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The Never Ending Toadfish Interview Cycle!

Started by goat starer, November 17, 2006, 10:08:15 AM

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Sibling Chatty

1. Best show/concert you've ever been to?

Arrgh...different categories!!

Beatles in the early/mid 60's??
Placido Domingo, several times? (NOT either Pavarotti concert, may he RIP. Domingo's always been better, IMO)
Arlo Guthrie was WONDERFUL.
Several Peter Paul and Mary concerts...

The day there was a guest in my voice teacher's studio, and her dear friend performed an aria for us (me and the 14 vocal pedagogy students that got to come to my lessons to learn how to teach singing). Lovely older woman, Maria Somebody...oh, yeah, Callas!!

Hearing her, from 10 feet away, singing Un Bel Di. Not a complete concert, but possibly the most powerful musical experience I have ever had.

2. What is your opinion about the various 'social networking' sites?

Meh. I'm just---meh--about the whole thing.

3. Are you on one?


8) 8) 8) :-\ :-\ :-\ :P :P :P :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

1. How many languages can you speak? (Well enough to be able to survive a day without an interpreter.)

2. What is your favorite 'comfort food'?

3. What subject did/do you dislike the most in school?
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1. How many languages can you speak? (Well enough to be able to survive a day without an interpreter.)
German and English. I understand a little bit of French and Norwegian, so short-time survival seems possible.

2. What is your favorite 'comfort food'?
Hm, don't exactly know what that means. Is it anything that is not just consumed for nutrition?
My mother can do a good cake. I also am addicted to certain types of crisps.

3. What subject did/do you dislike the most in school?
sports, followed by German (aka spoil the fun of literature course)


1. How is the seal-clubbing going? (pet microwaving for those outside the colder regions)

2. What's your opinion on martial arts?

3. Should/can corporeal intimacy be enhanced with "expert advise" (maritial arts ;D)
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.


1. How is the seal-clubbing going? (pet microwaving for those outside the colder regions)

Terrible! Every club we go into, the seals just spill everything and then leave me with the check!

2. What's your opinion on martial arts?

Good to watch as ballet. Good for tuning up the ol' physique and self-discipline.

3. Should/can corporeal intimacy be enhanced with "expert advise" (maritial arts.)

That depends on what you call an expert. A therapist? A prostitute?


1) Is Chinese food better on day one or day two?

2) Would you dress up in a crazy outfit to try to win if your favorite food or beverage was the prize?

3) Mountains or ocean?

Bonus question: Should the Bonus Question stay or go? With or without the frogurt?


1) Is Chinese food better on day one or day two?
Of what. I do like Chinese food within limits

2) Would you dress up in a crazy outfit to try to win if your favorite food or beverage was the prize?
Probably not (may depend on definition of "crazy")

3) Mountains or ocean?
Norway (=both)

Bonus question: Should the Bonus Question stay or go? With or without the frogurt?
No froghurt for me but open to the bonus


1) Is your country/state/etc. of residence your country/state/etc. of origin?

2) Have you any talent for painting/drawing/sketching/etc.?

3) Have you learned to play a musical instrument (i.e. not just in the way of producing more or less random audible sound)?

Bonus question: What about seal microwaving?
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

1) Is your country/state/etc. of residence your country/state/etc. of origin?
Nope. Born and grew up in Bogotá, Colombia and living on South Florida now.

2) Have you any talent for painting/drawing/sketching/etc.?
I can draw, but I wouldn't dare to say that I have talent. ;)

3) Have you learned to play a musical instrument (i.e. not just in the way of producing more or less random audible sound)?
A few years of French Horn during my BA in music. I'm not playing much now, though.  :-\ :'(

Bonus question: What about seal microwaving?
Does that help with the print? Most seals I know just work with ink...
:goldfish: :goldfish: :goldfish: :goldfish: :goldfish: :goldfish: :goldfish: :goldfish:
1. Is there in your opinion a good reason to hunt whales?

2. Do you agree with animal testing with apes?

3. Should we make reserves with physical geographic barriers to keep elephants separated from people?

Bonus: when is an animal smart enough to grant him rights?
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.

Kiyoodle the Gambrinous

1. Is there in your opinion a good reason to hunt whales?

Two reasons, but only hypothetical:

1) To find a cure to save people/animals.
2) There are too many wales and they would endanger the nature's normal flow.

2. Do you agree with animal testing with apes?

I don't know the opinion of the apes, so not sure if I agree with them... :mrgreen:

3. Should we make reserves with physical geographic barriers to keep elephants separated from people?

Brake all the barriers and walls. It worked in Germany after all...

Bonus: when is an animal smart enough to grant him rights?

When an animal is smarter than the US president. Grant the rights to all animals I say.


1. What do you consider more disgusting - pedophilia, zoophilia or necrophilia?

2. Are sex and violence compatible?

3. When should it be allowed for minors to have sex?

Bonus: Is sex a joke?

I'm back..


Griffin NoName

1. What do you consider more disgusting - pedophilia, zoophilia or necrophilia?

Why would we have been given two feet if they weren't meant to be mates?

Rare breeds should be protected.

So I guess that leaves necrophilia.

2. Are sex and violence compatible? defines "compatible" as a term that refers to a computer that can run DOS software. Thus violence would seem to be compatible and sex not.

3. When should it be allowed for minors to have sex?

Before bedtime?

Bonus: Is sex a joke?  If so, it's a real cracker !


1. Who will win the prize for first person to clone themselves?

2. Why do people wear underwear?

3. Which letter on your keyboard do you use most often and why?

Bonus question: Would you ever have joke sex?
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand

Sibling Chatty

1. Who will win the prize for first person to clone themselves?

Dolly Parton. If it worked for sheep, why not for people?

2. Why do people wear underwear?

To keep their outerwear from sticking to stuff...

3. Which letter on your keyboard do you use most often and why?

Backspace. I'm dyslexic, so I have lots of stuff to correct...

Bonus question: Would you ever have joke sex?

Been there, done that.

:scared: :scared: :barf: :scared: :scared: :scared: :barf: :scared:  :scared:

1. Speaking of underwear...cotton or synthetics?

2. What scent is your shampoo?

3. Is there a color of clothing that you will NOT wear? What is it?

Bonus: Did my previous bonus answer make you go  :scared: or :barf: or :snark:?
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1. Speaking of underwear...cotton or synthetics?
cotton, the private parts want to breathe

2. What scent is your shampoo?
don't know, just smells soapy

3. Is there a color of clothing that you will NOT wear? What is it?
a lot, even if not combined. I usually abhor "neon" colors at least for the main part (tiny fractions can be acceptable)

Bonus: Did my previous bonus answer make you go  scared or barf or snark?
either  :rockon: or  :oops:


1. What influences your choice of clothing (apart from the price)?

2. Are squids a good alternative to fish as "pets" ? (and what about crustaceans?)

3. Is abstinence (not just sexual) a virtue in itself?

Bonus Questions: Where is the baby?

Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

1. What influences your choice of clothing (apart from the price)?
It should look nice, elegant or distinctive without being obnoxious. ;)

2. Are squids a good alternative to fish as "pets" ? (and what about crustaceans?)
I'd say they are better but should get more attention and toys (which exactly I don't know  :-\ ). Re: crustaceans, I don't like the arthropoda phylum with few exceptions (I love taking pictures of butterflies).

3. Is abstinence (not just sexual) a virtue in itself?
If abstinence comes from an inner desire to control urges (usually primal like food and sex) then I think it is a lofty goal. If it is an imposed precondition (like for priesthood) I think it is a bad thing that will be likely to spill at some point in one form or another.

Bonus Questions: Where is the baby?
In the fridge
:devil2: :devil2: :devil2: :devil2: :devil2: :devil2:
1. At what point is the line from comfort to luxury crossed?

2. What comforts do you take?

3. What luxuries do you take?

Bonus: babies, roasted or grilled?
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.

Griffin NoName

1. At what point is the line from comfort to luxury crossed?

The point where the panty line is invisible. Why spend extra on something no one can see?

2. What comforts do you take?

Duvet days. I wish I had a pocket sized duvet to take around with me when I have to do a non-duvet-day.

3. What luxuries do you take?

Chocolate. Anything digital; can't resist.

Bonus: babies, roasted or grilled?  Roasted. The delicacy of crisp skin and succulent flesh. Yummy.


1. Why should we NOT learn the lessons of history?

2. If the countries of the world were to be rearranged which two non-bordering countries would you place next to each other and why?

3. What size teeth are best?

Bonus Question: what would you do with the baby's bathwater?
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand

Scriblerus the Philosophe

1. Why should we NOT learn the lessons of history?
'coz sometimes we pick up silly ideas from it.

2. If the countries of the world were to be rearranged which two non-bordering countries would you place next to each other and why?
Iran and Saudi Arabia on what is now Australia.

3. What size teeth are best?

The one that fit in your head

Bonus Question: what would you do with the baby's bathwater?
Pour it very carefully down a drain with small holes?
1. Do you have freckles?

2. Assuming you use a QWERTY keyboard, should we switch over to a more effective style of key arrangement?

3.How big do you like your windows?
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

Sibling Chatty

1. Do you have freckles?

Everywhere but my face, basically.

2. Assuming you use a QWERTY keyboard, should we switch over to a more effective style of key arrangement? 

I use Dvorak. Faster to learn, easier (if you don't allow your previous training to brainwash you, or if it's what you start with) and a more efficient use of the hands.

On a QWERTY kb, my fastest time EVER was about 25 WPM. I can hit 40 on a Dvorak board easily, and can push it to 50 WPM if I am in a hurry.

3.How big do you like your windows?

Depends on the room...gotta have enough wall space for bookshelves, otherwise, I could do mostly windows, little wall.

:high5: :high5: :high5: :high5: :high5: :high5: :high5: :high5:

1. What's your favorite vegetable, and how do you like it prepared?

2. Do you sleep on your back? your side? face down? hanging from the rafters?

3. Soft or firm bed?

Bonus: How many pillows do you use?

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Kiyoodle the Gambrinous

1. What's your favorite vegetable, and how do you like it prepared?

Sweet pepper... And I prefer my vegetables raw.

2. Do you sleep on your back? your side? face down? hanging from the rafters?

I sleep on my stomach, face to the right, one hand (left) stretched, the onther one bent.

3. Soft or firm bed?


Bonus: How many pillows do you use?

Just one... And I hug it (hate to have a pillow under my head)

:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

1. Do you consider yourself a good kisser? Has anyone ever told you that you are one?

2. Do you kiss often?

3. When was the last time you kissed someone (not the friendly way, the lover way)?

Bonus: Should kisses replace hugs?

I'm back..



1. Do you consider yourself a good kisser? Has anyone ever told you that you are one?

Yes, I have been told I am. As I have never been able to kiss myself, I can only listen to those on the receiving end.

2. Do you kiss often?

Not nearly as often as I would like.

3. When was the last time you kissed someone (not the friendly way, the lover way)?

I prefer to count it in Ice Ages, then it's only four...

Bonus: Should kisses replace hugs?

No, as hugs are so wonderful, but can't we have hugs AND kisses?


1. Can you define the difference between an emergency and a disaster? (Guess who just started his course?)

2. Why does the Clairvoyant shop in Edinburgh need to advertise?

3. Did you get a vision of two clowns in full costume going at it when "joke sex" was mentioned?

Bonus: If it happens in a different postcode (zip code, or other local variant), does it count?

Imus ad magum Ozi videndum, magum Ozi mirum mirissimum....