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The Last Post Game!!!!

Started by Sibling Qwertyuiopasd, March 19, 2006, 12:16:36 AM

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Sibling Chatty


You've all "misunderestimated" your opponents in the Last Post game.

I'm no longer burdened with a 3000 member millstone around my neck, and I can play instead of work.

Just you wait until after the elections...

Then, forever!! The Last Post COULD be mineeeeeeeeee...

Except i'm having too much fun to take it with everywhere. But I DO have it now.

Last Post.
This sig area under construction.


If I understood MentalBlock right, we have the technology to use wireless (cell phone, smart phone etc) to claim the

Last Post

Kiyoodle the Gambrinous

Chatty, you have already been a Last Post winner once, it's time for the me to claim it now... ;)

It's mine!

Last Post

I'm back..



Hurray! Swato's here.

Last Post.
The angels have the phone box


Gee, I sure do like Last Posts..... So I'll take this one off your hands.

"Baldrick, you wouldn't know a subtle plan if it painted itself purple and
danced naked on a harpsicord singing Subtle Plans Are Here Again!"
--Black Adder

The Holy Grail Of Signature Quotes:

Kiyoodle the Gambrinous

But, I'm pretty sure you don't need it anymore...

Last Post

I'm back..



Everyone knows post are the natural property of dogs. So it's mine.

Last Post.
The angels have the phone box


Ah ha, ho ho, he he...


Last Post

is mine.
--The topologist formerly known as Poincare's Stepchild--

Kiyoodle the Gambrinous

He who laughs last...

... has the last post...

And it's me who's laughing now!!!

Last Post

I'm back..


Sibling Chatty

I don't want to win forever. I just want the Last Post.


Last Post
This sig area under construction.


And once again now becomes then. Time is slippy that way.

Last Post.
The angels have the phone box

Vita Curator

And the post in itself is a slippery little devil, in fact, it has just slipped out of your hands into mine.

Last (cold) post. It is freezing here today. Brr.
Unity is Strength. Knowledge is Power. Attitude is Everything.


Still shirtsleeve weather here, but dark, so you'll never notice me sneak away the

Last Post.
The angels have the phone box


Speaking of is gorgeous football weather here.  beagel fumbles and Aphos recovers...

the Last Post.
--The topologist formerly known as Poincare's Stepchild--

Vita Curator

Aphos throws a long pass, Vita intercepts

The Last Post
Unity is Strength. Knowledge is Power. Attitude is Everything.