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What the heck is wrong with people?!

Started by Sibling Lambicus the Toluous, June 12, 2008, 04:45:07 PM

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Ooh, I really like the "Welcome to Whateversville" sign idea. We have recently had signs put up at either end of town, but they really don't face the traffic that tends to zip down the middle. Main Street is part of a Route that goes east/west. The signs face two north/south roads which connect  to an Interstate highway. I am now imagining a "Welcome To" sign that appears OVER the street, not beside it. I wonder if we could do that.

Thank you for reminding me about the bump-outs. Our town was once a  little place with a dirt road running through, not much more than a railroad crossing. It had trees along the road. Then they tore out the trees to widenen the street. Big mistake.It was never as pretty as it used to be. To try to recapture that feeling, we are considering  bump-outs with smallish, traffic-tolerant trees in them. All this money to put in what was once taken out!


The roads where I live were recently repaved, but it was apparently a low-budget operation. It sure looks all pretty now, but when it rains, the puddles are in the same places as before and bigger this time around.

The colossal waste of money here is on signage. Somebody apparently decided that the signs that the city issued weren't "upscale" enough, so they're all being taken down and replaced with identical signs on ornate-looking poles with fancy metalwork around the edges.

And we still don't have the dog park they've been promising for years.
There is a pleasure sure to being mad
That only madmen know.
--John Dryden


Dogparks are wonderful I do hope your town gets one soon but,

What is wrong with people

dog (pet) dumping--- it's getting worse IMHO(let's see--- keep the cable or _________ but not rover because gasoline is so high now?)

The local dog park had three dogs dumped yesterday, woman came in, pretended to be legit for a minute or so, left 3 dogs behind. Fortunately a local shelter volunteer was there with her dogs and recognized the plight of the 3 and got a partial LPN to boot of the biotches get away car.

In the town of Helena-West Helena the mayor is being charged with dumping from 8 to 10 dogs in the St. Francis National Forest, he dumped them even though the humane society people had said give us about 5 hours and we will be back and get them somewhere sheltered--- they now believe that the deed had already been done and he was stalling them hoping they'd --what, forget? 2 dogs found and in ashelter, 3 were killed by a land owner (not agressive dogs,pet dogs,not out long enough to get mean like they will) simply shot as they dared to trespass on his patch of land, the others are still missing.

In Arkansas we can not get a felony animal cruelty law passed--- the mouth breathing faction of the farm bureau and hunters 'union' have made such a stupid mess of it that people won't vote it in.... they do not seem to understand that legit farming and hunting are exempted-- what's wrong with a state where the capture, skinning alive of, and then placing of while dying on owners front porch is not a felony. LINK to Missy's story here.

Spaying and Neutering should be an option for some humans as well!
Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.

Bob in a quantum-state-of-faith

Quote from: anthrobabe on June 23, 2008, 08:03:05 AM
Dogparks are wonderful I do hope your town gets one soon but,

What is wrong with people

dog (pet) dumping--- it's getting worse IMHO(let's see--- keep the cable or _________ but not rover because gasoline is so high now?)

I agree:  dumping an unwanted pet ought to be grounds for a flogging, at the very least.  (aka Robert Heinlien, Starship Troopers (the novel, not the stinky movie))

On the other hand, if a responsible owner opts to terminate his/her pet, that OUGHT to be his/her choice, too.  Animals do not exhibit understanding beyond the "now"-- they can not and will not understand being forced into a too-tiny cage for weeks on end with strange animals.  It's literal hell for them.  Better off dead, in many cases.

I'm not a huge fan of zealous animal rights types-- these sorts can easily be corrupted like anyone else.  There's an infamous case of the local "animal rights" group getting in too close with the animal enforcement agencies (I forget which nearby city, but it wasn't Tulsa proper).  They would seize animals at a whim, regardless of reality.   Several legitimate dog farms were raided, and had their animals removed by these legal outlaws.  Funny thing was, most of the raids were ONLY for very valuable dogs.  None of the "mutt" farms or places with non-pedigreed animals were raided or bothered in any way....

What's worse, is there wasn't any provision for appeal or legal recourse for the owners!  (aside from civil lawsuits)

A very nasty business, IMO.

No, animals SHOULD NOT have rights that supersede those of human beings.

That being said, needless cruelty should be stopped whenever and wherever, obviously.  And this ought to include the so-called "animal shelter" facilities, too!   Some of these are worse than the animal being in the wild...
Sometimes, the real journey can only be taken by making a mistake.

my webpage-- alas, Cox deleted it--dead link... oh well ::)