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Senate set to forgive telcos for spying on Americans with the NSA

Started by Scriblerus the Philosophe, December 15, 2007, 11:47:23 PM

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Scriblerus the Philosophe

"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

Sibling Chatty

One thing about our Senate. Once they're bought, most of them are pretty faithful...not something you can say for most 'paid for persons*'.

* whores
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Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

I find offensive the comparison with 'paid for persons'. They work too hard with no insurance, social security, and the public hatred that the senators profess against them (privately they are glad to invite them to hotel rooms, but that isn't meant to be known..  ::) ::) ).
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.

Sibling Chatty

Senators, one would suppose, aren't smart enough to realize that IF you do choose to whore yourself, nobody seriously expects faithfulness as well.

At least when it sex, not power, being bought, there's actually something other than greed involved. Sex workers provide a service. Senators just take money to make other people more if they weren't already being paid way too much for doing what turns out to be the opposite of what their constituency wants most of the time.

They're bad whores, not honest ones.
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They are not bought, just rented (and with the threat of changing the provider).
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.


Would politicians be okay with microphones on them 24/7?  I think that sounds like a great idea for some new legislation!


I agree with MB- wire the barstards!

Yes Chatty--- prostitution is a service and should be legal and regulated to an extent-- but all to often the regulation that does occur (like in Nevada) is still geared not for the benefit of the whores but the owners and customers --- for example the worker has to have a health check up on a regular basis but can not insist the same from a customer nor can they insist on condom use- it's geared to the customer not getting ill but who cares if the whore does- and no protection for their money- brothel owners take more than 50% and still charge for laundry,food,etc on top of that. Otherwise it's an honest living --- I just wish that the ones doing it (for lack of a better term) were treated with the respect they deserve. People (not everyone) are going to have sex with other people and if someone can make a living- then hey- I'll not argue- they just need to be done right by.

I agree Zono-- senators are glad to invite the 'paid for person' to the back room but not to the public room and then they have this high and mighty opinion of themselves --- I am senator, hear me morally roar! I hate two-facedness!
Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.

Sibling Chatty

The entire damn political hierarchy is so out of touch with the average American that it's about time to start over from scratch.

I'd say choosing representation by lottery drawing would probably give us a better class of legislators...certainly a more honest one.
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I have to admit that I have a lot of gripes about our system in its current state.  A lot of the good ideas for fixing things get shot down by the good ol' boy faction.
--The topologist formerly known as Poincare's Stepchild--


Chatty that reminded me of the short story "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson(a 100% must read for anyone who hasn't!)

do you think that'd work?  :mrgreen:

Aphos-- with the current good 'ol boy faction in place the shooting is not always figurative (jib-jab at hunting with our Dear Second in Command but the real boss- Dead Eye Dick)
Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.

The Meromorph

In that particular case, I always spell it Dead Eyes Dick...
Dances with Motorcycles.

Bruder Cuzzen

Hello ye Sibs south of the 49th ,

May I offer my deepest sympathies to ye folks. If I weren't a witness to these interesting times I would scarcely believe a Gestapo State  has developed and has been allowed to flourish in the US of A .
To myself it seems sanctioned by the majority of its people  , by allowing political corruption on such a scale to proliferate for so long .And aided by a press that has long ago become whores to political pimps .

I can't say things are any better up here , only 3 political parties are given much voice in the majority of our media outlets . The general pup
ulace knows zero about the Green Party or the Commies or socialists etc.To me that smacks of bribery or partisanship somewhere amongst the supposedly neutral journalists (then again it may just be the editor's or publisher's machinations for personal reasons or plain ole spite , or maybe they are happy with the current state of corruption) .

It is sort of a comedy up here , we expect our politicians to lie and rape us every chance they can get , it's all part of our Canadian fabric . There is little we can do , they write the laws to keep themselves and future copies of themselves above the law .They control the military and police     
making sure they can't think for themselves so as to kill as many Dudley Georges as they can get away with .
They give themselves raises and all sorts of decadent perks without consulting their bosses ( namely us, the lowly voters ) , I'm surprised that there are not as many b**turds around as should be given all the fornication with big business and politics  at all levels .

Corruption is so sickening to me , the Nazi type that has been so prevalent for the past seven years has severely tarnished America's image as a leader among nations . I'm so tired of seeing pain , of seeing grief and hopelessness , small wonder so many people get depressed , kill themselves to escape this life or live to dream of opiate heavens or allow a bottle to suck away their souls .

I hope with Bush out of the puppet's chair , the world may yet find common ground to unite against tyranny of both types , the malignant and benign . Perhaps all children may someday be free from fear of their own relations who think of themselves as humanity.

Oh dear me... I'm babbling again .

Sibling Chatty

Not babbling.

Expressing the way most of the 'first world' citizens feel about the way our corrupt governments have sold us to corporate globalization for the benefit of the top 2% of the world.

From the farmers growing crops that are pre-sold under NAFTA contracts that give them almost nothing, to the workers in sweatshops in Saipan (Northern Marianas, so they're a US Protectorate, but there were 'special rules' put in place to make the sweatshop "legal") to the families in Central Texas that stand to lose land that they've owned for over a century to a "highway" that will only have exits and underpasses every 50+ miles (trucks directly from Mexico to Canada)---we ALL have been sold out by the politicians, for the benefit of corporations.

That is the definition of fascism, rule by and for corporate interests.

The US is fast becoming a fascist country. Only the hope that SOMEONE will oppose this for REAL can save us. And, no, that will NOT be Hillary. Exactly who was it that pushed NAFTA through?? Oh, yeah, Bill...

I am assuming that we will actually have elections. Cheney may still manage to get martial law imposed, even if it takes killing off Shrubby.
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Sometimes if find myself wishing for some sort of quiet revolution all over the world, where people who strive for tolerance and peace between people suddenly stood up en masse and claimed the positions of power in the world. Then I realise that that would probably just end in another bloodbath and start dreaming about an isolated island instead.  :-\  And a not so virtual Toadfish Monastery.  :)

"Kafka was a social realist" -Lindorm out of context

"You think education is expensive, try ignorance" -Anonymous

Scriblerus the Philosophe

I think, that if we do it right, we can do something about it. It would require to stop giving a rat's about Britney Spears and Tila Tequila or whatever the cretin's name is, and to actually care about politics and pay attention to what's going on, and then do whatever we can to circumvent the Old Boy(s). To freely talk about the issues, and to try to root out the corruption with our votes. Reeeeeally pay attention to what our Congressmen/Reps are doing.
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay