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Seed Lists and mutual advice swap

Started by Opsa, March 12, 2008, 03:14:44 PM

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That's all roight, m'hearty.

I don't know. Maybe these seeds are duds, 'cos not a one sprouted. Everything else I got from the same company came up like gangbusters. But since they were freebies, I considered them only a test, anyway.

I love eggplant parmesan, though. It would be cool to try them for real, maybe next year.

I gots teensy yellow grape termaters and teensy cherry termaters happening! And we've been eating lotsa garden fresh lettuce and onions all ready. The pepper plants are taking their time, but it's been rather cool and rainy. I think they will do better once we have more consistent sun.


Anyone in Toronto ,  Canada and wants some cuttings and tubers and such in exchange for ice cream or grog can come on o'er and get 'em .

PM me unky BC and he'll tell ya ware ta go . ;D




Dare B lottsa gurlz in dare
Lik Iruss an Rose an Heaverrrr an Rhoda an Lily an an an
dare B no boyz in dare doh .


Y'arrgghh! If I wuz in the neighborhood, I'd be by in a flash!


Any seeds on the go yet, Sibs? 

I started some catnip last weekend, and despite the 14 - 21 days quoted on the packet, a few brave sprouts have decided to germinate early. :D

I'm attempting to go indoors with these little guys; a former co-worker and dear friend (who moved in across the street) recently got a cat, so I thought I'd give indoors a go. Tends to be tricky with full-sun outdoor herbs, but I've got southeastern exposure and full sun all day.  She's got two southern-exposed balconies, so they may get to live outdoors there (I'll probably keep a couple plants for tea). If they survive until plant-out, I might stick some over at the house, too, or sow directly once frost is past (July? ::)).

I'm planning to order up some 1000-year-old tobacco seeds (N. Rustica that were reputedly "preserved in an urn from a burial site and thought to be over 1000 years old") and tulsi for this season.  Both will likely be semi-indoor plants as it's too windy on the balcony, but might get to hang out in the backyard (southern exposure) at the house when the lease is up at the apartment.

pieces o nine

Quote from: AgujjimI'm planning to order up some 1000-year-old tobacco seeds (N. Rustica that were reputedly "preserved in an urn from a burial site and thought to be over 1000 years old") and tulsi for this season. 

Now that sounds interesting!  I'll be watching for follow-ups on their progress.
"If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you. But you have no chocolate! I think of that again and again! My dear, how will you ever manage?"
--Marquise de Sevigne, February 11, 1677


Hey seed people! It's that time of year, again, isn't it?

I was going to go look at seeds today. I have this Jones to plant poppy seeds, and I understand they work better if you throw them on the ground before it thaws, so I plan to try that. (Plus- the sheer laziness of it is intriguing!  ;D ) I would also like to find endive seeds, because I love the taste.

I have grown a couple of forms of Nicotiana rustica, and they have done very well. I have been able to save seeds to re-plant the following year. I remember Aggie mentioning the ancient seeds a while back and am thrilled that he's going to give them a chance at life. (I sang to mine when I planted and watered them, but that's another flaky story...)


Ayuh, Ops knows I've been threatening to do this for about three years running. ;D

OK, I'll put the order in this morning!!

Might have to figure a way to smuggle a few seeds southwards if there's spares. 


I would be toadily honored!  :-* I have some saved Delaware Indian N. rustica seeds from my garden last year, we can swap!

Yesterday I picked up some red and pink Shirley Poppy seeds and sprinkled them on the snow over my front porch beds. I also got some Basil (a must) and red nasturtiums for my window boxes.


Ordered 'em! I got the tabbacy, some tulsi (holy basil) and some extra-lemony lemon balm (lemonella balm).

We gots to be sneaky to get seeds across the border, though....  I'm thinking homemade-paper cards expressing spring greetings, with the seeds embedded in the paper.  :devil2:

Just have to dry the paper quickly to keep the seeds from waking up!


I'll bet we could just tape them into a card and not be any trouble. They aren't considered contraband, are they?


Dunno, but Salt Spring Seeds can't ship to the US anymore.  I think they'd be suspicious of any loose seeds, in case they are Monster Invasive Plants. That being said, the chances of having a card actually opened and inspected would be very small.

One of my friends once smuggled some seeds that definitely were considered contraband in a dumped-out doxycycline caplet, but I don't think loose pills would attract less attention. ;D


The seeds are super tiny, like poppy seeds. Maybe I could send you some of the Delaware kind to see if they have a problem.


I expected something larger, I suppose (big plant, eh?).  Little 'uns shouldn't be a problem to deal with.  I've got some gum arabic* that could probably be used to paste them lightly to a card without damaging 'em.

Depending on germination rates, I would only need a few anyways, as I'm not likely to keep more than one or two plants.

*nontoxic plant gum, used for envelopes and old lickable stamps