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The Never Ending Toadfish Interview Cycle!

Started by goat starer, November 17, 2006, 10:08:15 AM

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Bob in a quantum-state-of-faith

Quote from: Darlica link=topic=298.msg86388#msg86388 date=1237071294
url=][/url] if you ever visit the Swedish west coast you should spend a day here.


I will make it a point-- I love aquariums.   Too bad I refuse to fly, these days....not out of fear, but because the paying customers are treated like cattle, only worse.  With extreme indifference, occasional disdain, and as if they were not worth the bother.  If *I* am paying for it.... I expect better.


1) Are Zoo's some thing good or something evil?

Love zoos, when an effort is made to simulate the environment the critter came from.  They serve a role to help preserve the genetic diversity of the planet, if not the actual social environments of the same.

They can be an evil place, though-- for the animals, I mean.  But, it's better than extinction.  Barely sometimes, but better.

2) Have you ever had a close encounter with the local wildlife? If so what happened?

Yup.  It was a summer camp for 6th graders.  It was a copperhead or rattlesnake (one or the other, I did not examine him closely).  The snake was discovered by some kids, along a trail, and he was super-lethargic (he was cold).  I gathered him up in a pillow-case, and took him well into the back 40, well away from the camping area.   Wouldn't have considered killing him, though: the local squirrels and rats were too numerous as it was...

I've had several such man-snake encounters, but I usually hear them long before I see them, and I keep still, let them go on their way.  Most snakes are afraid of something as large as a person-- even a child is huge from a snake-eye view.  Give'em a chance to vamoose, and they typically will.

3) Favourite dessert?


What?   I *like* dessert.  I really never met one I didn't like, except for meringue-- I"m allergic to uncooked eggses.

Oh, I dunno-- at this particular moment?  Native pecan pie.  Ask me in 10 minutes?  It'll be something else, like fresh blackberry cobbler, with *real* hommade ice cream...

:meal:   :meal:  :meal:  :meal:  :meal:  :meal:  :meal:  :meal:  :meal:  :meal:  :meal:  :meal:  :meal:  :meal:  :meal:  :meal:

(can you see that?  300 6th graders pounding the tables with their silverware in unison?  I'll tell you about it sometime...)

5*  Kids.  Love'em, love to be around anyone's, doesn't matter, just basically like kids.  Or you can only stand them, if you're somehow *related*.  Or kids are not only best not seen and not heard, but out of sight, out of mind.  Or somethin' else....

6.  Ever own or maintain a large home aquarium?  I don't mean a glass with a beta fish or a bowl with a goldie or something, but more than 15 US gallons, with heaters, lights, gravel, pumps, etc, etc, etc.  What would your dream, ultimate one be, if so?  (or even if not...)

7.  Vacation.  Get as far away as possible, or stay home, but refuse to answer the 'phone.  What's your method?


* Parts the First through the Fourth, not including the Third got Twittered from Part the Third, and decided to join it on vacation.  5, 6 and 7 are temping until they return.
Sometimes, the real journey can only be taken by making a mistake.

my webpage-- alas, Cox deleted it--dead link... oh well ::)

Scriblerus the Philosophe

Bob, if you ever end up out here on the west coast, go the the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Huge tanks, Bay flora and fauna, exhibits, and the OTTERS. The staff's pretty awesome, too.

5*  Kids.  Love'em, love to be around anyone's, doesn't matter, just basically like kids.  Or you can only stand them, if you're somehow *related*.  Or kids are not only best not seen and not heard, but out of sight, out of mind.  Or somethin' else....

Depends on the age group. Babies are adorable until they start to cry (and then I hand them back to momma), toddlers cute/annoying, Elementary school kids are all right. I HATE middle schoolers--annoying little snots. High schoolers are fine.

6.  Ever own or maintain a large home aquarium?  I don't mean a glass with a beta fish or a bowl with a goldie or something, but more than 15 US gallons, with heaters, lights, gravel, pumps, etc, etc, etc.  What would your dream, ultimate one be, if so?  (or even if not...)
No, but I want one. I have no idea what would be in there, but I want one.

7.  Vacation.  Get as far away as possible, or stay home, but refuse to answer the 'phone.  What's your method?
GET AWAY. Gotta blow the stink out. Also, I refuse to answer the phone unless it's a friend or family.
1. Cameras: digital or film?

2. Cell phones: flip, slide, or neither?

3. Cats: alive, dead, stuffed?
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay


1. Cameras: digital or film?

Digital for ease of use, "that's crap, delete", film for carefully crafted shots

2. Cell phones: flip, slide, or neither?

Couldn't care. If it works, that's all I want to know.

3. Cats: alive, dead, stuffed?

Alive, big, and doing cat things in the savannah. Of course, to see them, I have to be there too...


1. The badger. Lovely creature or pain in the ass?

2. The farmer. Lovely creature or pain in the ass?

3. Is David Attenborough the Greatest Broadcaster Ever?

3b. Who has the more relaing voice, David Attenborough or Morgan Freeman?
Imus ad magum Ozi videndum, magum Ozi mirum mirissimum....


1. The badger. Lovely creature or pain in the ass?
Lovely creature. Doesn't deserve it's bad reputation a bit. Yes, they can be grumpy and yes they have scary teeth's and strong jaws and doesn't make suitable pets, so what?
I once saw a badger family play in the dew wet newly moved grass on our lawn one early summer morning, cute and hilarious. :D 

2. The farmer. Lovely creature or pain in the ass?
Depends on who, when and where. I grew up on the countryside, some are sensible others are jerks.

3. Is David Attenborough the Greatest Broadcaster Ever?

Very possible, he's in the top 3 at least.

3b. Who has the more relaing voice, David Attenborough or Morgan Freeman?

It's a draw. They have different qualities.


1) Funniest spontaneous (not a trick) animal behaviour you have ever seen?

2) Birds, how do you feel about keeping them as pets in cages?

3) Favourite house plant?   
"Kafka was a social realist" -Lindorm out of context

"You think education is expensive, try ignorance" -Anonymous

The Meromorph


1) Funniest spontaneous (not a trick) animal behaviour you have ever seen?
One of our cats (Tire Iron - pronounced Tarn according to local accent) loves to play with out three big dogs. They pick her up in their mouth (yes in their mouth),  and throw her about six feet, she picks herself up, sopping wet with dog drool, and comes back, touches noses with the dog and they do it again...

2) Birds, how do you feel about keeping them as pets in cages?
I don't approve at all. Unsanitary for the humans.  Dreadful for the birds, unless it's a room-sized cage (at least) for tiny birds.

3) Favourite house plant?    
Rubber Plant (see the art gallery - one of my poems is about this).


1) Have you ever danced in the rain?

2) Do you shout at the television?

3) Do you believe in reincarnation/
Dances with Motorcycles.

Scriblerus the Philosophe

1) Have you ever danced in the rain?
Yes. :)

2) Do you shout at the television?

3) Do you believe in reincarnation?
1. Have you ever read Upton Sinclare's The Jungle?

2. What is your favorite era in history?

3. Do you think that a real reformer has any chance of being elected and being able to do what s/he said s/he would?
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

Sibling Chatty

1. Have you ever read Upton Sinclare's The Jungle?


2. What is your favorite era in history?

The next one

3. Do you think that a real reformer has any chance of being elected and being able to do what s/he said s/he would?

Today? Sadly, no. Election would be almost impossible,  accomplishing much at all? Suicide.


1. Favorite comfort food.

2. Least favorite dish.

3. Do you have food texture issues?
This sig area under construction.


1. Dunno... not a big comfort food consumer.  Probably instant noodles with (frozen) peas.  Even better if the peas are cooked mushy with the flavour, prior to adding the noodles.

2. Anything with canned tuna.

3. Yep, with certain mushy foods that don't have enough taste-to-texture.  For example, bananas do NOT taste good enough to justify the texture; I don't mind eating strongly-flavored banana varieties and I have been consuming LOTS of bananas in protein shakes lately (where the texture is destroyed, but the flavour predominates, but I refuse to eat the whole fruit under normal circumstances.  OTOH, (frozen) durian has a pretty repulsive texture but is flavourful enough to get away with it.  Not a fan of mayo, creamy dressings and such; might be a mouthfeel thing?


1. What food could you never be persuaded to try again?

2. What food could you never be persuaded to try in the first place?

3. Would you eat this? 

Bonus: If otherwise no, would you eat it to avoid getting shown up by a 7 y.o. girl?  ;)

Scriblerus the Philosophe

1. What food could you never be persuaded to try again?
Tofu! I have massive texture issues with food, too, and tofu is revolting (as are eggplant, mushrooms, out-of-the-bag marsh mellows, and ripe bananas)

2. What food could you never be persuaded to try in the first place?
Bugs and internal organs like brains and livers.

3. Would you eat this?[/b
NO! That's canabalism AND meat. I'm vegetarian and I don't do sea food.

Bonus: If otherwise no, would you eat it to avoid getting shown up by a 7 y.o. girl?
I'm not that prideful. She can have all the nasty octopi she likes.
1. Could you be vegan?

2. Do you like naps?

3. Sleeping in the sun or the shade?
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay


1. Could you be vegan?
Personally no, I'm too much of a foodie or glutton ;) however I do respect other peoples choice and would never lie about what's in the food I cooked. And when I have guests I try chose food and cook it according to my guests preferences, if a vegetarian/vegan or person with allergies is invited as a guest at my home they should feel as welcome as the meat eaters and real, well prepared, food is essential in that aspect I think... However, there is one strict rule in my kitchen during parties with both meat eaters and vegans present. NO PREACHING IN MY KITCHEN! ;D

2. Do you like naps?
No not really, not if I'm otherwise well, then I just prefer to sleep for too long in the morning. :D

3. Sleeping in the sun or the shade?
Shade. Sleeping in the sun easily get painful for a pink skinned animal like me.


1) Beans, good or awful?

2) Favourite cold beverage?

3) Coolest insect?
"Kafka was a social realist" -Lindorm out of context

"You think education is expensive, try ignorance" -Anonymous


1) Beans, good or awful?
Depends on the sort and the cook
There are too many ways to spoil green beans (the canteen showed me another one last week)

2) Favourite cold beverage?

3) Coolest insect?
The orchid mantis


1) Are you an arachnophobe?

2) Should there be strict rules about what animals are allowed as pets (e.g. no anacondas but maned wolfs are OK ;)) ?

3) Coffee , tea or cocoa?
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.

The Meromorph

1) Are you an arachnophobe?
Absolutely. I have to get little kids to remove spiders from my house if there's no-one else here. My wife knows when I've seen a spider from the sound of my voice when I call her name. ::)

2) Should there be strict rules about what animals are allowed as pets (e.g. no anacondas but maned wolfs are OK ;)) ?
Yes, for 'indoor' pets, nothing not 'domesticated' (and that's a short list), with the exception of fish. For outdoors, no confinement of wild animals, though benign relationships with wild animals are an excellent measure of character. NO SPIDERS!

3) Coffee , tea or cocoa?
Yes, please! I drink at least two of the three every day, sometimes all three. One thing I do, that I've not seen anyone else do, is drinking two different drinks at the same time. It seems natural to me, but most people think I'm strange when I do that.


1) Does it amuse you when people live up to the stereotypes of their nationality, culture, or body type?

2) Do you enjoy public speaking?

3)  Why did you become a Toadfish, and why did you wait so long?

People answering interview questions with one word answers will NOT be given cake!
Dances with Motorcycles.


1) Does it amuse you when people live up to the stereotypes of their nationality, culture, or body type?

Enormously...I would recognize an Italian abroad from a mile away! All geared up with their Invicta backpa they used that (or still do?) for high school and College...with their neat designers cloths and that "air" of "I am so cool you should keep your distance from the god/goddess" bleh! In my years of voulntary exile I have learned to camufalge very well... just can't resist teasing the 45 yrsd old italian man who keeps living with mommy and daddy and cares for his mother more then for the woman who has been his fiancee for the past 15 yrs...

2) Do you enjoy public speaking?

Love it! Whatever it is...just give me a mic and an audience... and possibly a presentation board...
My dad has always hammered on me that I should be a lawyer :P

3)  Why did you become a Toadfish, and why did you wait so long?

I have been looking for home all my life... and it took a nice english fellow on American soil to bring me back to it... :)

Quote from: The Meromorph on March 18, 2009, 02:30:06 PM
People answering interview questions with one word answers will NOT be given cake!

now can I get cake? Red Velvet please! :D


Do you think the current Pope should resign his office since he is still stuck in the middle ages and didn't get the memo that the Church has no temporal power anymore???

What is your favourite cake and why?

What do you think of dreaded date 21 December 2012?
"Pressure... changes everything pressure. Some people you squeeze them, they focus... others fall..."

Al Pacino, The Devil's Advocate


Do you think the current Pope should resign his office since he is still stuck in the middle ages and didn't get the memo that the Church has no temporal power anymore???

I think it would be more entertaining if all previous Popes resigned as well. ;D

The problem with conservatism (and I speak as a conservative by nature) is that the person may not necessarily be attempting to conserve the status quo from a particularly enlightened period.

What is your favourite cake and why?

My favourite cake is the one in front of me, because it is due for consumption.

What do you think of dreaded date 21 December 2012?

I was trying to work out what was so bad about a solstice, then realised that the world was due to end ::). personally, I think that Dec 31st is far scarier, as that is when the Kyoto Protocol comes to an end...


1. Green? or Blue?

2. Red? or Yellow?

3. Puce? or Tope?
Imus ad magum Ozi videndum, magum Ozi mirum mirissimum....

Sibling Chatty

1. Green? or Blue?


2. Red? or Yellow?


3. Puce? or Tope?

They don't have Taupe (the way it's spelled in most places) but taupe it is. It's a greyed beige color, soothing as a background because it blends so well.


1. Coconut--love it? Hate it? Can live with it? Your true feelings about the stuff.

2. Do you have any food allergies?

3.Choose a spot for a two week holiday.

Now tell me, why there? And what would you do there?

Bonus: Can I come with??
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