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First Attempt? There'll be more.

Started by Sibling Chatty, August 26, 2008, 06:55:45 AM

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Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

I found this beautiful article on the subject. :headbang: :help:
QuoteThis act officially allows the President to override all state and local authority and station troops anywhere in America as well as relinquishes the National Guard of control without the consent of the Governor or local authorities in order to "suppress public disorder". The law also facilitates militarized police round-ups and detention of protesters, so called "illegal aliens," "potential terrorists" and other "undesirables" for detention in facilities currently under construction by Halliburton.
I believe this was on their  wish-list since the Katrina debacle when they tried (and failed) to override Luisiana's governor.
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.

Sibling Chatty

THAT bull will probably be OUT as soon as Obama can toss it.

There is a DEFINITE line of succession if the President dies.

That's why there's a Vice President.

Then the Speaker of the House of Representatives


1    Vice President and President of the Senate    
2    Speaker of the House of Representatives    
3    President pro tempore of the Senate    
4    Secretary of State    
5    Secretary of the Treasury    
6    Secretary of Defense    
7    Attorney General    
8    Secretary of the Interior    
9    Secretary of Agriculture
10   Secretary of Commerce    
11    Secretary of Labor    
12   Secretary of Health and Human Services    
13    Secretary of Housing and Urban Development    
14    Secretary of Transportation    
15    Secretary of Energy    
16    Secretary of Education    
17    Secretary of Veterans Affairs    
18    Secretary of Homeland Security    

Current # 10 and 11 are not native born, thus ineligible, but they'll be gone soon. AND, if I get MY way (me and 3/4 of the country, at least) that Homeland Security crap will be gone, FEMA will be cabinet level again, and acting like the world is cowing to a rapid halt will STOP.


When the WTC was hit, and the Pentagon was hit, there was ALL this talk about "They cannot win, because they WILL NOT CHANGE the way we live."

Guess what? THEY WON. "We" tossed the Constitution on the scrapheap for the Patriot Act, which has NOT A THING to do with patriotism, or patriotic behavior. "We" went into paranoia-mode and put together a Brownshirt Team for airlines to use to threaten passengers, and hired lots of little sneaky snoopers that DO NOT do a damn thing to prevent another attack, they just pry...and "we" call it "Homeland Security". ::) ::) ::) (AIEEE, The FATHERLAND!! comes to mind, along with lots of little nasty people that tie their shoes in little Natzis.)

"We" cleaned out the ONE part of the government that WORKED, no matter what (FEMA, run by professionals, not dumbass political hacks) and replaced them with MORE Homeland Security incompetent political hacks...and saw a city murdered, not by water, but by incompetence and the NEED to play golf, go to dinner, stall, refuse help and sell off everything to Blackwater.

So, what DID happen on 9/11/01??

Osama bin Laden, brother of the Bush Family friends and business partners, got to claim the victory. He DID achieve his goal. He changed the way we live. And what did "we" do about all this attempt to put the country under Martial Law? (Remember, Florida, Jeb KEPT y'all under martial law for years, he just didn't mention it much. Had to appease his brother you know, because George is just as big a bullying idiot now as he was when he was a kid.)

We didn't ever let him do that. If we had, those prisons they've built everywhere would be full of you and me, not just illegal aliens.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm just not willing to give up the Constitution just because it's inconvenient for a bunch of megalomaniacal jackasses that can talk real loud about Guns, Gays and GAAAHWD.

But, I AM pissed at myself for not taking photos of GWB sprawled out on the floor of River Oaks Country Club back in his TANG days. At 3 AM on a Saturday that he was SUPPOSED to fly. Drunk, drooling and with a nasty powdered nosebleed. No, they'd have silenced me, and the RepubblyClones wouldn't have believed it, but I would have at least been able to really warn SOME folks.

I just want him, them, to GO AWAY.

We'd really like our country back, GW. You didn't QUITE manage to give it all to the international corporations. And if the NEXT guy tries, I'll volunteer to kick his ass, too...whether it's old and pasty whine or young and brown. I'm an equal opportunity bitch, and I'm fed up!!


Thus endeth the rant. Go in peace. :-*
This sig area under construction.

Bob in a quantum-state-of-faith

Quote from: beagle on August 26, 2008, 09:22:19 PM
Might be wrong, but I think it's the Defense Authorization Act of 2006 that you need to look up.

I'm old enough to remember when someone took a pot-shot at Reagan (Sibling Chatty has an unbreakable alibi - she claims).  There was actually an unseemly tussle as to who was in charge, as The-Powers-That-Be sought to convince the Soviets that someone still had the button and now would not be a good time for a sneak attack (not that the Russians, in those days, were quite that mad).

I well remember that..... there were at least two, in fact.

One abortive attempt, the poor brainwashed woman that was tapped to try, was not instructed to take the safety OFF first... and chamber a round... *sigh*

(a bold opportunity lost, and where would we be today, if Reagon's evil plans had been stopped cold? )

The second attempt was slightly closer to being effective-- Reagon was in hospital for quite a while after that, as I recall.  Bushista's first taste of power....

....I think the sun brightened slightly that day, in anticipation...

Sometimes, the real journey can only be taken by making a mistake.

my webpage-- alas, Cox deleted it--dead link... oh well ::)


There's an account here of the "who's in charge" episode. I'd forgotten it was Alexander Haig who'd made the claim.
The angels have the phone box