "mental hugs"?

3) I've just given you a mental hug. Did you receieve it?


1) Do you think that maybe we can still communicate with our deceased friends?
I think that in a very real way we can- not so much that they are involved in the giving back- it's more of a oneway thing- but I do think that love lives on and when we remember loved ones who have died and keep them alive within up then -- yes we are communicating with them. As long as we remember someone and pass them along then they never really go away. I also see it as communicating with the larger whole of humanity- death is something that visits us all and all cultures have a form of 'dealing with' death- I prefer to attempt to do it in a positive and meaningful manner.

2) Do you ever give "mental hugs"?

Oh yes- I'm always sending out  'vibes' - thinking of you sort of things- really concentrating on someone.

3) I've just given you a mental hug. Did you receieve it?

I think so-- so nice to know that we care about and think about each other.

:kettle: :catroll: :kettle: :catroll: :kettle: :catroll: :kettle: :catroll: :kettle: :catroll:

1) do you believe that inside of each living person is a separate thing that is very often termed a soul? I'm not necessarily talking in a Christianity sense either- of course that might be your thoughts-and I'm always interested in all views- but other ways of thinking about soul as well as a separate thing.

2) Have you read Steven Kings Dark Tower Series? Thoughts on it?

3) Why are we (not all of us-but many) facinated with people like Brittney, Paris, Michael Jackson etc?
Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

1) do you believe that inside of each living person is a separate thing that is very often termed a soul? I'm not necessarily talking in a Christianity sense either- of course that might be your thoughts-and I'm always interested in all views- but other ways of thinking about soul as well as a separate thing.
I believe that there may be something to it although it is hard to tell what exactly. I've read a bit on the subject of re-incarnation and there seem to be some reason to believe that there might be something else after death, as if some of our experiences and even emotions were able to subsist after we die. Still, if you believe that argument it is very hard to say if the person/soul that recalls* such events is the same that experienced them.

2) Have you read Steven Kings Dark Tower Series? Thoughts on it?
Nope, sorry, you'll have to ask someone else. :-[

3) Why are we (not all of us-but many) facinated with people like Brittney, Paris, Michael Jackson etc?
I think it is a bit of us internally wishing at times the same attention, a bit of "perhaps my situations isn't bad after all", and a bit of schadenfreude. Besides we humans have always liked the circus freak-show; the mixture of our natural curiosity and morbid feelings.

*under hypnoses; some cases are genuinely intriguing. This is a very interesting subject with lots of angles, from the medical, psychological and religious fronts that may merit its own thread. Personally I like some Buddhist thoughts on the subject.

1. What do you tell yourself when you don't want to get up from bed but you have to?

2. Have you been in a situation in which there is loud music you don't like but you have to stay? How do you deal with that?

3. Have you eaten live (ie, it is still alive) food? If not are you willing to try?

Bonus question: See the picture above, it is a bio-degradable coffin. What do you think about it? Would you consider using one?
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.


1. What do you tell yourself when you don't want to get up from bed but you have to?

"Coffee awaits!"

2. Have you been in a situation in which there is loud music you don't like but you have to stay? How do you deal with that?

By getting as far away from the sound as possible and starting a loud conversation with someone else.

3. Have you eaten live (ie, it is still alive) food? If not are you willing to try?
Bean sprouts are still alive when you eat them. So are yogurt cultures. I love both of those foods. I don't think I'd eat a living animal though. Sounds like unhappy mojo.

Bonus question: See the picture above, it is a bio-degradable coffin. What do you think about it? Would you consider using one?

Oh yes, indeed. I would consider it an honor if it was floated down a river and lit on fire as it sailed off. (I would not allow my spouse to be in it with me, though, unless he was all ready deceased as well. And wearing an "I'm with Stupid" tee shirt!  ;D)


1) Do you often rely on your instincts in times of uncertainty?

2) Do you believe that The Great Everything respects a sense of humor?

3) Do you think that greater spirituality might relive suffering?

BONUS QUESTION: Do you think that okra may not have originated on this planet?

Sibling Chatty

1) Do you often rely on your instincts in times of uncertainty?

2) Do you believe that The Great Everything respects a sense of humor?

3) Do you think that greater spirituality might relive suffering?

BONUS QUESTION: Do you think that okra may not have originated on this planet?

Yes, yes, yes and yes.

(Yes three on the assumption that you meant relieve instead of relive. Reasoning? A lot of our suffering in present day isn't physical, it's emotional, based on the "WHY ME" school of thought. The proper answer is, of course, "Why NOT you?" Why should others suffer, but NOT you? Are you so much a finer human being that you get a free pass on all unpleasantness? Ya think so?? Hmmph. The Universe does not play favorites, sometimes shit just happens...)

:daz: :daz: :daz: :daz: :daz: :daz:

1. What 'little luxury' would you most hate to give up?

2. How do you differentiate between a luxury and a necessity?

3. Do you like cinnamon in your hot chocolate drinks?

Bonus: Would you ever consider cosmetic surgery?

This sig area under construction.

Scriblerus the Philosophe

Op, you sound just like me in the morning.
Kana's first thought: "ugghh...sleep...."
Second thought: "I smell Kenyan"

1. What 'little luxury' would you most hate to give up?
The internet or my cell.

2. How do you differentiate between a luxury and a necessity?
Will I die without it? No? Ok, it's a luxury.

3. Do you like cinnamon in your hot chocolate drinks?
Mmm, generally no.

Bonus: Would you ever consider cosmetic surgery?
Meeeybe. If I was in a horrible accident and broke mirrors by walking past them. Or if I was unhappy with it.
____________[insert rolling hamster here]_________________

1. What is the BEST prank you've ever pulled?

2. Meanest thing you ever said?

3. Person you despise the most?
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

Sibling Chatty

1. What is the BEST prank you've ever pulled?

Put a Volkswagon Beetle on the  platform of the auditorium/chapel at the little Baptist college I attended. I conned the football team into carrying it down the aisles and putting it up on the stage. I had a building key because I was a music practice room 'monitor' and had to lock up after the last practice hours were over. (Practice rooms in the attic and basement.)

However, others consider the diaper on Dougie my piece de resistance. See the statue in front of this building??
In 1973, I put a diaper on him that was sewn on very securely, and had to be cut off...

Prior to that I was mostly involved in the sudsing of various fountains, and a bit of 'street theatre' involving impromptu synchronized sudswimming at those fountains.

2. Meanest thing you ever said?

I repeated back to my Mother exactly what she said to me after my sister died. "We always said we had a girl for Daddy and a girl for me. My girl is gone. I don't have a daughter anymore. I will never have a daughter again." And then when she denied it (for YEARS) and denied it vehemently, even when I didn't bring it up, I finally called her two best friends, who were there with her and heard her say it, and they BOTH gave her the EXACT same quote, just as she'd said it to me.

A 'kind" person would have let her continue to think that she'd never crushed me...but then a kind mother wouldn't have continued doing so on a regular basis.

3. Person you despise the most?

Dick Cheney.

Nuff said.

:2guns: :barf:  :2guns: :barf: :smite: :2guns: :barf:

1. Do you think the American economy will fail badly enough to cause a world-wide economic crisis?

2. Do you support the actian of the French government in prosecuting Donald Rumsfeld for his criminal actions while in charge of the invasion and occupation of Iraq?

3. Do you think the US will ever have enough common sense (or balls) to apologize to the rest of the world for the debacle we're causing?
This sig area under construction.


1. Do you think the American economy will fail badly enough to cause a world-wide economic crisis?
Depends heavily on East Asia I think. If they say that enough is enough one day and drop the dollar, there will be.
A simple internal implosion might be controllable as long as the US does not actively try to pull eveyone down with them.
Iran and the US economy will be possibly a hen and egg question.

2. Do you support the actian of the French government in prosecuting Donald Rumsfeld for his criminal actions while in charge of the invasion and occupation of Iraq?
They should not have let him escape.

3. Do you think the US will ever have enough common sense (or balls) to apologize to the rest of the world for the debacle we're causing?
Let's put it this way: Any official apology will cause an internal firestorm, so it would be pretty meaningless because it will not be seen as coming from the whole US but only from a modrate minority.
It is (slightly) more likely that a future administration will try to do good or try to mend the damage but without talking much about it in public.


1. Should politicians have iron principles?

2. Your bet on the GOP primaries?

3. What are your (world) political predictions for 2008?

Bonus: Should death by rogue elephants be considered for crimes against humanity ;)?
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.

Scriblerus the Philosophe

1. Should politicians have iron principles?
Principles, yes. But common sense should take precedence.

2. Your bet on the GOP primaries? or
I WANT Ron Paul, going to expect Guliani (:vomit:)

3. What are your (world) political predictions for 2008?
either a pull out of Iraq or a bombing of all nuclear facilities in Iran.

Bonus: Should death by rogue elephants be considered for crimes against humanity Wink?
1. Is violence a part of your nature?

2. Worst injury?

3.  What is the center of your life?
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

1. Do you think the American economy will fail badly enough to cause a world-wide economic crisis?
Hard to say. It has been working out of internal consumption and credit at a rate deemed 'not sustainable', nevertheless continuing its general performance. Interestingly enough previous crisis apparently have diversified the economy in a way that makes harder to crash the whole system (just for reference check the current price of the barrel of oil with the 70s). I fear more for the medium to long term effects of the housing/credit crisis; so far it seems that the economy has been able to weather the the situation but if the banks keep making to hard to borrow and real state prices continue to fall, we could be in a moderate to big crisis in one to five years (depending of the rate of the decline).

2. Do you support the action of the French government in prosecuting Donald Rumsfeld for his criminal actions while in charge of the invasion and occupation of Iraq?
I think that while it may have little real consequences (Rummy not being able to travel outside the US) it is a nice gesture, but with Sarkozy in power I don't think it will be long lived.  :-\

3. Do you think the US will ever have enough common sense (or balls) to apologize to the rest of the world for the debacle we're causing?
Not in the foreseeable future. The current doctrine of intervention will not be changing any time soon, and how can you apologize when you want to justify doing the same sh!t over and over again?
>:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Darn, now more questions:

1. Should politicians have iron principles?
I'm not sure, in one hand the incumbent in the US (and his cronies) are supposedly faithful to the neo-con principles and look the results. A fundie is a fundie no matter if the basic principles seem Ok at first glance. On the other, how long until they change iron principles for iron fist? ;)

2. Your bet on the GOP primaries?
9-11 Giuliani, Thompson or Romney... let the devil choose!

3. What are your (world) political predictions for 2008?
A mixture of election fraud (like the US among others), constitutional changes to remain in power (Venezuela, Colombia, Pakistan) and canceled elections (Pakistan) seem to be the trend now. It's starting to look very bleak for democracy right now.

Bonus: Should death by rogue elephants be considered for crimes against humanity ;)?
That would violate the rights of the elephants!  :mrgreen:
Nope, the better choice is to send them (with most politicians) to Mars. It would be great for science and technically isn't a death penalty (they *may* survive, if nothing fails, the decalcification doesn't break their bones as soon as their arrive to Mars and they don't kill each other on transit or on the surface).
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

1. Is violence a part of your nature?
Very deep inside and I have been successful keeping it that way.

2. Worst injury?
One of my front tooth while I was on Elementary School. A very stupid tale that had it happen in the States would have merit a lawsuit.

3.  What is the center of your life?
ME!!! (ooops, did I say that outloud?) ;)

My son.
:-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X
1. You have rice, frozen veggies, chicken breasts and ground beef. What would you cook?

2. You can go back in time and learn an instrument. Which one?

3. Is there a building in particular that you like/admire?
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.


1. You have rice, frozen veggies, chicken breasts and ground beef. What would you cook?
rice and veggies-- with some chicken on the side for whomever wants to eat with me

2. You can go back in time and learn an instrument. Which one?
the Harp--- hey I think I'd look great with a Harp, ot the Spinnett(spelling?)

3. Is there a building in particular that you like/admire?
yes-- many
what came to mind first is Falling Water-- it's a house built over a waterfall that mimics nature. Frank Lloyd Wright-- it's in PA.
let's see-- Sydney Opera House
just poking around New Orleans-- some very interesting stuff
my home- plain-ordinary- but MINE


1)Where do you want to be in 5 years time?

2) Do you think we - humans- should try and colonize 'space'?

3) When all the water at the poles melts- can I come and live with you?

bonus: if you live 'lower' than me- you can come stay with me-
Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.