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Sibling Chatty Goes To Jail

Started by Sibling Chatty, March 23, 2009, 07:28:08 AM

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Hi Chatty.

I've been following the story.  Must say, I admire your spunk.

As for the two doctors, that is an incredible story too.  They are taking on quite a bit.
--The topologist formerly known as Poincare's Stepchild--

Sibling Chatty

The 2 docs are just great people. Doc Ian is amazing...this huge man that does neurosurgery on the tiniest babies, and is so gentle, yet of such great moral certitude that the cynics in his 'area of expertise' don't go near him. And Doc just sweetness and caring and a core of iron.

Pippa pointed out to me that her parents are 79 and 81 and still both teaching (medical school) and that Ian's parents are a few years older than that, and still extremely active, so they have the time and energy to raise the teen, and the baby if need be. Ian's got some medical device patents that pay extremely well, so money's not a problem. (Tuition for the girl will run $65,000 a year. As Pippa pointed out, a few years ago, they had 3 in that school at once...tuition was only $50,000 a student then.)

The baby is improving daily, nerve conduction is good in the jaw area, and the swelling is almost gone.
This sig area under construction.

Bob in a quantum-state-of-faith

Quote from: Sibling Chatty on April 01, 2009, 08:31:39 PM
The 2 docs are just great people. Doc Ian is amazing...this huge man that does neurosurgery on the tiniest babies, and is so gentle, yet of such great moral certitude that the cynics in his 'area of expertise' don't go near him. And Doc just sweetness and caring and a core of iron.

Pippa pointed out to me that her parents are 79 and 81 and still both teaching (medical school) and that Ian's parents are a few years older than that, and still extremely active, so they have the time and energy to raise the teen, and the baby if need be. Ian's got some medical device patents that pay extremely well, so money's not a problem. (Tuition for the girl will run $65,000 a year. As Pippa pointed out, a few years ago, they had 3 in that school at once...tuition was only $50,000 a student then.)

The baby is improving daily, nerve conduction is good in the jaw area, and the swelling is almost gone.


You're just good people, Auntie.  Never let anyone try to convince you otherwise...y'hear?
Sometimes, the real journey can only be taken by making a mistake.

my webpage-- alas, Cox deleted it--dead link... oh well ::)

Sibling Qwertyuiopasd

Good example of, well, Bad people vs. Good people.

and if we look at their parents.... bad parents vs. good parents.

Funny thing, that.

This is why I think we should have like, an anti-liscence to reproduce. Like, if you do something like this, maybe worse, and depending on how much you recover (it wouldn't be permanent), basically you have to get surgically sterilized. "too stupid to f*ck" award. You clearly should never reproduce.

Sure they might change, and luckily we can undo our sterilization operations, but since we can't just exterminate the stupid people, we can stop them before we need to.

It'll never happen, but it could've avoided this situation (assuming someone caught on to the Jerk-Dad).

Walking Stick of Chatty, +3 against the morally bankrupt.
Every dead body that is not exterminated becomes one them, it gets up and kills. The poeple it kills get up and kill!


Of course, the morally bankrupt are most likely to be first in line for a moral bailout!

Griffin NoName

Quote from: Sibling Qwertyuiopasd on April 24, 2009, 09:56:01 AM
......basically you have to get surgically sterilized. "too stupid to f*ck" award. You clearly should never reproduce.

Actually we need stupid people to do the jobs no one else will - like garbage collection and Job Seeker Adminstrators.


Immigration was big on TV last night.... I was aghast !!   It's all about importing skills we haven't got. What I simply cannot understand is why, if we have shortages in certain skills, we can't pump prime training in those skills........

Of course some people breed like rabbits and particularly young girls to get council housing ;) ;) ;) ;)

Again, I really do need to rule the world.

by the way, just in case anyone fails to take this post in the manner I intended when postiing it, I am NOT a racist and some of my best friends are foreign....   ;)
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand


OK. Stop now, y'all. You're scaring me. I thought I was the mad right-winger here.
The angels have the phone box

Griffin NoName

Yeh! I can see you wouldn't want to lose your one (doubtful) advantage.
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand


I resent that. Bet I'm the only one here with a certificate proving my sanity.
The angels have the phone box

Griffin NoName

Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

Quote from: Griffin NoName on April 24, 2009, 09:38:12 PM
Actually we need stupid people to do the jobs no one else will - like garbage collection and Job Seeker Adminstrators.
It's all about importing skills we haven't got. What I simply cannot understand is why, if we have shortages in certain skills, we can't pump prime training in those skills........
Do you want me -the immigrant- to answer that?  :P

To my knowledge there are two types of immigrant workers: 1) those who do those jobs that no one else wants to do (frequently physical jobs and to top it for less money than the locals), and 2) those who happen to have skills on high demand that are not readily available in the local market. It certainly makes sense to train people in those skills, but when a company needs to fill a position it can't wait four or five years until a local is trained in said skills. In theory the market takes care of the demand albeit in a delayed fashion (if a particular job is in high demand bigger salaries are offered and more people goes to school for that career).

There is also the problem of costs. What is the cost of education in the local market? How many talented people has access to said education? What is the quality of the basic (k-12) education? The other side of the coin is that there are more poor countries with low salaries in the world than rich countries with good/decent salaries, in consequence a person trained in a particular skill could barely aspire to a job with a salary that goes from 1/3rd to 1/10th at home from what that same person would make in the 1st world, which initially would allow him to accept a lower than average pay when he moves*.

The people on the 1st world seem to like the walled garden they have made for themselves over the past century and -to a degree- understandably worry about losing what took a fair amount of work to reach (higher wages, safety net, operating justice system, and in general security and comfort), but the imbalance between aprox one billion people** in rich countries vs 5.7 billion in poor countries is practically impossible to keep without consequences.

It is worth mention that for the most part immigrants would have rather remained in their countries of origin if they had found a decently paid job and/or opportunities at home.

For a last note, as an immigrant myself, as much as I understand the underlying fears, I find tiresome how the general portrayal of the immigrant is one of thieves that come in the night to take away jobs, bring diseases, drugs, noise, garbage, etc, etc, etc***. I guess is to be expected but I don't have to like it.

* Note the emphasis on the word initially, after a few years that person will be making an average salary, so the big bogeyman of imported skilled labor taking jobs of locals isn't as straight as some against immigration like to claim.

** Western Europe,  US, Canada, Australia, NZ, Japan, Korea

*** Not here, fortunately.
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.

Griffin NoName

I was  an immigrant in around 1760 ish. At least not me but bits of me. Some bits of me immigrated later, up until around late 1800's.  I guess I am lucky I had all those years to train in some skills.


My point was, in case of misunderstanding, the UK government does far too little to educate and train people for all occupations with shortages NOW so that years down the line the shortages won't exist (given they are not jobs that go out of fashion). I don't care if then a non-Brit then gets the job - if they are the better candidate.

I regulalry chat to (mostly) Eastern EU workers here and enjoy it and am glad they are doing the jobs that need doing. There is a growing trend for them to return to countries of origin (based on my chats so unreliable gossip). If this increases we will be up shit creek again.

I am also increasingly coming across the most abhorrent xenophobia - a couple of times recently people have stopped me in the street* to complain about "them taking our jobs"....... it's not nice and it is getting worse.

Also, one of my biggest worries is the unemloyed youth culture. That can only be addressed by incentive, training, engaging interest, and that needs doing yesterday - and JOBS real jobs afterwards. So far all (hmmm perhaps most) government schemes have been too little, too late, and too not good enough, and not necessarily aimed at anything that would be really useful.

Hmmmm I do fear some slight infection has taken hold of me from the Beagle stables.

*for those wondering why I get stopped in the street, it's because I tend to say stuff like ooh that bag looks heavy in passing which causes the person to turn around and say "yes and do you know you cant get decent plastic bags anymore and what's more the plastic bag factories that are still working - well they are all Scots in there when those jobs should be going to us English, no wonder all our kids have to hang around on the streets and get them ASBOs."
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand


Ah, yes , the unmitigated evil of the heathen Scots, working in the UK.... ;D

Imus ad magum Ozi videndum, magum Ozi mirum mirissimum....

Bob in a quantum-state-of-faith


Quote from: Griffin NoName on April 26, 2009, 12:44:53 AM
I am also increasingly coming across the most abhorrent xenophobia - a couple of times recently people have stopped me in the street* to complain about "them taking our jobs"....... it's not nice and it is getting worse.

"They took or jerbs" is a running gag in South Park (animated series on Comedy Central network; lots of potty humor, loads of extreme sarcasm, usually rubs the point home so far it comes out the back and comes around a 2nd or 3rd time again).

But every few episodes, they have to work in a scene where the locals cry:  "them took aur jerbs" (extreme accent).

The scene always plays out with the foreground character starting the litany, barely recognizable "they took our jobs".

The chant is quickly echoed by a 2nd character in a thicker accent: "them took aur jerbs"

The 3rd is even thicker.  By the fifth or sixth repetition, it's more akin to "Der Tkr urr jbbrs" and is no longer recognizable as language.

The gag started a season back or so, when a group of folk actually *did* take the local jobs.... now, any excuse to bring in the schstick is used in the show.

/end: :tjack:
Sometimes, the real journey can only be taken by making a mistake.

my webpage-- alas, Cox deleted it--dead link... oh well ::)

Griffin NoName

It's sort of odd in a way. Deconstructing: "They took" :shifting responsibility - "Our Jobs" :something belonging to us.

"They" can only take "Our" jobs if the jobs belonged to "Us" and we did nothing to stop them taking them, but most of these jobs are not done by us so how can they be said to belong to us and how can they be tkaen away from us? And of course, taking the jobs "Ourselves" would leave no scope for "Them" to take them, but that somehow doesn't seem to figure.

I cannot make sense of this phrase at all !!!  ;) ;) ;)

South Park rocks.

Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand