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Dreams: black and white or colour?

Started by Darlica, February 20, 2009, 11:06:38 AM

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Do you dream in black and white or in colour?

Only in black and white
Only in colour
Mostly black and white
Mostly in colour
In black and white with coloured details
I don't know

Griffin NoName

Quote from: roystonoboogie on February 20, 2009, 02:51:10 PM
Here's something to think about: we all have 3 different colour receptors in our eyes to see three different colours, but about 20% of women have 4 colour receptors (which give them extra sensitivity at the red end of the spectrum). So the next time you're haranguing your man about 'how can you not see that paint is a different colour?', the answer is because he can't.

I was told by acadmeics it is about 6% population (only women) who have this enhanced colour vision. I have it, but people who don't still argue with me about colours when I know I AM RIGHT ;) ;)   --   the blue green borderline (involving turquiose) is especially troublesome in terms of leading to viscious arguments. I usually just give in and let them think blue is green or whatever....... ;D

One result of the augmented genetics is the possibile resulting particular sort of "colour blindness" in male offspring of the enhanced women. !!

I had all the genetics explained in detail when tested but goodness knows where I put all the offprints.
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand


I recall that in a dream I had last night, the color seemed to be "added", more like a colorized black and white picture.