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Teacher faces 40 years in jail for involuntary prawn display

Started by Swatopluk, January 22, 2007, 04:32:41 PM

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A computer in class suddenly started to display prawn as a result of malware infection.
The teacher now faces up to 40 years in jail for the damage that this allegedly caused to the innocent souls of the children.

Looks like another proof for the broken justice system. From one of the comments I hear that the judge even slept during parts of the proceedings.
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.

Sibling Chatty

Well, ya know them computer thingies is confusin' for a red-bloodod American cop.

Them internet tubes and stuff is SKEERY!!
This sig area under construction.

Griffin NoName

Wouldn't happen here. Judges have stopped sending prawn people to jail. See here
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand


I can't see how porn (unless combined with violence) can harm kids? If they are small they don't realize what these naked adults are doing and if they are 9-12 y.o. they realize that these are adult games they still don't fully understand. So, where is the harm done? Soon or later they are going to discover the truth with friends or all by themselves. That might be more harmful, because they lack guidance while watching it, because they interpret certain acts as 'yaky', guel etc.


That would be common sense and has therefore no place in a trail on "vice"
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.



Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.


Seems that many persons "fell down" on the job with this one.

Yes, many American police officers aren't very tech savvy. for that matter- they were not the main problem here. I think it is a case of a bad training system the officers are forced to deal with. Throwing regular officers(detectives included) into something - a situation- that requires a expert level of knowledge, and then expecting perfection is going to have problems- no matter what it is-- I work with several officers who are quite tech savvy and intelligent- but that comes from years of specialized training- forensic computer training- not a 2 week FBI refresher. A couple of our tech people drive "Geek Squad" cars at their second jobs- what a cop having a second job? Well you know they are the most overpaid people on the planet(cops are)- they just take second jobs to afford the finer things in life - like food and a freaking house- plus many small departments don't even provide secondary gear (such as cuffs, pepper spray, uniforms, flashlights,  or protective gear to their officers so there are cops making 6 and 7 an hour buying their own gear(does my heart good when the public calls them "Pigs").

Anyway..... sorry I digress (every group has bad apples, police are no exception- but everyone picks on the police)

I think this Sunbelt software company is marketing a flawed product(ComputerCOP) to police departments- I'm going to print the article and give it to our tech dept and maybe it will help spread the word.

Obviously more training- with better training tools is needed. Not just for officers and police departments who are underfunded and out "gunned" by savvy hackers with unlimited time, money and tech knowledge. Sounds like the school IT dept needs to fire their people and get some people in who know something.

Sounds sort of like the Salem Witch trials- people who have no idea screaming for blood and now a teacher has lost her life(hopefully not literally- but who knows what some nutjob parent will do next).

The court system fell down here as well- the judge runs the trial(even if the bugger is asleep) and they are so tightly tied in knots by a myriad of legaleze and laws that so much can go wrong- for example the idea that "the police didn't check for malware because the defense didn't raise the possibility of a malware attack during the pretrial phase" quote from article-- shows much of the problem(beat head againt the wall here)

I agree- most porn in and of itself is not going to be harmful to a child- some exceptions the violent, humiliating, or child porn types. But adult/adult sex is just something else to try and figure out--- "what are they doing?" most kids will say -- yuck and move on--- someone said it is the mis-information they get that is most damaging and I agree. If parents can not or will not talk to their children about age appropropriate ideas/material then they will get information from friends and it will often be incorrect.

I only hope that something is corrected for this teacher and others and that she can get at least some of her life back- of course now she will probably carry the tag "convicted sex offender" forever.
Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.


It happened even to me... while fiddling in pirate sites, suddenly a page of hard porn popped out and my wife exclaimed... aha, now I got you!
Maybe she should have brought me to court, too. I mean it's highly obscene and offensive stuff and she would be entitled to claim having  suffered disrespect, a moral shock, abuse etc., because it's against her will that I confront her with such horrible suggestions, details.
As you see, confusion is never remote...


she could get you on
"loss of marital harmony"

I typed in stupid people dot com once (DON'T!!!!) it used to be a site for listing things stupid people had done-- I wasn't paying attention and my coworker said
"What are you looking at?" in a very shocked tone and I looked and it was prawn now.

Shite happens and we can't just ruin someones life -- especially with as many red flags as this story has.

Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.


I reckon people have to get used to it. It doesn't affect me anymore. I just say: 'Oh how nice!' and continue looking for the things I'm really looking for in another matter (of course).
Piously oriented folk (and those unable to enjoy sex) will have a problem with it for ever! Amen