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The Never Ending Toadfish Interview Cycle!

Started by goat starer, November 17, 2006, 10:08:15 AM

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Griffin NoName

1) Why, in your opinion, did Sarah Palin resign at the time and in the way she did?

Didn't like the way things are going with Iran? Needed to spend time looking for new lipsticks? Seriously, how the hell can anyone know since she is an idiot. Over here it is touted as due to running for President in 2012 but since she didn't resign to do that last time it sort of rings hollow, if not stupid.

2) When do you get up in the morning and when do you go to sleep (weekdays/weekend)?

Between 11 am and 14:00. I'm not sure it could be called getting up as I go straight back to bed again. Sleep? Between 11am and 2 am. but most often between 11 pm and 2 am. Yes, I am compromised on the sleep front. So what's new? Well, 11 pm to 2 am is fairly new and no telling if it will last or whether I'll be back to 5 am to 6 or 7 am. soon. I could write a book on this.

3) What do you think about zoophilia?

I find it very tiring. ;D


1. Describe in detail how you like your steak cooked (veggies/vegans substitute beans) and why.

2. List all the things you do when naked.

3. What's your attitude to bungee jumping and why.
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

1. Describe in detail how you like your steak cooked (veggies/vegans substitute beans) and why.
Well seasoned with pepper, adobo, beer and salt, to a medium rare, ideally on a grill.

2. List all the things you do when naked.
Loong list:
Sleep, walk, run (in the thread mill), sit in front to the computer, cook, clean, read, play the piano/recorder/horn, draw, fix/upgrade/tweak my computer, watch movies, eat breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack, shower, play solitaire, talk on the phone, chat, post in the NETIC, Oh and almost forgot: sex.

3. What's your attitude to bungee jumping and why.
One of secret fascination, it's one of those things that aren't advisable with my back (or weight) but that I would likely do if I could without ill effects.
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
1. Are rollercoasters evil or the best invention ever?

2. When did you learn to eat spicy foods and how much can you take?

3. Is it all about money?
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.


1. Are rollercoasters evil or the best invention ever?
Where's the contradiction?  ;)
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.


1. Are rollercoasters evil or the best invention ever?
But then I don't really get amused by amusement parks. Too loud (my tinnitus goes ballistic). too expensive and too crowded for my taste.

2. When did you learn to eat spicy foods and how much can you take?
I always liked spices, I can't live with out my garlic, I blame my mother she's a garlicoholic and I got my addiction in the womb! ;D I learned to appreciate Chilli in the mid '90's when we started to get other kinds of Chilli pepper in our shops than just "Spanish Pepper" grown in the Netherlands. ::)
I still love hot food and Habanero is my favourite but due to medication I can't stand as much as used to. :(
But I still need an occasional fix especially when we have a heatwave, if it isn't spicy I simply won't eat it if it's over 25 °C outside. "Oooh it burns, damn that was tasty... More!" to quote myself when Lindorm made Butter nut and chicken curry seasoned with a healthy amount of habanero sauce last week. ;D

3. Is it all about money?
No it isn't. But not having to worry about how to pay the rent/mortgage put food on the table makes life a lot easier. I guess it's a balance act.


1) Do you find amusement parks amusing?

2) Favourite spice?

3) a)If you had to either go camping for 2 weeks straight or spend the same amount of time sailing (in a smaller boat with 3-4 bunks) what would you chose?
3)b) Who would you bring (1-3 persons)?
"Kafka was a social realist" -Lindorm out of context

"You think education is expensive, try ignorance" -Anonymous


1) Do you find amusement parks amusing?
I primarily find them expensive these days. Also I get old (36) and have no kids demanding visits, so I am not going there (and there is none wortwhile in the vicinity). LEGOland, I'd probably find interesting.

2) Favourite spice?
I usually only use simple pepper, am no expert and therefore have no preference that I could put a name on. I am more towards the sour/bitter end. The sweet stuff used for poultry these days are not to my taste.

3) a)If you had to either go camping for 2 weeks straight or spend the same amount of time sailing (in a smaller boat with 3-4 bunks) what would you chose?
3)b) Who would you bring (1-3 persons)?

Never been a camper but sailing I'd not be totally opposed to( ;)), provided someone is present who knows how to handle the boat. My practical experience is limited to rowing a boat out for fishing (i.e. not one of those floating abominations for professional speed rowing).
That would be person #1. If I had a relationship that would be there too (preferably plus the partner of the person handling the boat).


1) Where do you go/travel/etc. for holiday (provided you have such a thing and can afford it)?

2) How is your relationship with your close relatives? (see also 3.)

3) Is your family widespread or is (almost) everyone living in a single area?
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.


1) Where do you go/travel/etc. for holiday (provided you have such a thing and can afford it)?

Wherever the fancy takes me. Sometimes it's just a quiet weekend away, sometimes a longer time. For the longer holidays, usually someplace warm. Loving Gibraltar and Turkey at the moment.

2) How is your relationship with your close relatives? (see also 3.)

We are a very close family, and love our get-togethers.

3) Is your family widespread or is (almost) everyone living in a single area?

Some of my family live in Glagow, but there are some others in Dundee, quite a few extended family in Australia, my brother lives in London, my parents are in Turkey and I'm in Belfast.


1. Do you have many acquantances or a few good friends?

2. Do you have a regular routine?

3. Given a free choice, what city would you live in?
Imus ad magum Ozi videndum, magum Ozi mirum mirissimum....


1. Do you have many acquantances or a few good friends?
I have many people with whom I interact on a regular basis - loads on the internet, quite a few at work, others around the neighborhood. I have less than ten - probably less than five - that I would consider good friends in Real Life. If I expand that category to include pals-type friends, the number goes up to something like twenty. I'm a bit of a hermit.

2. Do you have a regular routine?
Oh yeah. The first hour of every day is autopilot all the way - shovel the litterboxes, change the water bowls, feed the cats, clean up, check the meds list.

3. Given a free choice, what city would you live in?
I would never live in a city again if I had any choice at all. Currently we live in a mostly rural town, populatiion around 3500. The town covers around 55 square miles. The city we moved from was about 6 square miles and over 47,000 population. I still feel like I need to get away from the crowd. If money was no object, I'd move up to one of the unorganized townships in my work territory.


1. What musical instrument(s) do you play, and what kind of music?

2. What sports do you play (or did you play before your body gave out on you)?

3. How do you heat your home - oil, gas, wood, or coal, and why that particular fuel?
"Heisenberg may have slept here"

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

1. What musical instrument(s) do you play, and what kind of music?
French horn close to a professional level (which is what I studied in school), recorder (which is quicker to pull out), and sung professionally for a while, all classical music. I can bang and make noise with a piano but wouldn't call that 'playing' and I can do chords in a guitar (party guitar, very different from classical guitar which BTW is one if not the most hard instrument to play).

2. What sports do you play (or did you play before your body gave out on you)?
Ping-pong? I gave up other sports way before my body did.

3. How do you heat your home - oil, gas, wood, or coal, and why that particular fuel?
With the sun. In fact I have a problem with that, it can't be dialed down so I have to waste energy for almost 10 months a year cooling it. There hasn't been a winter cold enough to turn on the heat (did I mentioned I live in Florida?).
:hot-here: :hot-here: :hot-here: :hot-here: :hot-here: :hot-here: :hot-here: :hot-here: :hot-here: :hot-here: :hot-here: :hot-here: :hot-here: :hot-here: :hot-here:
1. Are you capable with the pencil or the brush?

2. What would you build if you had the budget?

3. Who do you miss from highschool?
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.


1. What musical instrument(s) do you play, and what kind of music?
I did play the recorder, although I never learned it properly (1 # or b max)
I used to compose a bit (utilizing the computer as an ersatz instrument)

2. What sports do you play (or did you play before your body gave out on you)?
No sports, least of all team sports (left the gymnastics club decades ago*)

3. How do you heat your home - oil, gas, wood, or coal, and why that particular fuel?
District heating. I can see the plant from my window or at least the cloud of the cooling tower

1. Are you capable with the pencil or the brush?
A bit with the pencil, not at all with the brush

2. What would you build if you had the budget?
Something slightly fortified in Norway maybe

3. Who do you miss from highschool?
The girl I fell in love with (not mutual) who married someone else and died of cancer 9 years ago.

*OK, just two decades


1) What was the highest/lowest temperature where you live this year?

2) Do you often fly and do you like that or not?

3) How much do you know about your family history/ancestry?
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.


1) What was the highest/lowest temperature where you live this year?
I think it hit 90 or 91 F last August, this summer has only cracked maybe 87 or so once. Last winter (and pretty much every winter) we got down around -20F -- at the ofice there were two mornings at -36F :o

2) Do you often fly and do you like that or not?
I haven't flown since 1984, and I have no desire to. I used to live near Logan Airport, and talked to several mechanics who worked on the planes there. Too many horror stories.

3) How much do you know about your family history/ancestry?
I know a bunch of random entries, and have tons of information that I can look up. On my father's side, the genealogy has been assembled back to shortly before the Battle of Hastings. On my mother's side it's not quite so complete, but still has been done back to around 500 years ago. I have reams of stuff on it.


1. How well do you like your job?

2. How well do you know your neighbors?

3. How is the economic downturn affecting your lifestyle?
"Heisenberg may have slept here"

Scriblerus the Philosophe

1. How well do you like your job?
I hate it. It's gotten better with the new manager and the company figured a few things out (the cut throat competition is gone), but it's still a sloppy company and the DM is a slimeball. I feel the need to take a shower after I talk to him.

2. How well do you know your neighbors?
Not very well at all. One set, we like a lot - my sister has baby sat for them and they give us their extra tomatoes. But that's it. It's not a community here so much as people who happen to live next to each other. *shrug* It's the way it is, and no one seems interested in changing that.

3. How is the economic downturn affecting your lifestyle?
It's not. I make more money now than I did at my old job, even before September. I've made more in the last two and half months than the previous six months combined.
1. Have you ever used a proxy?

2. What's your favorite flower/plant?

3. Do you ever watch Judge Judy style shows?
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

pieces o nine

1. Have you ever used a proxy?
Formally, no.

2. What's your favorite flower/plant?
Sheer Bliss tea roses. So lovely

3. Do you ever watch Judge Judy style shows?
Ewww. I don't have enough schadenfruede to watch them.
Mom does, though... ;)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1.What age-, gender-, or taste-inappropriate 'collectible' do you hoard?

2. What appeals to you about it?

3. Have you ever (or would you ever) throw out a collection if it raised a sneer on the lovely lips of your loved one?
"If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you. But you have no chocolate! I think of that again and again! My dear, how will you ever manage?"
--Marquise de Sevigne, February 11, 1677

Griffin NoName

1.What age-, gender-, or taste-inappropriate 'collectible' do you hoard?

I suppose all the screws, nails, bits of wire, cables, computer hardware components, etc are not particulalry gender appropriate in that none of my RL female friends seem to horde anything remotely like it.

2. What appeals to you about it?

I can "fix" anything. Theoretically. In practice, I can fix somethings sometimes, but not all all things everytime. I do get a rush of "I'm brilliant" when I do manage to fix something with stuff I've horded so I suppose there's some benefit but the amount of space it all takes up is probably not worth the candle.

3. Have you ever (or would you ever) throw out a collection if it raised a sneer on the lovely lips of your loved one?

No, unless you count me as my loved one...... and then the sneer would be about space/usefulness as at 2. above.


[1] What's the last thing you would like to do before you depart this earthly life?

[2] What would be your selection for Desert Island Discs?

[3] What would you like to invent?
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand


> [1] What's the last thing you would like to do before you depart this earthly life?

Regenerate. You don't want to know my second choice.

> What would be your selection for Desert Island Discs?

Joy Division - New Dawn Fades
Pink Floyd - Echoes
Elgar - Cello Concerto
Pet Shop Boys - Home and Dry
Brahms -  A German Requiem  (for all flesh is like grass)
Dvorak - From the New World (Largo)
Neil Young - Words
Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb

Some days Thomas Tallis would knock out the Dvorak.

> [3] What would you like to invent?

A time machine


1    What would be your choice for Desert Island Discs?

2    Who would you rather be, Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple or Sherlock Holmes?

3    Would you want Dr Watson as your GP? (MD?)
The angels have the phone box

Griffin NoName

1    What would be your choice for Desert Island Discs?

1. Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No.2 / Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No.1 ~ Sviatoslav Richter, Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra, Stanislaw Wislocki, and Wiener Symphoniker  -  two for the price of one tee hee

2. Gideon's Daughter/Friends and Crocodiles. (soundtrack) ~ Adrian Johnston

3. As Falls Wichita, So Falls Wichita Falls ~ Pat Metheny and Lyle Mays

4. Don Giovanni ~ Mozart

5. Elgar - Pomp and Circumstance

6. Elvis Presley ~ The 50 Greatest Hits

2    Who would you rather be, Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple or Sherlock Holmes?

Miss Marple - can't stand Poirot and Holmes always seems a bit dodgy.

3    Would you want Dr Watson as your GP? (MD?)

Possibly not, unless Holmes was actually doing the diagnosing.


1. If you had to take a three day train journey, which countries would you go through, what food would you take, and what else would you consider vital to take.

2. Where/When would you go in a time machine.

3. What do you consider the most desirable characteristics in a workmate?

Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand