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Messages - Darlica

Site Content / Re: Additions to the Smilies thread
October 05, 2007, 11:46:27 AM

I really like the :blush: one and  :kiss2:

Thank you!
What are you / Re: What are you watching?
October 04, 2007, 01:38:04 PM
I'm watching my apple and cinnamon buns rise! :D

Rise, rise, so I can shove you in to the hot oven and then devour you still warm...

Ooops! Was that my outside voice... :nervous:

Site Content / Re: Additions to the Smilies thread
October 04, 2007, 10:34:05 AM
I cant help it, :bees: just makes me think of certain threads in Human Concerns this summer...  ::)

Think, just to be able to write : "I just think you are :bees: for fun". :mrgreen: ;)

A blushing/happy smiley would be nice (something like ), because sometimes  :-[  just sends the wrong message. And I would like a heart smiley too ( ) because sometimes people around here do things that make me want to show how much I like their; photos, paintings, stories, humor etc.
Site Content / Re: Additions to the Smilies thread
October 03, 2007, 09:06:56 AM
A nice little collection I might say!

What are you / Re: What are you watching?
October 03, 2007, 08:50:59 AM
Quote from: Griffin NoName on October 03, 2007, 04:04:37 AM
Knights on white chargers may also apply under equal ops but should expect to be put through some gruesome personality evaluation.


I'm watching my computer screen...
What are you / Re: What Are You Listening To?
October 02, 2007, 10:39:22 AM
Anita Lane, PJ Harvey and Mazzy Star
Suits ye' yes, but it makes it awfully hard to give ye' a hug... ;)

So Oi juzt pinch ye' a little ;D
Current Events / Re: Protesting Monks!
September 30, 2007, 12:52:50 PM
I tried to contact the democracy movement but they seems to be flooded right now and asked me to go to this site

Serious Piratin' / Re: Where have all the pirates gone?
September 30, 2007, 12:46:45 AM
Quote from: anthrobabe on September 22, 2007, 02:21:44 PM
ok everybody help me pick Darlica up off of the floor

Griffin-- I hear that a pirate has just tied up and that part of his load is a gross of stolen military weapons-- you might stop by and see what sort of cutlass inventory the dirty scoundrel gentleman has---- oh and someone see if the have peg legs too
DaveL is hoppin pitifully even if it is his own fault

Thank ye'! me tummy still herts of t' laughin'  :D
Now, did oi' heard somting about tea wit Gin?  :P Can oi get one?
Current Events / Re: Protesting Monks!
September 27, 2007, 07:23:14 PM
The burmesian (?) freedom radio, and a lot of the exile democracy movement is situated in Norway. I will try to contact them and ask them if they have a symbol or a colour that can be turned in to a symbol to spread the awareness about the situation in Burma like the Pink Ribbbon is worn as a symbol lfor the fight againts breast cancer. 

I'm not at home at the monent so it can take a couple of days but I'll get to as soon as I can.

Snark and Rant / Re: Math
September 27, 2007, 10:41:04 AM
If we ever get to play that game around here I want to be in your team... :D
And yes, I know my trivia...

I also have managed to be disqualified in pictionary for being "too good"  :-[ and was demoted to become the judge.  :(

I did well in most subjects at school but I had three things I hated and dreaded equally: Mathematics, Grammar (Swedish and English alike) and Physical Education...
Funny enough, even though I disliked Math so much, I really liked Chemistry, Biology and Physics. Of cause at that particular level the first two aren't so closely knit to math as they becomes later on at higher levels. Physics was however the reason I finally learned how to do equations... unfortunately I have forgot all about them now. :-[
Food / Re: Apples
September 26, 2007, 11:43:49 PM
Mero: What you describe sounds like the traditional Crumble pie over here too. :)
I have changed a bit here and there, among other things the apples are just peeled and sliced in the original and sugar and cinnamon sprinkled on top of them, once when I was making tarte tartine I thought I should try to combine the two methods since cooking the apple with butter and spices before putting them in the baking tin, in my opinion, really lifts the flavours. That's why I so boldly calls it "Darlicas Apple pie". 

I'm gonna' have to eat some of Zono's humble pie now, right... ;) :D

I make raspberry pie this way too, no cinnamon though. 
Also, I love Rhubarbs but I usually mix them with thick apple sauce when making pies (or I go Rhubarb and brown sugar all the way)
*sigh* pie made on the first tender Rhubarb stems in the spring*sigh and drool*   :mrgreen: 

Fried apples and onions is not an uncommon side dish to some sausage dishes over here together with mashed potatoes. I've never liked it much but that probably because I don't like the kind of sausage it is served with or mashed potatoes for that matter... Maybe I should try it with a grilled beef or something? :)

I used to make baked apples a lot as a kid, it's a fast easy and cheap desert but we did it sans cayenne pepper, and again, using oat-flakes in the filling and with lots of sugar on top so it gets all toffee like crust.

Mmm butter and sugar... :D
Food / Apples
September 26, 2007, 04:20:31 PM
Every autumn I get apple fever (and I'm not talking about computers...).
This means that I want to bake, cook, and eat apples until it comes out of my ears.

When it's apple season around here the fruit is cheaper than usual and there are more kinds of apples to choose from, unfortunately many old sorts are on the decline, nobody knows about them or ask for them any more people usually buy "red" or "green" apples.  :(

Anyhow one of my favourite apple dishes are apple pies and especially Smulpaj that would be crumb pie in English I think (if you recognize the recipe and know the proper Eng. name please tell me!)

It's very easy to make but you can refine the basic recipe as much as you want making it your own. :)
I usually uses an apple called Discovery for this since it is firm and won't become to mushy during preparation it also looks nice (the fruit meat is pink closest to the peel and white in the middle) and it gives the pie a bit of rhubarby taste and look.

Darlicas Apple pie 6-8 pices

You need a aside from the ingredients; a rather big bowl (or food processor) a baking tin 24 cm diameter, and an oven set to 225°C

The dough:
1½ decilitre wheat flour
1½ decilitre oat-flakes
1½ tablespoon sugar
1 pinch of baking powder (isn't necessary but gives crustier crumbs)
125 g butter (real butter and cold, directly from the fridge)

Measure up the dry ingredients in a bowl or food processor mix a bit so the sugar, oat-flakes and baking powder is well mixed with the flour.

Cut the cold butter in dices and use your fingertips to mix the flour-mix with the butter by pinching it together (or just use the food processor  ;) ) the dough is ready when your bowl is full of crumbs.

Here I usually put the bowl with the dough in the fridge and start with the apples.

The filling
4-5 firm apples (not the mealy kind)
2- 5 tablespoons of sugar (I prefer brown unrefined sugar) depending on how sweet the apples are and how sweet you like your pie.
2 tablespoons of butter
Cinnamon to taste

Peel and cut into thin wedges. Heat a frying pan and melt the butter, when the butter stops sizzling throw in the apples, stir gently, add the sugar and cinnamon (I love cinnamon so I use a lot of it), stir again and turn down the heat a bit, let the apples simmer for awhile (it's not wrong to pour a tablespoon or two of calvados or apple brandy in to the pan but it isn't necessary)  then take them of the stove and let them cool.

Butter the baking tin or use aluminium foil, take the dough out of the fridge and sprinkle enough dough crumbs on the bottom of the tin so it is barely covered. Gently pour the apples in to the tin, even the surface with a spatula if needed and sprinkle the rest dough crumbs on top.

Put it in the oven for 30 minutes.

Enjoy with vanilla ice cream or with vanilla yoghurt dressed up with some lime zest and a little squeezed lime.


What are you / Re: What are you eating? 2.0
September 26, 2007, 02:44:31 PM
Home made apple pie with vanilla yoghurt and tea.  :mrgreen:
Current Events / Re: Protesting Monks!
September 26, 2007, 02:00:45 PM
The peaceful demonstrations didn't last long. :(
Now the Junta is using tear gas, beating and shooting the monks.