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Terrorists will destroy us by sending Daleks into our cities

Started by Swatopluk, February 29, 2008, 09:01:24 AM

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A British scientist warns us that the development of military robots is likely to become an uncontrollable danger, especially if terrorists get their hands on them. Faux News ilustrates that with a remote-controlled Dalek.,2933,333091,00.html
Here is the original British press release
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.


Oh!  I saw that!  I was going to post it here but I have been busier than a one-legged-man in an ass kicking contest.

I thought that was hilarious.  I'm sure they could turn a lot of devices into weapons but I seriously doubt they'd be effective.  I takes a lot of brains and money to that sort of thing.  I think this robot thing is just another scare tactic.  Car bombs are far more effective at random killing than any evil minded RC plane is ever going to be.


Build staircases.

(Actually that hasn't worked since "Remembrance of the Daleks")
The angels have the phone box


Quote from: beagle on February 29, 2008, 12:38:25 PM
Build staircases.

(Actually that hasn't worked since "Remembrance of the Daleks")

in order to read the tiny print that my dear sibling beagle is so fond of with his superior eyesight I have to quote him to read it.
Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.

Sibling Chatty

Yup. Beagle and Bob...tiny print guys.

Makes one wonder...


:beagle: :bwa:
This sig area under construction.

pieces o nine

Since the brains-that-be carefully rooted out and discharged Farsi-speaking personnel for being *gay* I hope they're not relying on BabelFish to do the translations for the US ADDs (Anti-Dalek-Daleks), to be built at the last minute and at great expense by Halliburton...

"If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you. But you have no chocolate! I think of that again and again! My dear, how will you ever manage?"
--Marquise de Sevigne, February 11, 1677


Oh! I thought it said "TOURISTS will destroy us by sending Daleks". I was picturing Dalek tourists roaming around, rubbernecking in traffic and complaining loudly in the art gallery about the cost of coffee down in the cafe.


I know some pieces of "art" I wouldn't mind being blown up by Daleks (and some pieces of architecture too)
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.


"This coffee was sub-standard. You will be exterminated."
Imus ad magum Ozi videndum, magum Ozi mirum mirissimum....

pieces o nine

Perhaps we could get some of these:

Hmmm, perhaps we could use them to administer those voting/candidacy tests being promoted in the other thread...
"If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you. But you have no chocolate! I think of that again and again! My dear, how will you ever manage?"
--Marquise de Sevigne, February 11, 1677

goat starer

I dont see the problem.. between Torchwood, Unit and the good Doctor surely we have all terrorist / dalek unholy alliances covered. I have watched the 'Doctor Who' documentaries and it appears we have been invaded by Daleks loads of times and I did not even notice! they can't be all that can they then.

Best regards

Comrade Goatvara

"And the Goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a Land not inhabited"


It's just alienist xenophobia whipped up to divert attention from domestic problems. Not only do Daleks have a rich (if somewhat nihilistic) culture of their own, they're hard working and great team members with a real sense of purpose. I've been trying to join the Cult of Skaro for years, but it's harder to get into than the local golf club.

The angels have the phone box

goat starer

I think in modern multicultural britain there is a place for rampaging evil robots. I am reminded of a song by the arrogant worms...

Killer Robots From Venus

About six months ago someone came by with a petition
Said "we want to stop these folks moving in next door."
I refused to sign it, told them everyone was welcome
'cause that's what neighbourhoods are for

So they moved in and i'll admit they looked peculiar
They invited me to friendly barbecue
Glad i got to know 'em, and let me tell you something
They may be metallic but they're just like me and you

No, there's nothing wrong with killer robots from venus
They gave me zuchinni from their garden yesterday (they're very fresh)
No, there's nothing wrong with killer robots from venus
You may disagree but i think they're a-ok

My buddy charlie never got off the robots' backs
Then one day him and his whole house disappeared
I talked about it to my neighbours, the killer robots from venus
They couldn't help me but agreed that it was weird

No, there's nothing wrong with killer robots from venus
They always mow their lawn and they joined the pta (because we care)
No, there's nothing wrong with killer robots from venus
You may disagree but i think they're a-ok

They had us over for an outdoor new year's party
Although it was ten below there was food and drink a-plenty
They got excited as we counted down with them
And when we kissed them our lips stuck to their heads (ouch!)

I was watching the news last night and i saw something funny
Killer robots from somewhere decimated montreal
I wondered, "could it be my neighbours, the killer robots from venus?
Could it be them after all?"

Oh, no. they're so nice.

No, there's nothing wrong with killer robots from venus
They applauded for my kid at the christmas play (he was the best shepard)
No, there's nothing wrong with killer robots from venus
You may disagree but i think they're a-ok
You may disagree but i think they're a-ok
You may disagree but i think they're a-ok
We're ok!


Best regards

Comrade Goatvara

"And the Goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a Land not inhabited"


I think in modern multicultural britain there is a place for rampaging evil robots. Goat.

Yes, but did we have to let them run the place?
Imus ad magum Ozi videndum, magum Ozi mirum mirissimum....

pieces o nine

No, don't let them run the place. Just put them out as greeters, as in the video. Or maybe customs agents! Oh, yeah! I would totally stand in line queue to get interrogated as to my intended business and duration of stay, if I could get my passport stamped by a Dalek.

:dalek: EXTERMINATE! :dalek: EXTERMINATE! :dalek: EXTERMINATE! :dalek:
"If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you. But you have no chocolate! I think of that again and again! My dear, how will you ever manage?"
--Marquise de Sevigne, February 11, 1677