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I'm here now. Use this to tell everyone you are here!

Started by The Meromorph, September 21, 2006, 08:46:25 PM

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Greetin's to yer orl.

Yon scurvy blaggids, Pieces O'Nine an Black Bert, sold me a treasure map wot 'as led me 'ere.
Oi is 'ere to foine out abaht Portsmuff an' sum of the nobby gits 'at infest the place.

Keep yer 'ans off me lunch-box.

Cap'n Mitebe Lorst, Dip.P(bucc), Cert.Cutlass, Protector of the Holey Towel


Imus ad magum Ozi videndum, magum Ozi mirum mirissimum....

Sibling DavidH

Greetin's, Cap'n, ye be welcome.  I think if ye would tell thee siblings here about thee Holy Towel of Mosey, they might accept it as a sacrid relic.  Ye could try, anyhow.



Griffin NoName

Oi can't be doin' wiv towels mesel'. Oi ne'er go near water. But welcome an' bring yer towel if yer must.
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand


Welcome aboard, Lorst! I just gave yer a fuzzy, just on account as how you posted here proper, although if yer know Bartie and Pieces yer probably fuzzy enough as it is.

Glad to have yer here!

pieces o nine

Yarrrgh, hit be troo that Black Bart & oi sold 'im a map, but oi *thought* hit wuz fayke, loike. Oi refyoose t'hack sept responsibillytea fer 'im foindin thee weigh 'ere a awl.

Keepe yer wun goode oi out fer this wun: first  'e tryes t'sell ye a peek at 'is "Holey Towel". Then  'e claymes sumwun as mayde orf wif 'is "lunchbox". Neckst  comes thee woilde hack cuezashuns about who moight 'ave 'is towel. 

AS IF  enny self-respecktin pyrate would yoose a towel!

That saide, a warrrghm welcome aboard, ye blaggardly yarn-spinner!   :yar:
"If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you. But you have no chocolate! I think of that again and again! My dear, how will you ever manage?"
--Marquise de Sevigne, February 11, 1677


Bain't no use yer tryin' ter get on me gude side now, Pieces.
Ye been given me thee evil eye at thee Benbow an' tellin' me tales at wern true.
Oi now has yer Moll (yer 'bosom-buddie') an she's gonna be a nostage fer summit.
Aven't deesided wot yet.

pieces o nine

Then thee joke's on yer oan self as me bosoms arrrgh stille ware they belongs. Oi'll be seein' ye around thee boards...
"If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you. But you have no chocolate! I think of that again and again! My dear, how will you ever manage?"
--Marquise de Sevigne, February 11, 1677


Busily tracking Santa on NORAD...

This year your toast ye chubby, slegh driving, white bearded, coca cola advertisement!!


"Kafka was a social realist" -Lindorm out of context

"You think education is expensive, try ignorance" -Anonymous


Avarst there me bucko!  Welkum ter the monastry.  Wuld ye be hinterestedinna wee draft o' the Cap'n's Deloight?

Cap'n Bluenose

Greetings and salutations from the Land Downunder.  Also don't be too offended by that Captain Bluenose fellow, he's totally disreputable and cannot help himself.

Sibling Bluenose
Myers Briggs personality type: ENTP -  "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 3.2% of the total population.

Scriblerus the Philosophe

Hey there and welcome! Be wary of anything Bluenose offers you. We love him, but his cooking is not so great. ;)
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay


Dunno, his distillin' aten't so bad...  even Doktor Swato can't figure out how to get that much fusel oil out of a batch.....



There's not much to say about myself, I'm afraid. I do a lot of writing (and seem to get a dozen well-developed ideas in the course of fully writing one, so there's not much hope to ever getting a break), and between that, school, and helping to take care of my siblings, I don't really do all too much.

I was invited here by Scriblerus, and finally managed to get around to registering once she reminded me of the site again after sending me a link to her War of Erin thread on here.

Stories, story ideas, and other things usually having to do with stories.