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What significant things have I done today?

Started by Griffin NoName, April 02, 2008, 08:43:35 PM

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Griffin NoName

Quote from: Sibling DavidH on February 25, 2013, 09:46:32 AM
Now we have a huge pile to stack away and I am suffering the payback that you get with M.E. - I ache in every muscle and feel like crap.  Worth it, though.  :D

A friend took me out to dinner tonight. We always go to the same place as they have basket chairs with cushions (I take my own as well) so I can recline. Only lasted about an hour before feeling exhausted/ill. But sometimes it is worth it. Rare treats.
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand

pieces o nine

Congratulations, Aggie!

Well done, DavidAitches.

Sounds like a close shave, Opsa...   f/x: rimshot

Good to see you getting out, Grif!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dom thee Danger Catte has a barnacle on his hip; I took him in to the shippe's catte chirurgeon for prelim exam and blood workup this afternoon. Tomorrow morning he goes in for barnacle removal and biopsy. He fought free of the carrier on the way home tonight to escape to the back seat where he loudly yowled his outrage.


He tried farting in my general direction to emphasize his outrage, which just made me laugh (and roll down a window). He glared and lay down on the arm rest, pitifully, in defeat. Currently he is sitting close to my chair, but with his back pointedly turned.
"If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you. But you have no chocolate! I think of that again and again! My dear, how will you ever manage?"
--Marquise de Sevigne, February 11, 1677

Sibling DavidH

Poor Dom - but as a non-catty Brit, I don't know exactly what a barnacle is.  Sounds nasty, though.

Best wished to poor Mr Opsa and his staples - Frankenduje indeed.  But I expect he's got a hat.  :D

Griffin - you obviously have a far worse case of ME than I do.  When I need to, I can usually do quite a lot of physical work for an hour or two; I just pay the price afterwards, that's all.


I think Pieces means that Dom has some kinda bump that needs seeing to. My old cat Mr. Pooh used to get warbles! Literally, he would get these bumps that were actually botfly larva. Sounds awful, but it was only slightly icky. Luckily he only got a few in his life. He think it was from going into the neighbor's shed and sleeping on the horse blankets.

A hat covers Mr. Opsa's frankenduje staples quite efficiently.

Griffin NoName

Quote from: Sibling DavidH on February 26, 2013, 10:02:33 AM
Griffin - you obviously have a far worse case of ME than I do.  When I need to, I can usually do quite a lot of physical work for an hour or two; I just pay the price afterwards, that's all.

I'm mostly bed bound, mostly house bound. I get the "post exertion malaise" as they call it. Therefore not good today after last night's little frolc. 
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand

pieces o nine

Dom is resting somewhat comfortably after getting his 'barnacle' [possibly a small wart, possibly a skin tumor] removed. I heard what sounded like a tropical bird back there, trying out new registers, when I went to get him. No, they said, that's a cat. I chuckled sympathetically until they admitted it was *my* cat.

The significant accomplishment for him was enduring the procedure, the recovery, and the trip home. The significant accomplishment for me was getting  him home -- it took four vets & technicians to get him out of the kennel, as he was acting feral. They let me try, but this was the first time I was actually afraid to help a groggy, disgruntled cat out of the recovery room! The comfy blanket wrap was out, as was the soft side tote and a cat carrier they were going to lend him to go home in. Finally, after some really dramatic shrieking, they appeared in the recovery room with a cardboard box -- taped shut. The vet apologized and said they didn't want him leaping out in the car and attacking while I was driving.

He was so silent on the drive I was afraid he'd had a heart attack and died, but kept talking to him soothingly until we got home. I deposited box, large flat water dish, and his favorite blankets in the bathroom, carefully cut the tape, and opened the flaps. He tried to charge around but the Cone of Silence (the other fury trigger, as he *hates* things around his neck) was interfering. I went back to work; he was calm and almost normal tonight. I trimmed back the CoS enough that he can drink without tipping his bowl and rest his head on his paws, but still long enough to keep him from worrying at the stitch on his flank.

He has to go back in 10 days to get the stitch removed and results of biopsy. Poor Dom.

"If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you. But you have no chocolate! I think of that again and again! My dear, how will you ever manage?"
--Marquise de Sevigne, February 11, 1677


Poor kitteh.... best wishes for a swift recovery and a less-stressful return visit.


The worst cat-packing job I've seen was when I offered to cat-sit for an acquaintance. She showed up at the apartment to drop off the cat with some cat related items and a backpack on her shoulder, but no visible cat carrier. I said something to the effect of "why don't you go back to your car and bring the cat up", to which the reply was "Oh, she's here..."  bagged up in the fully zipped backpack:o

The cat was covered in foamy drool, completely freaked out and crawled directly under the sink, refusing to emerge for hours after her owner left. After that, she (teh kitteh) immensely enjoyed her vacation chez moi and was very happy and sociable.  When the owner returned to pick her up (this time with a proper carrier or semblance thereof), she hid immediately.  I think she'd have rather stayed.


Maybe Mr. Ops needs a Cone of Silence. He keeps trying to comb his staples.

The worst cat shipping I ever heard of was the departure of the notorious Bebe Rebozo. My brother had brought Bebe Rebozo to my Mom's house, where he conducted many antics, including eating a tunnel through an entire loaf of bread. The last time Mom saw Bebe Rebozo, he was being taken away in a paper bag, stapled at the top. Poor Bebe.

I am glad Dom's at home safe and sound.


Quote from: Opsa on February 27, 2013, 04:17:33 PM
he conducted many antics, including eating a tunnel through an entire loaf of bread.


Sibling DavidH

Fingers crossed for Dom's biopsy, also for everyone else within 100 yards when the stitches are taken out.  :mrgreen:

pieces o nine

Quote from: Opsa on February 27, 2013, 04:17:33 PM
Maybe Mr. Ops needs a Cone of Silence. He keeps trying to comb his staples.
Pet him soothingly and he will do better.   :catroll:
What kind of cat was Bebe Rebozo? Sounds like he was a lot of fun.
"If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you. But you have no chocolate! I think of that again and again! My dear, how will you ever manage?"
--Marquise de Sevigne, February 11, 1677


He was a big tiger boy. I adored him, but he just couldn't help but get into mischief. He was a pirate of a cat, like Dom.

Bruder Cuzzen

Oh joy , I found someone who is willing to take my cat !


pieces o nine

At 5:30 pm tonight I changed my clock forward.      ::)

Fortunately, my boss has a sense of humor...
"If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you. But you have no chocolate! I think of that again and again! My dear, how will you ever manage?"
--Marquise de Sevigne, February 11, 1677