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The Lyric Chain

Started by Vita Curator, September 28, 2006, 06:09:15 PM

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In taberna quando sumus
non curamus quid sit humus,
sed ad ludum properamus,
cui semper insudamus.
Quid agatur in taberna
ubi nummus est pincerna,
hoc est opus ut queratur,
si quid loquar, audiatur.

Quidam ludunt, quidam bibunt,
quidam indiscrete vivunt.
Sed in ludo qui morantur,
ex his quidam denudantur
quidam ibi vestiuntur,
quidam saccis induuntur.
Ibi nullus timet mortem
sed pro Baccho mittunt sortem:

Primo pro nummata vini,
ex hac bibunt libertini;
semel bibunt pro captivis,
post hec bibunt ter pro vivis,
quater pro Christianis cunctis
quinquies pro fidelibus defunctis,
sexies pro sororibus vanis,
septies pro militibus silvanis.

Octies pro fratribus perversis,
nonies pro monachis dispersis,
decies pro navigantibus
undecies pro discordaniibus,
duodecies pro penitentibus,
tredecies pro iter agentibus.
Tam pro papa quam pro rege
bibunt omnes sine lege.

Bibit hera, bibit herus,
bibit miles, bibit clerus,
bibit ille, bibit illa,
bibit servis cum ancilla,
bibit velox, bibit piger,
bibit albus, bibit niger,
bibit constans, bibit vagus
bibit rudis, bibit magnus.

Bibit pauper et egrotus,
bibit exul et ignotus,
bibit puer, bibit canus,
bibit presul et decanus,
bibit soror, bibit frater,
bibit anus, bibit mater,
bibit ista, bibit ille,
bibunt centum, bibunt mille.

Parum sexcente nummate
durant, cum immoderate
bibunt omnes sine meta.
Quamvis bibant mente leta,
sic nos rodunt omnes gentes
et sic erimus egentes.
Qui nos rodunt confundantur
et cum iustis non scribantur.
Io io io io io io io io!

From the Carmina Burana
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

Peregrinus expectavi pedes meos in cymbalis est.

Sergei Prokofiev - Alexander Nevsky

What, not enough text?

А и было дело на Неве-реке,
На Неве-реке, на большой воде.
Там рубили мы злое воинство,
Злое воинство, войско шведское.
Ух, как бились мы, как рубились мы!
Ух, рубили корабли по досточкам.
Нашу кровь-руду не жалели мы
За великую землю русскую.
Где прошел топор, была улица,
Где летело копье - переулочек.
Положили мы шведов, немчинов,
Как ковыль траву на сухой земле.
Не уступим мы землю русскую.
Кто придет на Русь, будет насмерть бит.
Поднялася Русь супротив врага;
Поднимись на бой, славный Новгород!

Peregrinus, expectavi,
Pedes meos in cimbalis.

Вставайте, люди русские,
На славный бой, на смертный бой,
Вставайте, люди вольные,
За нашу землю честную!
Живым бойцам почет и честь,
А мертвым слава вечная.
За отчий дом, за русский край,
Вставайте люди русские
Вставайте, люди русские,
На славный бой, на смертный бой,
Вставайте, люди вольные,
За нашу землю честную!
На Руси родной, на Руси большой
Не бывать врагу.
Поднимайся, встань,
Мать родная Русь.
Вставайте, люди русские,
На славный бой, на смертный бой,
Вставайте, люди вольные,
За нашу землю честную!
Врагам на Русь не хаживать,
Полков на Русь не важивать,
Путей на Русь не видывать,
Полей Руси не таптывать.
Вставайте, люди русские,
На славный бой, на смертный бой,
Вставайте, люди вольные,
За нашу землю честную!
5. Ледовое побоище

Peregrinus, expectavi,
Pedes meos in cimbalis.
Peregrinus, expectavi,
Pedes meos in cimbalis est.
Vincant arma crucifera!
Hostis pereat!
Peregrinus, expectavi,
Pedes meos in cimbalis, expectavi!

Меццо-сопрано соло
Я пойду по полю белому,
Полечу по полю смертному,
Поищу я славных соколов,
Женихов моих, добрых молодцев.
Кто лежит, мечами порубленный,
Кто лежит, стрелою пораненный,
Напоили они кровью алою
Землю честную, землю русскую.
Кто погиб за Русь смертью доброю,
Поцелую того в очи мертвые,
А тому молодцу, что остался жить,
Буду верной женой, милой ладою.
Не возьму в мужья красивого, -
Красота земная кончится.
А пойду я за храброго.
Отзовитеся, ясны соколы!

На великий бой выходила Русь;
Ворога победила Русь.
На родной земле не бывать врагу.
Кто придет, будет насмерть бит.
Веселися, пой, мать родная Русь!
На Руси родной не бывать врагу,
Не видать врагу наших русских сел,
Кто придет на Русь, будет насмерть бит.
На Руси родной, на Руси большой
Не бывать врагу!
Веселися, пой, мать родная Русь!
На великий праздник собралася Русь.
Веселися Русь, родная Мать!

:devil2: :mrgreen: :devil2: :mrgreen: :devil2: :mrgreen:
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.


I love both that movie and that soundtrack. The aria on the Field of the Fallen is among my favorite pieces for the female voice.

Spit streleckoe gnezdo.
Spi, russkij ljud:
Vorog ne dremlet.
Ach ty, v sud'bine
Zloscastnaja, rodnaja Rus'.
Kto z, kto tebja, pecal'nuju,
Ot bedy lichoj spaset?
Al' nedrug zloj nalozit
Ruku na sud'bu tvoju?
Al' nemcin zloradnyj
ot sud'by tvoej
Pozivy zdet?
Ach, rodnaja!
A ni, ni, oj, nyet,
Ty im, lichim.
Ne poklon' sja,
Vorogam tvoim!
Vspomni, pomjani ty
Detej tvoich,
K tebe ved'
Laskovych i boleznych!


Stonala ty pod
Jaremom tatarskim, sla.
Brela za umom bojarskim;
Ty dan'ju tataram
Vrazdu knjazej spokoila;
Ty mestom bojarskim
Bojar sluzit' ponudila!
Propala dan' tatarskaja,
Prestala vlast' bojarskaja,-
A ty, pecal'nica,
Strazdei' i terpis!
Ty, s vysot bespredel'nych
Nas gresnyj mir ob"emljuscij,
Ty, vedyj vsja tajnaja serdec,
Boljascich, izmucennych,
Nisposli ty razuma
Svet blagodatnyj na Rus'!
Daruj ej izbrannika,
Toj by spas,
Voznes zloscastnuju Rus',
Ej, gospodi,
Vzemljaj grech mira,
Uslysi mja:
Ne daj Rusi pogibnut'
Ot lichich naemnikov!

Aria of Shaklovity from Khovanshchina by Modest P. Mussorgsky
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.


I'm just an old fashioned girl with an old fashioned mind
Not sophisticated, I'm the sweet and simple kind.
I want an old fashioned house, with an old fashioned fence
And an old fashioned millionaire.
I want an old fashioned car, a cerise Cadillac,
Long enough to put a bowling alley in the back.
I want an old fashioned house, with an old fashioned fence
And an old fashioned millionaire.
I'll stay weaving at my loom,
Be no trouble to my groom,
If he'll keep the piles of money mounting.
In our cottage there will be
A soundproof nursery
Not to wake the baby while I'm counting.
I like the old fashioned flowers, violets are for me -
Have them made in diamonds by the man at Tiffany.
I want an old fashioned house, with an old fashioned fence
And an old fashioned millionaire.
I'm just a pilgrim at heart, oh so pure and genteel.
Watch me in Las Vegas while I'm at the spinning wheel!
I want an old fashioned house, with an old fashioned fence
And an old fashioned millionaire.
I'll ask for such simple things when my birthday occurs:
Two appartment buildings that are labelled 'Hers' and 'Hers'.
I want an old fashioned house, with an old fashioned fence
And an old fashioned millionaire.
I like Chopin and Bizet
And the songs of yesterday,
String quartets and Polonesian carols.
But the music that excels
Is the sound of oil wells
As they slurp, slurp, slurp into the barrels.
Our little home will be quaint as an old parasol,
And instead of carpet I'll have money wall to wall.
I want an old fashioned house, with an old fashioned fence
And an old fashioned millionaire.

Eartha Kitt - Old Fashioned Girl
The angels have the phone box

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

Here comes the sun king
Here comes the sun king
Everybody's laughing
Everybody's happy
Here comes the sun king

Quando para mucho mi amore de felice corazón
Mundo paparazzi mi amore chicka ferdy parasol
Presto obrigado tanta mucho cake and eat it carousel

The Beatles - Sun King
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.


She can�t hide no matter how hard she tries
Her secret disguise behind her lies
And at night she cries away her pride
With eyes shut tight, staring at her inside
All her friends know why she can�t sleep at night
All her family asking if she�s all right
All she wants to do is get rid of this hell
But all she�s gotta do is stop kidding herself

She can only fool herself for so long (3x)
She can only fool herself

I�m too weak to face me
I never know just why you run
So far away, far away from me
I never know just why you run
So far away, far away from me

When it comes to how to live his life
He can�t be told
Says he�s got it all under control
Thinks he knows it�s not a problem he�s stuck with
But in reality, it�d be a problem to just quit
An addict and he can�t hold the reigns
The pain is worse �cause his friends have it the same
Tries to slow down the problem he's got
But can't get off the carousel
Until he makes it stop

He can only fool himself for so long (3x)
He can only fool himself


Try to fly with the wings I gave you
Try to do what you believe and I'll save you

Chorus (4x)

Linkin Park - Carousel
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.


Yo everybody sit down an listen
Our story is beginning, 1643 in Britain
A boy was born curious and confusing
First name Isaac, last name Newton
A mathematician, astronomer and a physicist
Theologian, philosopher, the best to exist
Newton was the man, a straight OG
Born on the death of Galileo Galilee
Trying new ideas, find new wisdom
Reading the bible, testing religion
Challenged the truth, of the trinity
And experimented heavily in alchemy
Studying mechanics, and mathematics
Looking at the world, and movement of the planets
He was brilliant and strange, didnt have many friends
He was N E W T O N

Whuddup everybody yall know who it is
The names Isaac Newton Im an English physicists
Studied really hard, you know I never quit
Made a Math theory called it calculus
CALCULUS yeah you got it
Also developed my theories on optics
At Cambridge, got my education
And I came up with the theory of gravitation
Calculate it precisely never any flaws
And found for gravity a universal law
Calculate it out 6.67
Times ten to the power of negative eleven
This applies to everything in the galaxy
From the moon up in space to the apple on the tree
Being really dope, making telescopes
Everybody sing the chorus you know how it goes

Sup its Hooke, rapping on the song
Yo Isaac Newton, youre totally wrong
Im the innovator, the true originator
Yo Hooke, why you hatin on a playa?
I came up with F =x-k
Yo your just frontin cuz you never got laid
Hooke your just a hater, causin some commotion
But still came up with my three laws of motion
Wrote in principia mathematica
Law number One, thats inertia,
An object at rest will want to stay at rest
Until another force moving it is expressed
Law number Two, yo that law states
That F equals m times a
Law number three, thats the last and were done
Every action has an equal and opposite one!

The Kesh  Monay Gangstaz - The Sir Isaac Newton Rap Song

(and who said white guys can't break-dance  ::) )
The angels have the phone box


Septimus Winner 1868

    Ten little Injuns standin' in a line,
    One toddled home and then there were nine;

    Nine little Injuns swingin' on a gate,
    One tumbled off and then there were eight.

    One little, two little, three little, four little, five little Injun boys,
    Six little, seven little, eight little, nine little, ten little Injun boys.

    Eight little Injuns gayest under heav'n.
    One went to sleep and then there were seven;

    Seven little Injuns cuttin' up their tricks,
    One broke his neck and then there were six.

    Six little Injuns all alive,
    One kicked the bucket and then there were five;

    Five little Injuns on a cellar door,
    One tumbled in and then there were four.

    Four little Injuns up on a spree,
    One got fuddled and then there were three;

    Three little Injuns out on a canoe,
    One tumbled overboard and then there were two.

    Two little Injuns foolin' with a gun,
    One shot t'other and then there was one;

    One little Injun livin' all alone,
    He got married and then there were none.
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.


Aurora borealis
The icy sky at night
Paddles cut the water
In a long and hurried flight
From the white man
To the fields of green
And the homeland
We've never seen.

They killed us in our tepee
And they cut our women down
They might have left some babies
Cryin' on the ground
But the firesticks
And the wagons come
And the night falls
On the setting sun.

They massacred the buffalo
Kitty corner from the bank
The taxis run across my feet
And my eyes have turned to blanks
In my little box
At the top of the stairs
With my Indian rug
And a pipe to share.

I wish a was a trapper
I would give thousand pelts
To sleep with Pocahontas
And find out how she felt
In the mornin'
On the fields of green
In the homeland
We've never seen.

And maybe Marlon Brando
Will be there by the fire
We'll sit and talk of Hollywood
And the good things there for hire
And the Astrodome
And the first tepee
Marlon Brando, Pocahontas and me
Marlon Brando, Pocahontas and me

Neil Young - Pocahontas
The angels have the phone box


1. Oh, my traps are all a-jangle,
At an easy swinging tangle,
I'm setting in a circle
Keeping round a fringe of trees;
Although I'm mud and gory spattered,
And my clobber's torn and tattered
I'm as carefree as the bunnies
Till they fall for one of these.

2. Oh, I'm under no man's orders
And I recognise no borders,
There's a welcome everywhere for me
And my old dungarees;
I'm a _____ rabbit trapper,
And a canny bunny snapper,
And I whistle through the bushland,
Though I'm wet up to the knees.

3. While you guys are courting tabbies,
I'm out among the rabbies,
I can hear them bucking, squealing,
Oh, a dozen traps ahead,
And again while you are flirting
At the last trap I am certain
To be bagging up my bunnies,
Keeping tally as I tread.

So Ginger make the railway early,
There's a shy and dinkum girlie
Let's me juggle with the cream cans
As she write cheques out for me.
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.


Hey folks here's the story 'bout Minnie the Moocher
She was a red-hot hoochie coocher
She was the roughest toughest rail
But Minnie had a heart as big as a whale

Hidehidehidehi (Hidehidehidehi)
Hodehodehodeho (Hodehodehodeho)
Hedehedehedehe (Hedehedehedehe)
Hidehidehideho (Hidehidehideho)

She messed around with a bloke named Smokie
She loved him though he was cokey
He took her down to Chinatown
and showed her how to kick the gong around

Hidehidehidehi (Hidehidehidehi)
Whoah (Whoah)
Hedehedehedehe (Hedehedehedehe)
A hidehidehideho (Hidehidehideho)

She had a dream about the king of Sweden
He gave her things that she was needin'
He gave her a home built of gold and steel
A diamond car with platinum wheels

A hidehidehidehidehidehidehi (Hidehidehidehidehidehidehi)
Hodehodehodehodehodehodeho (Hodehodehodehodehodehodeho)
Squidelie Voo Squidelie Voo Squidelie Voodeley Voodeley Voo
Sid did did did didely but did didely skid did didely but din zoy

He gave her his townhouse and his racing horses
Each meal she ate was a dozen courses
Had a million dollars worth of nickels and dimes
She sat around and counted them all a million times

Hidehidehidehi (Hidehidehidehi)
Hodehodehodeho (Hodehodehodeho)
Hedehedehedehe (Hedehedehedehe)
Hidehidehideho (Hidehidehideho)

Jeeves and Wooster - Minnie the Moocher
The angels have the phone box

Griffin NoName

Come gather round people wherever you roam
And admit that the waters around you have grown
And accept it that soon you'll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you is worth saving
Then you'd better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone
For the times, they are a changing

Come writers and critics who prophesize with your pens
And keep your eyes open, the chance won't come again
And don't speak too soon, the wheel's still in spin
And there's no telling who that it's naming
Oh the loser will be later to win
For the times, they are a changing

Come senators, congressmen, please head the call
Don't stand in the doorway, don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt will be her that has stalled
The battle outside ragging will soon shake your windows
And rattle your hall
For the times, they are a changing

Come mothers and fathers all over this land
And don't criticize what you can't understand
Your sons and your daughter are beyond your command
Your old role is rapidly aging
Please get out of the new one if you can't lend a hand
For the times they are a changing

The line, it is drawn, the curse, it is cast
The slow one will later be fast
And the present now will soon be the past
The order is rapidly fading
The first one now will later be last
For the times, they are a changing

Times They Are A-Changin' ~ Bob Dylan
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand


Advancing at midnight by hundreds we are,
All over the highlands we are coming down.
At morning we have almost reached the forth.
The battle is close, we already smell the blood.

At dawn we can see foot soldiers crossing.
Along the bridge, waiting to form.
A hand picked group is holding for them.
The flags got high, we charge now.

We charge now.
Over them, now.
We charge now.

Over them, now.
The bridge falls down.
Commoners against
A thousand horsemen knights.

Over them, now.
The bridge falls down.
Over them now.
We charge now.

At dawn we can see, foot soldiers crossing.
Along the bridge, waiting to form.
And a hand picked group is holding for them.
The flags got high and we charge now.

In the gateway to the north
On the bridge we have shown the rules,
To them, and now we have their flesh
Spreading around, and we will
Hang it on our necks.

On the bridge we have reached the victory
On the stirling bridge, the victory.
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.


I texted you on a Monday
But you did not get my text till Tuesday
Because of a network problem

I texted you on a Wednesday
But did not know that you'd called
Because your SIM Card was not correctly Installed

Oh,no no no

You texted me on a Thursday
To say that you would meet me at the Shopping Centre
And i texted you back and said
"Where should i meet you?"
And you said Dixons
But i did not know which Dixons you meant
Was it the one inside the door
Or was it the one further up by Currys
...These are my worries

You texted me on a Monday
To tell me it was over
But i did not understand
Because you used Predictive Text

And it was
Jrrg gruuh nnmmg guu hmmg doo doo doo

Bill Bailey - Texting Song
The angels have the phone box


Oh, you can kiss me on a Monday a Monday a Monday
is very very good
Or you can kiss me on a Tuesday a Tuesday a Tuesday
in fact I wish you would
Or you can kiss me on a Wednesday a Thursday a
Friday and Saturday is best
But never ever on a Sunday a Sunday a Sunday
cause that's my day of rest

Most anyday you can be my guest
Anyday you say but my day of rest
Just name the day that you like the best
Only stay away on my day of rest

Oh, you can kiss me on a cool day a hot day a wet day
which ever one you choose
Or try to kiss me on a grey day a May day a pay day
and see if I refuse

And if you make it on a bleake day a freak day or a week day
Well you can be my guest
But never ever on a Sunday a Sunday the one day
I need a little rest
Oh, you can kiss me on a week day a week day a week day
the day to be my guest

The Chordettes - Never on Sunday
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.