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The Never Ending Toadfish Interview Cycle!

Started by goat starer, November 17, 2006, 10:08:15 AM

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Scriblerus the Philosophe

1. Can you define the difference between an emergency and a disaster? (Guess who just started his course?)
I choose to answer the second one: you!

2. Why does the Clairvoyant shop in Edinburgh need to advertise?

3. Did you get a vision of two clowns in full costume going at it when "joke sex" was mentioned?

Bonus: If it happens in a different postcode (zip code, or other local variant), does it count?
1. How much of what people say is bull?

2. Is The Brave One any good in your opinion?

3. How many pets have you owned over your lifetime?
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

1. How much of what people say is bull?
Hard to tell, I would say around 50% but it seriously depends on the kind of crowd you are dealing with.

2. Is The Brave One any good in your opinion?
Who is The Brave One?

3. How many pets have you owned over your lifetime?
About 10 not counting tank fish.
:whip: :whip: :whip: :whip: :whip: :whip: :whip: :whip:
1. Does satire change the world or is it only a silly comfort?

2. Humid heat or dry cold?

3. Is it possible to have a society where people doesn't take advantage of others?
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.


1. Does satire change the world or is it only a silly comfort?
I'd say it does. The question is, for the better or the worse in the long view

2. Humid heat or dry cold?
Dry cold!!!!

3. Is it possible to have a society where people doesn't take advantage of others?
Others inside or outside that society? ;)
I think the answer is no. But the effects can be minimized enough to be endurable.

:tequila: :tequila: :tequila: :tequila: :tequila: :tequila: :tequila: :tequila: :tequila: :tequila:

1. Bath or shower? (and hot or cold?)

2. Vegetables raw or "processed"

3. butter, margarine or No Thanks! ?

Bonus: would you bath in fatty veggie mash for cosmetic purposes?
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.

The Meromorph

1. Bath or shower? (and hot or cold?)
Hot needle shower. Nothing like it for getting the clinker out of yer ass!  ::)

2. Vegetables raw or "processed"
Raw for snacking, creatively cooked for meals.

3. butter, margarine or No Thanks! ?
Butter, thank you, a little more, if you would, please!  :D

Bonus: would you bath in fatty veggie mash for cosmetic purposes?

Not for cosmetic purposes, but I could tell you a tale about a young scottish lassie and a large tub of buttered bashed neeps... :o

:help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help:

1. Have you ever given shelter to the homeless (including those you already knew)?

2. What makes for a good day to die?

3. What did you do that your mother would never forgive, if she knew?

Bonus question:
Who would you abandon everything to follow, if asked?
Dances with Motorcycles.

Sibling Chatty

1. Have you ever given shelter to the homeless (including those you already knew)?

Yep. Took in a friend of a friend who couldn't find work where he was, got him on his feet---kept him, too!! (Dan)

Honestly, I have always done so, trying to keep people from being homeless--including assorted relations, my 'adopted' son, friends, friends of friends, a person or two that I originally met on-line.

Does short term count? We 'Katrina/Rita" timeframe had anywhere form two to 11 people, plus a travel tank of fish and a trailer with 2 horses. (That extra 1/3 acre lot came in handy.) Food for all became a bit touchy, since we don't have a functional kitchen, but we made it!

2. What makes for a good day to die?

Any day when the balance of pain is more than one can bear. Suffering for the sake of 'nobly suffering' is stupid.

3. What did you do that your mother would never forgive, if she knew?

Refused ordination several times.

Bonus question:
Who would you abandon everything to follow, if asked?  Dan.
:krabbie: :krabbie: :krabbie: :krabbie: :krabbie: :krabbie: :krabbie: :krabbie: :krabbie: :krabbie:

1. What's your "dream vacation" destination?

2. How many pillows do you sleep with?

3. Do you have insomnia in any form? (What kind, if yes?)

Bonus question: DO you think love can conquer all?
This sig area under construction.

Kiyoodle the Gambrinous

1. What's your "dream vacation" destination?

I dream of making a nice little road trip - Rio, Havana, Kingston, New York and than have a nice road trip in an old convertible through the North American continent.

But at this very moment, my dream destination is France, where my girlfriend is at the moment...

2. How many pillows do you sleep with?

I sleep with one, but I usually use it for hugging, not for sleeping on it.

3. Do you have insomnia in any form? (What kind, if yes?)

Can't fall asleep at night (or in the morning, depending on how long I can't fall asleep), sometimes wake up several times at night and waking up early and not being able to fall asleep again.

Bonus question: DO you think love can conquer all?

Love is a powerfull thing. I wish love could conquer all. But unfotunately the reality is different and I'm afraid it won't conquer all... Money and hate is winning at this moment.

:kisshands: :kisshands: :kisshands: :kisshands: :kisshands:

1. Are you a person that falls in love easily?

2. You see a piece of clothing (or other item of liking) you really like, but it's very expensive and it might destroy your budget planning, but you really really want it. Do you buy it? Why? Why not?

3. Silver or golden tequila?

Bonus: Does money make the world go around?

I'm back..


Scriblerus the Philosophe

1. Are you a person that falls in love easily?
Not really.

2. You see a piece of clothing (or other item of liking) you really like, but it's very expensive and it might destroy your budget planning, but you really really want it. Do you buy it? Why? Why not?
Oh God. If it's a jacket or a hat or a tie, yes. Anything else, no.

3. Silver or golden tequila?
Neither. I don't like alcohol.

Bonus: Does money make the world go around?
Oh yes.
1. Define 'cynicism'

2. Muffins or cupcakes?

3. How long was your hair at it's longest?
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay


1. Define 'cynicism'
moral pessimism with an edge

2. Muffins or cupcakes?

those look fine

3. How long was your hair at it's longest?

in relative terms one of those should fit the bill


1. What are the climate change predictions for your area?

2. How much do you drink on average per day (not limited to alcohol)?

3. What's your weight (mass for those in a different field of gravity than normal on Earth)?
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.


Cute little serious-faced kid.

1. What are the climate change predictions for your area?

Since I'm near Washington D.C. the climate is expected to be extremely hot and windy over the next couple of years, then cooling slightly after the presidential elections, but only temporarily.

2. How much do you drink on average per day (not limited to alcohol)?

Small glass of juice, two cups of coffee,tall glass of water with lunch, and again at dinner sometimes followed by a glass or two or three of wine. (Or four.) Actually, I need to drink more water.

3. What's your weight (mass for those in a different field of gravity than normal on Earth)?

Oho, now I see why the answering stopped cold here! ...but I'll come clean, I've averaged near 150 ever since I had my daughter. Luckily, I'm seven feet tall. Nope, I'm 5'6", but my doc says I'm still in the healthy weight range, here in the U.S. where everyone weighs 500 pounds because we all eat too much McDonalds and Entenmann's danishes.

I've been thinking about this lately, how some Europeans dis us for being rather large, but we are big, muttley people here. We have few diminuative French folk (except around New Orleans). We're mixed bags of Viking titans and rock solid Native Americans and Mexicans and Africans and Asians and Mediterrainians and little green men from Mars who stop by every so often to impregnate us. (Those Martian genes can't handle our cooking, here, I'll tell you.) So I wish they'd lay off. We're not purebreds like them.

But I digress...

1) Do you believe that The Great Everything (a.k.a. God, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Brahma, The Goddess, Jahweh, what-have-you) only exists on Earth and not in Outer Space? (Thus the little green men food intolerance factor?  :mrgreen: )

2) Can you be happy in your body just as it is?

3) Have you ever been invisible?

Bonus: Can you think of a bonus question?

2) What is this "2" doing here?

Scriblerus the Philosophe

In one of those shots you look my little Dutch cousin.   ;D

1) Do you believe that The Great Everything (a.k.a. God, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Brahma, The Goddess, Jahweh, what-have-you) only exists on Earth and not in Outer Space? (Thus the little green men food intolerance factor?  Mr Green )


2) Can you be happy in your body just as it is?
For the rest of my life, yes. But I would prefer the route of self-improvement.

3) Have you ever been invisible?
Actually invisible? No. But unnoticed, yes.

Bonus: Can you think of a bonus question?
What is your favorite color?

2) What is this "2" doing here?
Not sure.
1. If the Dalai Lama came to your area, would you go see him?

2. Favorite pattern?

3. What is your favorite color?
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay


1. If the Dalai Lama came to your area, would you go see him?
If I can afford it. He was recently here for a short state visit (annoying the Chinese) but had no public appearances.

2. Favorite pattern?
Difficult. I love celtic ornaments and the colors (dark) blue and green but the ornaments are better in b/w or metal.
I love strict (but not boring) geometry

3. What is your favorite color?
Niniveh? European or African? Aaaaaaarggh! ;)
Actually dark blue (cobalt or with a hint of green)


1. If you were to award the Peace Nobel, who would be on your short list?

2. Same for literature

3. Should a posthumous Nobel be possible*?
Bonus Question: Should the Dalai Lama become General Secretary of the UN? :daz:

*In order to avoid noone receiving one while alive anymore (because all would go to Newton etc.), let's limit that to achievements past 1900.

Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.

Sibling Chatty

1. If you were to award the Peace Nobel, who would be on your short list?

Ben and Jerry (yes, the ice cream guys), Molly Ivins (posthumous, so yes to the #3 question), Barbara Ehrenreich and the protesting Monks in Burma.

2. Same for literature

Kurt Vonnegut*, Cormac McCarthy, Hunter S. Thompson*, Tom Robbins, Neil Gamian, maybe T.C. Boyle and Harlan Ellison--and a good deal of Stephen King. (King has committed the cardinal sin of being both good and very popular...not a Nobelish thing to do.)

*denotes dead guy, also part of answer to #1.

3. Should a posthumous Nobel be possible*? Yes, see nominee in #1, and those in #2 as well

Bonus Question: Should the Dalai Lama become General Secretary of the UN?

I dunno...

:pokestick: :pokestick: :pokestick: :pokestick: :pokestick: :pokestick:

1. What color is your winter coat?

2. Do you wear a hat and gloves when it's cold?

3. Will you get (or have you gotten) a flu shot?

This sig area under construction.

Sibling Lambicus the Toluous

1. What color is your winter coat?

Mostly blue with a little grey and white.

2. Do you wear a hat and gloves when it's cold?

Yes.  Especially in Quebec.*

*Chatty: even without having been to Texas, I can tell you that Quebec cold is to regular cold what Texas hot is to regular hot.  Quebec cold (or Alberta cold - nod to Aggie) is "my nose hairs are frozen and I can't feel my face, but I'm not noticing because it hurts my lungs too much to breathe" cold.

3. Will you get (or have you gotten) a flu shot?

Haven't got it yet, but I'm planning to get one.


1. What piece of parental advice do you wish you had paid more attention to when it was given?

2. An anonymous benefactor will pay up to $100,000 for a new car (only one) for you.  Ignoring differences in maintenance, insurance & upkeep costs, what do you get and why?

3. What author or written work do you think should be a "classic" that isn't normally considered so now?

Bonus question: how do you solve a problem like Maria?

Griffin NoName

1. What piece of parental advice do you wish you had paid more attention to when it was given?

None. I wish I paid less attention to all of it.

2. An anonymous benefactor will pay up to $100,000 for a new car (only one) for you.  Ignoring differences in maintenance, insurance & upkeep costs, what do you get and why?

MERCEDES-BENZ C300 Sport 2008 

Why? No idea really. Just always wanted a Merc and a sports. It's well within the budget so I could throw it away and try another similar class car from another manufacturer - maybe even another two - so I'd have ongoing novelty factor.

3. What author or written work do you think should be a "classic" that isn't normally considered so now?

Margaret Forster. Sheer brilliance of observation of humans - the Pinter of the Novel.

Bonus question: how do you solve a problem like Maria?

By switching the TV off.


1. Where would you like to see a World Summit and why?

2. Would you refuse to go into care if you became unable to care for yourself and had no carer, and if so why would you refuse and how would you cope (with no money).

3.  Where do you sing or hum?
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand

Scriblerus the Philosophe

1. Where would you like to see a World Summit and why?

Not sure. Try someplace poor in the Carribean.

2. Would you refuse to go into care if you became unable to care for yourself and had no carer, and if so why would you refuse and how would you cope (with no money).

Hell yes. If my mind's going (it may at that point--alzhemier's runs in the family) I'll kill myself first.
Coping? Dunno. Good question.
3.  Where do you sing or hum?
On my back the cafe I lurk in when not in class.
1. Do you plan to post pictures of your Halloween costume?

2. What were you?

3. Are you already planning for next year?
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay