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No Oklahomasexuals??

Started by Sibling Chatty, March 11, 2008, 09:40:32 PM

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Quote from: Aphos on March 14, 2008, 01:29:43 AM
Kern is probably one of those Baptist sort of Okie that won't have sex standing up...because someone might think she was dancing.

and dancing with ones self is a def NO-NO!!!   ;)

Bob, That letter is beautiful- thank you for sharing.
Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.

Bob in a quantum-state-of-faith

More from the news front.

Apparently there was a considerable outcry at Kern's words, statewide.

Now, Kern is starting the 'political shuffle' where she tries to back-peddle and re-package her nasty words into Something Else.

Do The Spin, I think that dance is called.   A nice summary of events so far in the Dallas News

Kern's spokes-weenie said this:
On Monday, Kern said her comments were edited and taken out of context. Kern said they were directed at wealthy, politically active homosexuals who are contributing money to gay and lesbian candidates for public office in Oklahoma and other states.

I listened to her speech-- even if it WAS "out of context" it was hate-speech.  No amount of context will soften her hateful stance, I think.

But, what pleased me most, is that Oklahoma actually managed to elect an openly gay representative.  It's fitting, since we have so many gays here.

I liked what he said, too:

The only openly gay member of the state Legislature, Rep. Al McAffrey, D-Oklahoma City, said Kern's comments have alarmed gay voters in Kern's district and elsewhere in the nation.

"It saddens me that we hear bigotry from our representatives," said McAffrey, who embraced Kern as the two lawmakers discussed her comments about gays in a state Capitol hallway Monday morning.

But, what I liked most was said at the very end of the article:

Jim Roth, a member of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission who is openly gay, is seeking a full six-year term on the commission that regulates utilities and the oil and gas industry.

"As a public official I have taken an oath to serve 100 percent of our citizens and I only wish that Representative Kern would honor the same spirit of our democracy," said Roth....

Sometimes, the real journey can only be taken by making a mistake.

my webpage-- alas, Cox deleted it--dead link... oh well ::)