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The Never Ending Toadfish Interview Cycle!

Started by goat starer, November 17, 2006, 10:08:15 AM

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Duje, those are hard questions ...and excellent ones.

1. Do you consider yourself a person of good or bad taste (not food related)?

(My first response would be "bite me", but that would be rude.)  ;D
I think I have fairly good taste, as I have an aesthetic education. The fact that I will occasionally toss it out the window for the sake of experimentation, fun or shock value only means that I do not always let it rule me. I am also a thrifty person and will wear things that may not be the height of  fashion if I find them comfortable or useful.

2. Is it likely that that impression is shared by others (apart from teachers. those would very likely consider all pupils as without taste)?
Probably not. Remember my leopard-print monk's robe?

3. Are you likely to give an honest answer, if you are asked about a matter of taste and you consider it utterly tasteless?
You mean if I consider the question utterly tasteless? In that case I'm apt to be frank. However, if the object of questionable taste is what you mean, I would try to put it as gently as possible. For instance, if you were to walk in and ask if those pink spandex bicycle shorts looked okay, I might say that I wouldn't wear them as it  is going to be much too warm for spandex today.

Bonus question: Would you answers change significantly, if "taste" were replaced with "tact"?

I am probably more tactful than I am tasteful.

??? ::) ??? ::) ??? ::)

1) Do you talk to the Great Everything at all, every day or whenever the mood strikes you?

2) Do you chew your nails?

3) Do you think that the right kind of music could awaken you from a coma?

Bonus question: Do these pink bicycle shorts make me look pensive?

Kiyoodle the Gambrinous

1) Do you talk to the Great Everything at all, every day or whenever the mood strikes you?

Only when hung-over and down with a headache. I always say: "please make the pain go away".

(I don't believe in the Great Everything, so sorry that my answer couldn't be very honest)

2) Do you chew your nails?

Nope. But I chew everything else. Especially pencils, pens etc when nervous. (I managed to chew through two pencils during one exam)

3) Do you think that the right kind of music could awaken you from a coma?

I'm pretty sure that the right music and the right woman by my bed could do miracles to me when in a come. ;)

Bonus question: Do these pink bicycle shorts make me look pensive?

It made me pensive.

;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

1. What do you want to do and where do you want to be when the apocalypse strikes?

2. Why is there never a beer in the fridge when one has the cravings for it?

3. Why is the beer always gone so quickly?

bonus: Will you give me a beer, please?

I'm back..



1. What do you want to do and where do you want to be when the apocalypse strikes?

Hard one, preferably in outer space away from it all- especially if we humans are the cause.

2. Why is there never a beer in the fridge when one has the cravings for it?

It's easy to forget to buy more- especially if like me one doesn't crave it often- every once in a while I like a good cold Bud Light longneck but not often, so I always have to go get them when I want one.

3. Why is the beer always gone so quickly?

Because I share.

bonus: Will you give me a beer, please?

yes, see the above. If I have it - it's yours, will even split a bottle with you.

:beer:     :beer:     :beer:

1: If you see a small child crying- like if you are out in public- what do you do or do you do nothing. I'm talking total melt down.

2: Do you think parents - overall- are spoiling their little darlings. Do you think that when "we" were kids that "our" parents socialized us "better" or not. I understand that some on this forum are quite young so if you answer just go with it- no right or wrong answer- just interested.

3: What is your favorite "flavor" vodka? Or is flavored Vodka a blasphemy.

no bonus- I'm tired
Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.

Sibling Lambicus the Toluous

1: If you see a small child crying- like if you are out in public- what do you do or do you do nothing. I'm talking total melt down.

If it seems like the kid isn't just having a hissy fit for attention, I try to make eye contact with the kid, and then smile or make a funny face.  Sometimes it confuses the child and makes him or her forget what they were so upset about.

If it seems like the child is just freaking out to get attention, then I don't give it.

2: Do you think parents - overall- are spoiling their little darlings. Do you think that when "we" were kids that "our" parents socialized us "better" or not. I understand that some on this forum are quite young so if you answer just go with it- no right or wrong answer- just interested.

Hmm.  Not sure on that one.

I think that to a certain extent, we've replaced "discipline" with "protection".  This has meant that more children are less prepared for the real world, IMO.

3: What is your favorite "flavor" vodka? Or is flavored Vodka a blasphemy.

My favourite is vodka-flavoured vodka.

Nothing against flavoured vodka; I just can't remember ever having any.

:drive: :drive: :drive: :drive: :drive: :drive:

1. What is one thing that was once a major life goal for you, but in retrospect, you're glad you didn't do it?

2. What life experience, though negative or unpleasant, do you feel you got the most benefit from?

3. Do you have a "personal motto"?  What is it?

Bonus recursive meta-question: What is the bonus question?

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

1: If you see a small child crying- like if you are out in public- what do you do or do you do nothing. I'm talking total melt down.
I'm assuming that the question involves an unattended child. In that case I would try to talk to the kid and if necessary look his/her for parents. If the kid is family/friend/mine I will try to reason with him and if that doesn't work I will let him cry and possibly make a little fun of his attitude.

2: Do you think parents - overall- are spoiling their little darlings. Do you think that when "we" were kids that "our" parents socialized us "better" or not. I understand that some on this forum are quite young so if you answer just go with it- no right or wrong answer- just interested.
I dare to say that most parent do spoil their kids either by too much or too little of everything. There is no formal training to be a parent; the most you can expect is dealing with small siblings or working with children (BTW, I did both) and that is not even close to what being a parent implies. As a parent you are always walking over a very thin line while trying to stop fast balls, fearing that you have been too soft or too hard on this or that.

About my parents... well they tried to avoid the mistakes made with them by my grandparents (or so they say) and on the same token I am trying to do the same with my kid. Was it ok the (many) times I was spanked then? Was it necessary? I haven't spanked my kid once in 11 years not because I think it is that bad but because I haven't had the need, I have been involved enough so that he is able to control himself for the most part (according to his age). I am able to recognize -what in my eyes are- mistakes parents make with their kids, and I'm sure they do too with me (usually is my wife who is telling me...).

I guess the short answer is that very few people has a clue at what to do as a parent.

3: What is your favorite "flavor" vodka? Or is flavored Vodka a blasphemy.
At the beginning I liked Absolut Citrus until I learned to dring the real thing. Nowadays I see it not as a blasphemy but with (admittedly) the same disdain as to dring vodka with orange juice... ;)
Oh darn... not again
1. What is one thing that was once a major life goal for you, but in retrospect, you're glad you didn't do it?
I really don't know. From the one I had as a kid (being an astronaut) to the ones I had at the university (working in an electronics R&D lab, or singing ancient music in Europe, or playing in a major orchestra) I still think that I would have liked any of those.

2. What life experience, though negative or unpleasant, do you feel you got the most benefit from?
Perhaps the time I managed a summer camp. While everything worked out it was horribly stressful with little time to sleep. From that I learned that I didn't want to do that anymore, managerial skills, and how to use guilt to successfully manage teenagers (obviously after they screwed up).

3. Do you have a "personal motto"?  What is it?
Perhaps a mixture of the engineer credo "Hope for the best, expect the worst" and "the only problem without solution is death"

Bonus recursive meta-question: What is the bonus question?
Bonus answer: what is with the bonus question?
:goldfish: :goldfish: :goldfish: :goldfish: :goldfish: :goldfish:
1. Do you think there should be an university for parents?

2. Do you find your self dwelling on "what ifs"? How often?

3. If you could make one of your youthful dreams reality what it would be?

Bonus question (let's change the tone a bit): Which one you like better, the 2nd movement of Beethoven's 3rd or the 2nd of the 7th?
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.

Griffin NoName

Do you think there should be an university for parents?

Yes, the University of Life. No, I think schools shoud do more. There should be "emotional intelligence" lessons.

Do you find your self dwelling on "what ifs"? How often?

Used to until I got breast cancer. Now they are all irrelevent and anything is possible.

I only have one "what if" that has any meaning and it's "what if the cancer comes back" and actually it tends to be more a "when" than "if", because of my risk factors from the last lot and my poor health. This may sound miserable. It's the opposite. It engenders a do it today mind set and a "what if the cancer doesn't come back" alternative that is still covered by the do it today.

I don't dwell on it. I just do today.

If you could make one of your youthful dreams reality what it would be?

I'd be a famous ice skater.

Bonus Question: Liking any one better is mean to the others.


1. Who wins?

2. Do you get upset breaking eggs for omelettes?

3. What's your biggest superstition?

Bonus existential Question: what's at stake?
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand


1. Who wins?

Winning is for little things, like sport and games.  In life winning is a null concept IMO.  No one wins, no one loses.  The important thing is to be true to yourself, to respect yourself and others, to care about this fragile planet of ours and to give and accept all the love you can.

2. Do you get upset breaking eggs for omelettes?

Nope.  Man, you gotta break eggs to make omelets.  Plus you need a little butter for the pan, some fresh chopped chives, a little grated vintage cheddar, a dash of Tabasco, some salt and pepper and a some cherry tomatoes and button mushrooms for the filling.  Cook tomatoes and mushrooms in a saucepan until soft, reserve keeping hot.  Use three eggs peer person, break into a bowl, add chives, Tabasco salt and pepper.  Whisk egg mixture until combined.  Melt butter in pan over moderate heat and pour in mixture.  Sprinkle with grated cheese.  Cook until bottom of omelet is golden, then remove pan from stove top and place under the grill to cook the top - not too hot or you will burn it.  When done turn out on plate and add tomatoes and mushrooms to one half, turn uncovered half of omelet over filling and serve straight away.

3. What's your biggest superstition?

I'm not really superstitious, so I can't think of anything.

Bonus existential Question: what's at stake?

Joan of Arc

<takes off silly hat>

Actually everything and nothing.  In a very real way, this life is all there is.  We burn brightly and then the flame goes out, sometimes snuffed out in an instant and othertimes we fade like an ember for a while, but in the end the result is the same.  I say that this is not a reason to despair but a reason to make the most of what we have.  Live your life, smell the roses, remember to laugh.  Tell those you love that you love them.  Go fishing.  Have a beer.  Be silly. If you touch many people as you go through life's journey, your memory will linger.  Be happy for what you are and for the life you still have.

1. How many bridges, does a man have to cross?

2. What do you want your legacy to be?

3. What is more important, the journey or the destination?

Bonus question: How will you know when you get there?
Myers Briggs personality type: ENTP -  "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 3.2% of the total population.

Sibling Chatty

1. How many bridges, does a man have to cross?

All of them that are between here and now and  where I want to be. No bridges? No worry! Too many bridges? Rest a while. All bridges don't have to be crossed immediately.

2. What do you want your legacy to be?


3. What is more important, the journey or the destination?

Journey. The problem with destinations is that unless you have something else going on, a destination becomes a grave. You "arrive" and get into a rut. Then, somebody fills in the ends of the rut,'s a grave. There are lots of lovely stops on the way, but arrival at the final destination isn't the big thing, it's the last thing.

Bonus question: How will you know when you get there?

No pain? No problems? No bills to pay? If I find out first, I will try to let you know.

:krabbie: :krabbie: :krabbie: :krabbie: :krabbie: :hug: :hug:

1) Of all the things I've ever lost, I miss my mind the most. What have you lost that you miss? (Material or physical or whatever.)

2) If you ruled the world, what color would you paint your throne room?

3) You're about to be transported away from a dying Earth. You can take ONE object with you, it can be no larger than your head. What are you taking along?

Bonus question: Do you think I would look silly in zebra print shoes?
This sig area under construction.

Sibling Lambicus the Toluous

1) Of all the things I've ever lost, I miss my mind the most. What have you lost that you miss? (Material or physical or whatever.)

My Dad.

2) If you ruled the world, what color would you paint your throne room?

Nothing. It'd be wall-to-wall windows.

3) You're about to be transported away from a dying Earth. You can take ONE object with you, it can be no larger than your head. What are you taking along?

As much digital storage media as I can get, carrying as much music and written material as I can fit on.

Bonus question: Do you think I would look silly in zebra print shoes?

Depends on your hat.

:balloon: :balloon: :balloon: :balloon: :balloon: :balloon:

1. What's your measure of "success"?

2. Ever fallen out of a boat?

3. What was your first car?

Bonus question: you've discovered/created a new element (probably near the end along with Californium, Nobellium and the like).  What would you want to name it?


1. What's your measure of "success"?
Happiness in absence of a warm gun ;)

2. Ever fallen out of a boat?
Yes and almost drowned when the kayak capsized (calm waters, it was the result of a paddle fight with another kayak)

3. What was your first car?
Never owned one. The first family car I remember was a Simca, the first and only I drove (driving school) was a VW Diesel Golf.

Bonus question: you've discovered/created a new element (probably near the end along with Californium, Nobellium and the like).  What would you want to name it?

It's time to honor Scheele, on the other hand there should be an element with the symbol E or A at last. If it is this year than Glies(e)ium, to honor the first earth-like planet found outside our solar system.


1.What is your favorite type (not author) of lyrics ?

2.Do you know more than one stanza of your country's national anthem?

3.If you are abroad, could/would you lie about your origin (and under what circumstances)?
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.


1.What is your favorite type (not author) of lyrics ?

Progressive rock lyrics from the 70s. Not because they're better than any other, but because they remind me of being young.

2.Do you know more than one stanza of your country's national anthem?

First two verses. It's also the only thing I can sort-of play on piano (a group of us non-musicians needed someone to play it and I "won" the honour).

3.If you are abroad, could/would you lie about your origin (and under what circumstances)?

I could probably do a good Swedish chef impression if abducted by the Taliban.


1  Goats. Good company or a tasty barbecue?

2  Meat or fish?

3  Favourite aircraft?

Bonus question: At what age do you want to retire?
The angels have the phone box

Kiyoodle the Gambrinous

1  Goats. Good company or a tasty barbecue?

Depends on the goat. But they can be both.

2  Meat or fish?

A nise steak please!

3  Favourite aircraft?

My own learjet. ;D

Bonus question: At what age do you want to retire?

At the age of 30 because of being a millionaire already at that time. :)


1. Do you think sobering up is a necessity?

2. How do you solve depression?

3. what would you like to see written on your tombstone?

Bonus: What would you write on my tombstone?

I'm back..


Scriblerus the Philosophe

1. Do you think sobering up is a necessity?
Depends on the reason and how one defines sober.

2. How do you solve depression?
Snarking and chocolate.

3. what would you like to see written on your tombstone?
Nothing. Don't want one. I find the idea of being buried rather creepy. Just burn the carcass, have a root beer kegger for a wake, and dump the ashes on an eco-cemetery.

Bonus: What would you write on my tombstone?

"Why the hell do I need one of these?" :D
1. Burial plans?

2. Favorite blogger/writer?

3. Favorite kind of pen?

Bonus: What kind of...pen would you name after yourself?
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

Sibling Lambicus the Toluous

1. Burial plans?

So far, the only certain plans I have for my burial is that I want it to happen after my death.

Beyond that, it might be nice for someone to sneakily bury my ashes at my local racetrack, but that's optional (and may change as I develop a bit of maturity)

2. Favorite blogger/writer?

Douglas Adams, hands down.

3. Favorite kind of pen?

For everyday writing, anything thick*, preferably with black ink**.  In a moving car, a Staedler 2 mm lead holder*** or a Sharpie fine tip marker.

* I hold my pen in a weird way, so I find thicker pens more comfortable.
** I spent most of my high school years in a theatre, often working under dim blue or red light backstage or in the booth.  Black's the only colour that doesn't turn invisible in some colour of light.
*** Technically not a "pen", I know.

Bonus: What kind of...pen would you name after yourself?

A charming, dashing, gallant pen, of course!   ;D

:high5: :beer: :high5: :beer: :high5: :beer: :high5: :beer: :high5:

1. Have you ever abused a non-alcoholic beverage?

2. Donut, muffin or bagel?

3. What's the fastest you've personally gone in a car?

Bonus question: what's that smell?

Sibling Chatty

1. Have you ever abused a non-alcoholic beverage?

I verbally abuse Dr.Pepper every time someone gives it to me instead of the root beer I order.

2. Donut, muffin or bagel?

Bagel, please.

3. What's the fastest you've personally gone in a car?

On a highway, 95MPH. On a closed ranch road, when I knew for sure there was no other traffic on the 7 mile road that looped through the property, 135 MPH--in my 1965 Plymouth Barracuda. (This was in 1973.) OH, it was about midnight on a bright moonlit night, and I drove it with no headlights. On a bet. Broke 120 MPH and did it in the dark. Made $100.

Bonus question: what's that smell?

That smell? The underwear of my passenger that night. The one that lost the bet...

:yar: :yar: :yar: :yar: :yar: :yar: :yar:

1) How many brothers and sisters do you have?

2) Were you named after a family member? (Who?)

3) What precious metal do you prefer for jewelry?

Bonus question: What's the frequency, Kenneth?
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