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The Never Ending Toadfish Interview Cycle!

Started by goat starer, November 17, 2006, 10:08:15 AM

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goat starer

Quote from: Kiyoodle the Gambrinous on July 29, 2007, 07:47:31 PM

3. do you wish you had a glass paperwight shaped like a tennis ball?

No, I'd prefer a tennis ball shaped like a glass papaerweight.

aside... given that rthe paperweight in question is shaped like a tennis ball that would be a regular tennis ball shaped like a glass tennis ball....... at that point my brain started to bleed......


Best regards

Comrade Goatvara

"And the Goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a Land not inhabited"

Sibling Lambicus the Toluous

Quote from: beagle on July 29, 2007, 07:43:52 PM
Unless you made your fortune in drugs dealing or bank robbery referring to your 7 series as a "beamer" in England is considered a bit déclassé.
For BMWs I dislike (or rather, BMWs that are driven as status symbols rather than as fun rear-wheel-drive cars with good handling and performance), I like plain old "Bmw" (pronounced "bum-wuh").   ;D

1. Ever wonder what drugs Rohal Dahl was on?

Not really... he meshed so well with what I thought as a kid that I just assumed he was really good at putting himself in the frame of mind of a child.

Though in retrospect, perhaps my parents had me on the same stuff that he was on.   ;)

2. Do you use POP mailing systems?

3. Who was your favorite teacher growing up? Why?
My favourite teacher was the head of my high school theatre department.  He only marginally taught me directly (two classes in "dramatech" - lots of hands-on, not much listening to the teacher talk), but was a major influence on the after-school activities of me and the other folks involved in theatre.  He had a huge influence on a lot of other kids, too. 

My last year in high school was supposed to be his retirement year, and the last play he was set to direct was the fall term production (another drama teacher was directing the winter play, and instead of a spring play, our school had "Rookie Drama" every May, which was a four-night festival with ~3 one-act plays a night, each directed by a senior drama student and acted by the grade 10 drama students - I believe the festival was in large part his idea originally).  As it turned out, it did turn out to be his last play, because the night the play closed, he had a stroke while he was sleeping.  He ended up finishing his last year on long-term sick leave.

The next year, a few of my friends who were still in school started a campaign to get the theatre named after him.  They thought it would be appropriate, since he had touched the lives of every single drama student since the theatre was built; he had even been the one to push for an actual theatre in the first place (the school was built in stages, and the original plan was just to put a stage at one end of the gym), and was the one who had the foresight to get lots of good used equipment instead of the shiniest and newest stuff, hence when I got there, we had lots of good 35-year-old lighting equipment instead of a little bit of 30-year-old crap, and could actually be taught the basics of how to set a lighting spread properly.

Anyhow, like I said, my friends started a push to name the theatre after him.  At first, the school board gave a flat-out no: their policy was that they didn't name things after living people.  But they worked at it and worked at it, and through the efforts (read: pestering) of my friends, plus a petition with a lot of signatures on it, the school board finally agreed.

About a year and a half after his stroke, the school board got him to come in on the pretext of helping set the class schedule for the next year (which was something he'd done for years); at that point, he was in a wheelchair and was being helped by his son (who was in on the plan)... they brought him into the theatre, and it was like the scene at the end of Mr. Holland's Opus: they had put the word out to all his former students that could be found, and they were all there, filling the auditorium.  They wheeled him down and unveiled the name of the theatre.  He was blown away.

So... that was my favourite teacher.  He was a terrific teacher, not so much for actually teaching (he was good at helping people learn, but to me, that was secondary), but for his amazing ability to encourage whatever little spark there was in every student he encountered.

Sorry - long response.


1. If you weren't doing what you're doing now, what would you be doing?

2. What made you decide to do what you're doing now instead of what you would have been doing?

3. What electives did you pick in high school?  Why?

goat starer

what are 'electives' and is high school when i think it is?

Best regards

Comrade Goatvara

"And the Goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a Land not inhabited"


Electives - non-requisite classes that one chooses to fit their interests and aspirations, and high school is generally the last 3-5 years of public schooling (as opposed to post-secondary like Uni etc.).

For example, I took wood shop as my main elective (I think I took 4 classes of it in my senior year). Also took the tougher incarnations (Grade 12) of bio, chem, physics, but I don't consider those standard electives; others might.  I graduated with way too many credits...  ::)

Scriblerus the Philosophe

1. If you weren't doing what you're doing now, what would you be doing?
Probably hanging out with friends or sleeping. Possibly writing.

2. What made you decide to do what you're doing now instead of what you would have been doing?
The friend I was supposed to go hang out with got a ticket last night, and had to work today to pay it off.

3. What electives did you pick in high school?  Why?
Oh. Um,

    4 years of Debate ('coz I thought it would be fun, and I fell in love with it)
    Three years of Spanish, my mother made me.
    Two years of forensics (no, not poking dead bodies. Speech) because one year it got me out of academic decathalon, and then because I enjoyed it.
    Photo. On a whim. Turned out to like it.
    Zoology. I wanted to know if star fish had brains.
    Botany. I like plants
    Environmental science, because I liked it.
    Art. Needed a year of it for the state college system.
    Acadec, because I liked the teacher originally.
I had to have 305 credits to graduate, ended with 350. (Ten classes senior year and a summer art class)
1. Preferred operating system?

2. Has that been asked before?

3. Is Google evil?
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay


1. Preferred operating system?
Shimano Deore LX or XT, 24 speed.  Sure, XTR is lighter and cooler, and 9-speed is in style, but LX is cheaper to replace when you (inevitably) rip a deraileur off on a rock.  Asides, I don't shift precisely enough to actually use all 9 gears... as long as the granny is at a low enough ratio, you're golden.

2. Has that been asked before?
It certainly hasn't been answered that way before. ;)

3. Is Google evil?
No, as much as I hate monopolies, it's nice to have a clear, effective standardized choice of search engine, and I loooooves their toys like gmail, maps, Google Earth.  And hey... it's free, and the ads are relatively unobtrusive.

:inky: :inky: :inky: :inky: :inky: :inky: :inky: :inky: :inky: :inky: :inky:

1. Ever eaten squid ink or a product made with it?

2. What's your favorite edible natural product used to color food?

3. Do you check labels for carmine? 

Sibling Chatty

1. Ever eaten squid ink or a product made with it?

Yep. Pasta (black pasta...uuuuhhh, ick?), specifically ravioli with finely minced squid in the filling. In a red, but no tomato sauce, with sour cream piped on it. It was...colorful.

2. What's your favorite edible natural product used to color food?

Finely chopped herbs. Tiny bit of beet juice.

3. Do you check labels for carmine?

YES. El Yucko.
This sig area under construction.


Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.

Sibling Chatty

Sorry, got distracted by a phone call from the National Institute of Health. I told them I wanted some, please... (A friend is one of their board officers and wanted to alert me to another clinical trial possibility that is working its way into the system.)

1. If you could be a citizen of any country, would you leave 'home'?

2. What's the last film you saw in a cinema?

3. What is your ideal pet? One you've wanted forever, or thought would be cool or different?

Bonus: Should I dye my hair blue?
This sig area under construction.


1. If you could be a citizen of any country, would you leave 'home'?

As my family have been expats since the late 60's, I would have no problem with leaving "home". I will always be a Scot, no matter what passport I carry.

2. What's the last film you saw in a cinema?

Casino Royale

3. What is your ideal pet? One you've wanted forever, or thought would be cool or different?

Not really into the idea of pets. Much prefer the beasties out in the open, where they are supposed to be. If pushed, I'd like a politician or two. So much more enjoyable rubbing their noses in the mess they produce...

Bonus: Should I dye my hair blue?

If you feel dying your hair blue is something you want to do, go for it. However, at least in the enclave of the elderly I currently inhabit, the whole "Blue Rinse" thing is invariably paired with the matching Heather Twin-set and clumpy shoes...
Imus ad magum Ozi videndum, magum Ozi mirum mirissimum....


Got carried away, post button depressed before ending...

1. Do you believe in karma?

2. What good thing happened to you in the last week?

3. What good thing did you cause to happen in the last week?


Whoever guesses my middle name gets a backrub.
Imus ad magum Ozi videndum, magum Ozi mirum mirissimum....

Kiyoodle the Gambrinous

1. Do you believe in karma?

I don't really know. I just think, that if I do a good deed, it will somehow get back to you in a positive way and if you're an asshole, you'll be nahdled like one.......

2. What good thing happened to you in the last week?

I fell in love... Although that might have been the week before....

3. What good thing did you cause to happen in the last week?

Someone fell in love with me... And it wasn't myself...


Whoever guesses my middle name gets a backrub.

I want a backrub, but I am not able to think straight, so I can't guess your middle name... Is it maybe "elephant"?


1. I don't know what to ask, so just answer....?

2. What is your prefered animal?

3. Do you know on which weekday you've been born? (Monday, Tuesday...?)

Bonus: Shou I ask something more, or is it ok, if I just shut up fpr a while?

I'm back..


Scriblerus the Philosophe

1. I don't know what to ask, so just answer....?

2. What is your prefered animal?

I really like sharks, especially Greenland sharks. And I like ceolcanths and lungfish.

3. Do you know on which weekday you've been born? (Monday, Tuesday...?)
I'm Friday's child. All of my sisters and I were born on Fridays.

Bonus: Shou I ask something more, or is it ok, if I just shut up fpr a while?
Whatever you like.
1. What color are your eyes?
2. What eye color would you choose if you could?
3. Did you read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows?
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay


1. What color are your eyes?
Officially gray-blue, in reality with a tinge of green

2. What eye color would you choose if you could?
Less green more gray

3. Did you read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows?
On the day of publication finishing between 4 and 5am next day after about 15 hours of reading (i.e. about 40 pages/hour)


1. Is the ideal male or female nude more well-proportioned (ignore the face)?

2. What's the most elegant animal (and what the least) in your opinion?

3. What's the most unconventional movie you have seen?
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.


1. Is the ideal male or female nude more well-proportioned (ignore the face)?
I think it's draw.

2. What's the most elegant animal (and what the least) in your opinion?

Horses can be elegant... but I think I have to say it's the Leopard/Panther since it manage to look relaxed and graceful at the same time.

3. What's the most unconventional movie you have seen?

I think it's still "Prospero's Books" by Peter Greenaway.


1) What is your favorite colour?

2) What are you most fascinated of: water, fire, metal, stone, wood, glass?

3) Your favorite pudding/dessert?

"Kafka was a social realist" -Lindorm out of context

"You think education is expensive, try ignorance" -Anonymous