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Additions to the Smilies thread

Started by Bob in a quantum-state-of-faith, December 07, 2006, 05:40:49 PM

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Griffin NoName

Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand


I have a new way to increase ones post count thread idea.....
make up a story with smiles only--- we could try anyway
Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.

Griffin NoName

For anthrobabe.

Not quite a a smiley holding a stick to poke things with as you requested in the chant box.... but when looking for one I found this....


but then I found this:


and one I like.....  :kickbutt: which someone else was asking for?

.....and naturally every time an emoticon is added, another beer one must be too:


(actually I think it is guiness but what the heck)
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand

Scriblerus the Philosophe

Ha! I remember that one from another forum I was on. That one made frequent appearances in the Beer Garden.
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay


 :kickbutt:  HAR! That's too cute!

:downit: This one's me!

Sibling Chatty

Poke with stick smileys to steal:
Top of page.
In their 3rd group, about 10 or so down, is a poke with stick w/beehive that might be useful.

This sig area under construction.

Griffin NoName

 :pokestick:  :bees:

one for sweeping out the welcome halls  :mop:

and an alternative to beer  :tequila:
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand


A nice little collection I might say!

"Kafka was a social realist" -Lindorm out of context

"You think education is expensive, try ignorance" -Anonymous


do we do shots and then poke the hornets nest or poke the hornets nest first and then do shots to wash down the pain meds.

:bees: :tequila:

:tequila: :bees:

I really like!!!!
Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.


Sibling Chatty

I had seen  :pokestick: before, but  :bees: just amused me WAY too much...

This sig area under construction.

Kiyoodle the Gambrinous


I'm back..



I cant help it, :bees: just makes me think of certain threads in Human Concerns this summer...  ::)

Think, just to be able to write : "I just think you are :bees: for fun". :mrgreen: ;)

A blushing/happy smiley would be nice (something like ), because sometimes  :-[  just sends the wrong message. And I would like a heart smiley too ( ) because sometimes people around here do things that make me want to show how much I like their; photos, paintings, stories, humor etc.
"Kafka was a social realist" -Lindorm out of context

"You think education is expensive, try ignorance" -Anonymous

Griffin NoName

Quote from: Kiyoodle the Gambrinous on October 04, 2007, 08:57:31 AM
Is it possible to get this one:



It would need a credit linking back to "Free Gifs & Animations"

I can look out for something similar. There are loads of these around.

Darlica - I'll sort those for you later tonight.
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand

Griffin NoName

Ok. I've got a load of new smilies. The one's you asked for and one's I like.

I don't know if we want them all, but I've added them and can remove any we don't want if people feel there are too many.

Darlica - there's the wub :wub: - not sure when it was added.

Here are new alternatives for you Darlica : :kisshands:  :kiss2: and the redface :redface: and blush :blush:

Kyo, here's a load of thank yous : :thank_you: :thankyou: :thanx: :tyrose:

and with credit to

Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand