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Winger proposes sterilization of guest workers

Started by Swatopluk, January 15, 2007, 04:22:09 PM

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Some things are so beyond the fringe....
What do you think about the nice idea to make sterilization mandatory for guest workers in the US to avoid "anchor babies"?
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.

goat starer

I would chop off their hands as well. After all it is common knowledge that guest workers are all pickpockets and thieves! As it stands they probably steal your wallet and leave a baby in its place!

Best regards

Comrade Goatvara

"And the Goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a Land not inhabited"

Bob in a quantum-state-of-faith

Quote from: Swatopluk on January 15, 2007, 04:22:09 PM
Some things are so beyond the fringe....
What do you think about the nice idea to make sterilization mandatory for guest workers in the US to avoid "anchor babies"?

Some folk are just clueless as to the cause and a realistic fix.

Reminds me of the parable of the little boy with his finger in the dike. 

That finger is all well and good-- but look! The water is COMING OVER THE TOP OF THE DIKE. 

There is a time to put fingers in proverbial dikes, and there is a time to build the dike higher, and there is a time to lower the water.

Else, it's time to run.... ::) ;D
Sometimes, the real journey can only be taken by making a mistake.

my webpage-- alas, Cox deleted it--dead link... oh well ::)

Sibling Chatty

A little Right Wing eugenics??

Yeah, right...the current "guest workers" are mostly Hispanic, and a good number of them are Catholic.

Way to be a total idiot about stuff, Wingnuttys. A one would imagine, that would be considered inhumane by sane people.
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They would probably defend themselves by saying that it is only mandatory for future bond-slaves guest workers that have not yet entered the country. Who forces them to come into the US?

I am more for the approach of making proposed methods mandatory for the proposers (e.g. shoot those demanding capital punishment) :taz: :censored:
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.

goat starer

eemmigration is the opposite of immigration so anybody opposed to immigration should be forced to emmigrate

Best regards

Comrade Goatvara

"And the Goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a Land not inhabited"

Bob in a quantum-state-of-faith

Quote from: Swatopluk on January 16, 2007, 11:29:33 AM
They would probably defend themselves by saying that it is only mandatory for future bond-slaves guest workers that have not yet entered the country. Who forces them to come into the US?

I am more for the approach of making proposed methods mandatory for the proposers (e.g. shoot those demanding capital punishment) :taz: :censored:

Who, indeed.

And THAT is the rub, is it not? That "guest workers" would rather come here illegally and face possible stiff consequences, than come in legally with a green card?

Adding forced sterilization would only increase the ratio of illegals--duhh!

What REALLY needs to be addressed, is WHY they come in the first place, no?

If there were no jobs for the illegals-- they would not come.  It's as simple as that, really.

The only way to end the jobs for the illegals is to put the penalty directly on those responsible:  the EMPLOYERS.

I, for one, would be in favor of a forced emigration to Mexico for a year or three for EACH illegal an employer hires--KNOWINGLY OR NOT.

Now, THAT would be a penalty with some teeth.  ;D
Sometimes, the real journey can only be taken by making a mistake.

my webpage-- alas, Cox deleted it--dead link... oh well ::)

Griffin NoName

Hang on here. Such complex solutions. Destroy Mexico; end of problem.  :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand

Sibling Lambicus the Toluous

Quote from: Bob in a quantum-state-of-faith on January 16, 2007, 05:51:59 PM
And THAT is the rub, is it not? That "guest workers" would rather come here illegally and face possible stiff consequences, than come in legally with a green card?
It's possible to work in the US without a green card.  I almost did.

There are a number of different temporary work visas for different programs.  Some are available under NAFTA to Mexican and Canadian citizens, others are available to citizens of the world at large for in-demand professions.  You get a visa for a defined term (1 year usually, IIRC), which may be renewable, depending on the specifics of the particular program.

I'm definitely not in favour of sterilizing anyone, but aren't the "guest workers" in question in the US legally?  I thought that the issue is people legally (but temporarily) in the country who would have babies to stay beyond the term of their visa - isn't it?


Quote from: Sibling Lambicus the Toluous on January 16, 2007, 07:54:29 PMI'm definitely not in favour of sterilizing anyone, but aren't the "guest workers" in question in the US legally?  I thought that the issue is people legally (but temporarily) in the country who would have babies to stay beyond the term of their visa - isn't it?

[extreme_sarcasm]Better make that sterilization for all international students too, and abortions for pregnant tourists. [/extreme_sarcasm]

Now, assuming that a US citizen woman has a baby with a temporary worker (outside of marriage), can the father of an 'anchor baby' use his child to gain citizenship, or is this idea also just another right-wing attack on women's reproductive rights?

What I'd really like is for any of these asshats to tell me how their family originally came to the US for any reason besides trying to improve their lot in life.  Want to keep immigrants out of the US?  Get the major countries of origin developed and stable - few people will leave their country of origin permanently if the conditions at home are satisfactory. 

Sibling Lambicus the Toluous

Of course, since the Americans have realized the potential harm that "anchor babies" can do to a country, I trust they'll reciprocate by ensuring that all American citizens are sterilized before they're allowed to travel abroad.

They've established that the laws of the US don't apply in Guantanamo Bay, right?  Why not just ship all the pregnant guest workers to Gitmo when they start "showing"?

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

That people is what makes me think twice about becoming a citizen of the US of A. Granted, they are a minority, a very vocal minority, and I don't hear that many reactions against them every time an @$$h0l3 like that makes such proposals.

Paraphrasing, is not the nutters that worry me but the silent mass that don't seem to mind their speech.
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.

Sibling Chatty

Those of us that do make loud noises end up with a very interesting FBI file.
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Outis the Unready

Quote from: Sibling Zono (anon1mat0) on January 17, 2007, 03:39:35 AM
Granted, they are a minority, a very vocal minority, and I don't hear that many reactions against them every time an @$$h0l3 like that makes such proposals.
Last time I was off of the North American Continent for more than 4 days, I heard this same sentiment and it startled weird to hear it from someone here.

It surprises me, as pretty much everyone on this continent who actually hears stuff like this Jane Chastain's views reacts with either a gasp or a guffaw, and it gets pretty widely spread as the view of a nutter if spread at all.

We know who the nutters are. When Fred Phelps speaks we go "Look a nutter!" and when World Net Daily speaks we go "Look, another nutter."

When you have at least 301,013,317 people in your country, some of them are nutters, and the 99.99% of us who think they are nutters just don't have the time to refute the 30,000 of us who are total wackjobs, who the world wide web makes look like a lot of people but really isn't.

Basically, if The Weekly World News says something ridiculous, we don't all set about to refute it because it's the bloody Weekly World News!

World Net Daily, from whence the Right Wing Article came, is the Right Wing Equivalent of Weekly World News. No one sets about refuting it because it's bloody WND, and anyone who'd take it seriously deserves what they get!

That doesn't mean people don't disagree with it, but it's like disagreeing with the Weekly World News or your local paper's horoscope page...since no one takes it seriously, no one bothers to say nuts come from it....

I heard, last time we were off this continent, how Americans like and stand behind George W. Bush, too. I think his approval rating at the time I heard how much we liked him was in the mid thirties. He's got more positive support #s in several countries OUTSIDE the US than he does here.

(Now, this might not be 100% true in Texas, but Texas is very proud to call itself "A Whole Other Country" and the rest of us in the US pretty much agree, but I think anyone scoffing at the WND doesn't rate an FBI file.)

To go back to the initial comment, I say this with the deepest respect, but why should people go out of their way to voice their dissent from wackjobs with no power to enact their wackiness? When people take them seriously, we DO react, and we should, and certainly when we're in the presence of such wackjobs we should dissent, but why would we be expected to respond to every nutter who starts blogging?

(and WND is just blogging, for Pete's sake.)

where is the butter?
I can't live without butter.
Please pass the butter.

Sibling Chatty

About Texas. The people that get polled are rarely representative...

Pollsters calculate who to call, quite often depend on a phone number database that is set to "group" telephone numbers with the same last name and address listed.

OK, let's look at the phone listings for my county. There are 53 Maresh listings, 50 of them with the address "Tunis". 19 Giesenschlagh listings, 14 of them with the address "Snook". These are HUGE families with lots and lots of different households, and almot to a family, they have ONE phone number--and it may be business AND home phone. This county and every rural county in Texas has that problem. The Mareshes are mostly moderate Democrats. The Giesenschlaghs are mostly right wing Republican NeoCon/TheoCons.

The Mareshes would tell you that they don't discuss politics with strangers on the phone and to have a nice day, OK?? The Giesenschlaghs would keep you on the phone pontificating and lecturing on why GWB and Jesus are bestest buds, and how if Jesus isn't able to attend the Second Coming, why ol' George is Holy enough to do it for Him.

Big city Texas dances to the tune of whatever the guy with the money says...but the largest cities have centrist (mostly Democrat) mayors. And for the phone databases...unlisted numbers aren't used. The percentage of unlisted numbers in both Houston and Dallas is HUGE. Sugar Land (mostly wealthy suburban Houston) has more that 50% unlisted phone numbers, as of 2003. (When Sugar Land Phone Company sold. Prior to that, they'd allow us to call from the flower shop to an operator, and she'd connect a call to an unlisted number to facilitate delivery. Talk about service.)

During the last Presidential election, you'd see the W sticker/Bush stickers an maybe 1 car out of 5. Now, even in his 'enclaves of support' it's more like one car out of 700. (People got embarrassed, ya know?)

The RR Repubs in Texas have worked hard and contituously for Bush, but they're beginnig to wander away, too embarrased to ever admit they did so.
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