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Idiot Manager

Started by Scriblerus the Philosophe, April 06, 2008, 07:44:22 AM

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Scriblerus the Philosophe

So my store manager is, while a nice guy, a total idiot.  :bigsmack:

I have a very open schedule, three days a week open to close, and two days for at least six hours.
He likes to schedule me for a close one night, and an open or early morning shift the next. If this happened just once, I'd let it go.
But it happens frequently, and not just to me.
I like closing. I'm ok with store bitch shifts (where I do all pre-close stuff, like cleaning and shutting down the machines). But I am not a morning person by any means, and this is worsened by early shifts following a late night.
AND I have insomnia tendencies, so I rarely get to sleep before one or two in the morning.

Moreover, he tends to ignore certain rules dealing with meal breaks. I have to have one for every five hours I work. Once in a while, he'll have me do an eight hour shift. On one occasion, he had me take the meal break an hour into my shift, leaving me with a violation. That can get both the shift supervisor and me in trouble. And I'm supposed to get time and a half for the hour over my meal break violation I was forced to do. And he didn't pay me for it.  >:(

He's also not schedualed a store bitch on a couple of nights, including a Friday night, when one is desperately needed.

He likes to call and ask me on days I specifically labeled as COMPLETELY UNAVALIBLE to cover a shift for so-and-so. There's only two of these days! I've told him that I have class all damn day those two days, so no, I can't come across town to cover that shift. No, seriously. I can't. It doesn't matter that it's only for a few hours. I have, you know, school during those hours.

He gets cranky with me if I ask another barista to swap shifts with me, but doesn't care if the others do it (and they do--all the time). I almost never do it, and am always covering shifts for other people (I tend to pick up four to eight hours a week this way). 
I am the go-to girl if you need a shift covered, and I've asked for a shift to be covered for me a total of twice in the time this guy has worked here, and a total of three times in the last seven months.
I cover that many shifts for one particular girl in three or four weeks. On average.
(A related snark: it's almost impossible for me to find people to cover my shifts, but yet I cover constantly :snark: )

He is not new to managing and was hired specifically to become one. I'm about ready to kick him.
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

Bob in a quantum-state-of-faith

Quote from: Scriblerus the Philosophe on April 06, 2008, 07:44:22 AM
He is not new to managing and was hired specifically to become one. I'm about ready to kick him.

So kick him.   :mrgreen:

It ain't worth ruining your spleen over, believe me! (no really.  Had years of ulicerative colitis because of spleen issues... but tha's another rant)

Seriously, is there someone over his head you can take it up with?

You owe this nutjob no loyalty whatsoever--has he shown any to YOU?
Sometimes, the real journey can only be taken by making a mistake.

my webpage-- alas, Cox deleted it--dead link... oh well ::)


As Bob said, is there anyone above him you can contact?

Playing the wide eyed girl wondering if those schedule's are really OK, it would be oh so bad for the company and the poor manager any you if someone (don't know what authority that would be in the US) did an inspection...  But first and foremost you are worried about the reputation of your little shop, right...


It sound to me like you are more manager material that the bloke currently holding the position.
"Kafka was a social realist" -Lindorm out of context

"You think education is expensive, try ignorance" -Anonymous


Oh dear...

I am not an expert on US labour relations law and working hours legislation, but there is of course always the dilemma of you becoming branded as a troublemaker if you set down your foot and demand your rights. And if you are an hourly employee, it is of course all too easy for the manager to simply stop hiring you in for any hours -which is more or less exactly what that sort of employment is all about.

Is there any trade union at your place of work? If so , this might be a good time for you to get into contact with them.

Whatever you do, good luck, and I hope things turn out OK for you.
Der Eisenbahner lebt von seinem kärglichen Gehalt sowie von der durch nichts zu erschütternden Überzeugung, daß es ohne ihn im Betriebe nicht gehe.
K.Tucholsky (1930)


Unfortunately this is entirely typical and standard operating procedure for many of the hourly jobs here in the USA.

Here is the hard part--- you most often like your job, it doesn't suck every single minute, because you are in school it is difficult to just tell them to shove it and find another 'that will work with your schedule'-all to often they read college-other student and shred the app so having a job is a leg up on so many others, this manager is in a pissing contest with himself and has never been the bitch and hasn't a clue about real life and is using a formula of scheduling set by the company without really understanding it-- he is simply plugging in names and froking up peoples schedules, he might very well be getting booty from one of the giggling teeny boopers(usually the one who needs help with X every freaking time she touches it), he is a fucktard, of course they will brand her (anyone) a troublemaker-it seems that he already has issues with her for what little she has said and because she doesn't jump when he says jump(no I can not come in and cover), and etc

There are usually no trade unions for this type of work. Most states have at will work meaning (like you said Lindorm) they can simply say bye bye or just cut you down to 1 hour (at random) a week making you be the one that quits. But there are 20 people in line for most of these jobs at one time so there is no incentive for management to be nice to good employees- they just don't see the value of good employees they just want cheap bodies.

this is why we all go to school (college, trade school, etc) so that we only have to endure this crap for a while.

if you have someone over him who is not so retarded then ask them about the scheduling thing-- like ask them 'what is the exact rule about scheduling on days I am listed as not available because I am in school?" or some such, and if they say 'why' say well I have only two days listed not available but ________ seems to get upset if I can not come in on those days and you know I've been here ___ months and this job is fantastic but I am in class those days and I just want to make sure that I am doing the right thing and not causing unnecessary trouble.

I know-not real advice at all- but I have been in your shoes and know the mixed feelings and stress this causes.

hang in there and stop by and vent any time!
Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.

Sibling Chatty

Is there another Starbucks anywhere in your area?

Keep a running list of all the problems, including the close/open issues. Having that happen is a MAJOR no-no when you've got adequate employees. Also, make notes of how often which people work bitch.

Then ask the district manager about transfer, even if it's a less convenient location. Refer to the unstable staffing procedures, the lack of impartiality in shift coverage and the frequent demands that you come cover when you're unavailable for your PART TIME JOB in order to get YOUR EDUCATION!!

Get all rah-rah on them. "I love my work, I enjoy working for the company. there's nothing I would like more than to finish my degree and to be able to use my knowledge and still stay with Starbucks." Then throw in the 'but'...trying to be as flexible as possible for the company could interfere with your schooling, and that's just not doable. Also, back-to back close/open is always a problem for anyone. the alertness issues alone cause more errors than is tolerable.

After all, the point of the entire store is to provide a pleasant experience for the customer. Anybody can sell coffee, Starbucks wants to provide an environment that people enjoy, and tensions among staff CAN be felt by the customers. Can he help you either change to a store with fewer issues, or help make that one flow more smoothly?

DD, the former manager of too many places that some jerk had run into the ground...
This sig area under construction.


Quote from Scriblerus,
"Moreover, he tends to ignore certain rules dealing with meal breaks. I have to have one for every five hours I work. Once in a while, he'll have me do an eight hour shift. On one occasion, he had me take the meal break an hour into my shift, leaving me with a violation. That can get both the shift supervisor and me in trouble. And I'm supposed to get time and a half for the hour over my meal break violation I was forced to do. And he didn't pay me for it. "

ok just re-read this--- not acceptable at all
:nono:                                     :explode:

this is illegal--- bust him
Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.

Scriblerus the Philosophe

I've contemplated transferring (actually, I can transfer to any Starbucks nationwide that will have me as of last month) to one of the nine in my townlette. And I have about a zillion friends that also work for the 'Bux, so I think I'll keep my ear to the ground  for a barista opening at a decent store (we tend to know which ones have issues based on the turnover and so on).
Which will be sad, since I like most of the people I work with. Even the manager is a usually a nice guy (so long as I'm not asking for anything) and the two I don't like all that much I don't work with much.

And I will be branded as a trouble maker if I go to his superiors. I know who they are, but he'll be a jerk-wad about it. He doesn't take correction very easily.
I've contemplated talking to my district manager, though. She's rather fond of me, so she might be more willing to listen.

There's not a union. If there's anything I fault the company about, it's the vicious quashing of union sentiment.
Quote from: anthrobabe on April 06, 2008, 07:22:42 PM
ok just re-read this--- not acceptable at all
this is illegal--- bust him
No, this is a violation of company policy. I GOT my meal break, but I got it too soon. Talking to him or his superiors (who will then talk to him about it) will get me the black spot. I may consider it when/if I transfer, but until then, I won't.

I'm bitch a couple days a week (three or so, usually) and always have been. And that's fine.
I'm planning to talk to him about the scheduling today, since I'm bitch for his close tonight. I can handle anything after eleven am, since that gives me time to sleep and do my laundry

Quote from: anthrobabe on April 06, 2008, 01:51:32 PM
Unfortunately this is entirely typical and standard operating procedure for many of the hourly jobs here in the USA.
Didn't used to be like this. I never worked before ten am [excepting the required learning-to-open shift]. Even though almost no one else's schedule was stable, mine was.

Quote from: anthrobabe on April 06, 2008, 01:51:32 PM
Here is the hard part--- you most often like your job, it doesn't suck every single minute, because you are in school it is difficult to just tell them to shove it and find another 'that will work with your schedule'-all to often they read college-other student and shred the app so having a job is a leg up on so many others, this manager is in a pissing contest with himself and has never been the bitch...
He was, for a brief time. He's been with the company slightly longer than I have, and everyone starts as a barista, even if they've been hired to be a manager.
Quote from: anthrobabe on April 06, 2008, 01:51:32 PM...and hasn't a clue about real life and is using a formula of scheduling set by the company without really understanding it-- he is simply plugging in names and froking up peoples schedules, he might very well be getting booty from one of the giggling teeny boopers (usually the one who needs help with X every freaking time she touches it), he is a fucktard, of course they will brand her (anyone) a troublemaker-it seems that he already has issues with her for what little she has said and because she doesn't jump when he says jump(no I can not come in and cover), and etc
I sincerely doubt he's sleeping with one of our baristas. I may not be too terribly find of him, but I think that's the last thing he'd do. (We also don't have a resident oh-please-help-me-:bats eyelashes:-I-can't-get-it.)
But he is screwing up schedules--there's been lots of quite grumbling about this. I don't do well with such an unstable schedule, and my sleep-debt is catching up with me (i.e. ten hours is very very easy for me to sleep through. Twelve is ideal).

Quote from: anthrobabe on April 06, 2008, 01:51:32 PM
There are usually no trade unions for this type of work. Most states have at will work meaning (like you said Lindorm) they can simply say bye bye or just cut you down to 1 hour (at random) a week making you be the one that quits. But there are 20 people in line for most of these jobs at one time so there is no incentive for management to be nice to good employees- they just don't see the value of good employees they just want cheap bodies.
Nope, no trade union. Like I said--vicious quashing. And twenty? Please. Try about a hundred.
There is incentive--we're the company's first priority (we're expected to have customers as our first), and we can make his life a living hell if we want. I could steadily refuse to cover (oh, I have a test the next day, and I need to study), and that would make it difficult (since I'm basically the only one who covers barista shifts).

I'm just so frustrated--I've given up a lot of time I didn't have to for the store. I've cancelled prior plans or forgone other things I wanted to do because they needed me. And I've gotten nothing in return. (All I have to say is that I had best see another fifty cent raise in September!)
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay


obviously you can see how well I would do at Starbucks--- yeah they would love me.

Transfer if you can and want to. It is frustrating.
Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.

Scriblerus the Philosophe

If you got the right manager, I think you'd be fine. :mrgreen:
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

Bob in a quantum-state-of-faith

Quote from: Scriblerus the Philosophe on April 06, 2008, 07:49:33 PM
Quote from: anthrobabe on April 06, 2008, 07:22:42 PM
ok just re-read this--- not acceptable at all
this is illegal--- bust him
No, this is a violation of company policy. I GOT my meal break, but I got it too soon. Talking to him or his superiors (who will then talk to him about it) will get me the black spot. I may consider it when/if I transfer, but until then, I won't.

Anthrobabe is correct:  it's illegal.  It may also be policy violation, but in the US, any worker regardless of status (part-time, etc) is entitled to 1(one) 15 minute break every 4 hours, regardless.   This is a paid break.   That is the Law.

Every 8 hours, if I recall, every employee is entitled to a minimum of 30 minutes lunch break.  Not paid.  Again, that is the law.

Thus, if you work 5 hour shift, you get 1 (one) paid 15 minute break.  If you work 8 hours, you get 2 (two) 15 minute paid break, and 1 at least 30 minute non-paid lunch.   If you work 10 hours, you are entitled to 3 (three) paid breaks + unpaid lunch, etc.

This is the law, and the company has to comply, or else they get in all sorts of trouble with the Gub'ment.

Even salaried employees get these.
Sometimes, the real journey can only be taken by making a mistake.

my webpage-- alas, Cox deleted it--dead link... oh well ::)

Scriblerus the Philosophe

1) I just got a call asking me to come in early. Not inclined to do so, but he's sick, so I might. And he's been one of the few to cover for me when I asked.

2) I got the breaks--paid lunch and two paid ten minute breaks. It was just the order and timing. It was work for an hour, lunch, work for a couple hours, break, more work, break, more work, clock out to discover meal break violation.
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

Bob in a quantum-state-of-faith

Quote from: Scriblerus the Philosophe on April 06, 2008, 10:00:35 PM
1) I just got a call asking me to come in early. Not inclined to do so, but he's sick, so I might. And he's been one of the few to cover for me when I asked.

2) I got the breaks--paid lunch and two paid ten minute breaks. It was just the order and timing. It was work for an hour, lunch, work for a couple hours, break, more work, break, more work, clock out to discover meal break violation.

Aaaah. I don't know if the timing of the lunch/breaks is spelled out.  Probably not.

As for your co-worker.  Ultimately, the scheduling is up to the manager, yes?   I know, you feel loyalty to your friend, but the responsibility for covering the shift is the manager's.  Not yours, and not your friends.

I strongly recommend being "ill" yourself.  But, then again, I really don't know, and you _must_ live with yourself. :)

Good Luck!
Sometimes, the real journey can only be taken by making a mistake.

my webpage-- alas, Cox deleted it--dead link... oh well ::)

Scriblerus the Philosophe

It's only an hour, I suppose. And I'm going to cover for him, since he, like I said, covers for me when he can.

But I'm going to stop covering for two people, since they never cover for me (Actually, one of them is, on Monday, but she owes me until further notice, and she knows that).

I don't like the other one anyway, and I'm not letting him use 'Oh, I have an opera this weekend! Sorry I didn't tell you" as an excuse anymore.
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

Bob in a quantum-state-of-faith

Quote from: Scriblerus the Philosophe on April 06, 2008, 10:35:18 PM
It's only an hour, I suppose. And I'm going to cover for him, since he, like I said, covers for me when he can.

But I'm going to stop covering for two people, since they never cover for me (Actually, one of them is, on Monday, but she owes me until further notice, and she knows that).

I don't like the other one anyway, and I'm not letting him use 'Oh, I have an opera this weekend! Sorry I didn't tell you" as an excuse anymore.

Good for you.

Make certain he knows why and that you appreciate when he returns the favor.

In doing so, the word will get around why you are snubbing the other people, even though you never said anything about that.

Plus the first guy will be even more appreciative; people like a give-and-take.  It's what makes humans, well, human. :)  He'll feel appreciated and needed at the same time.
Sometimes, the real journey can only be taken by making a mistake.

my webpage-- alas, Cox deleted it--dead link... oh well ::)