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Protesters Demand Al-Maliki Stand Down

Started by Scriblerus the Philosophe, March 28, 2008, 04:20:29 PM

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Scriblerus the Philosophe

Apparently, he's being told by thousands that he might want to go find a new job. I predict he'll be assassinated soon if he doesn't step down. Especially since chunks of Baghdad are being taken over by militants. Neurotic Iraqi Wife talks about what it's like living in Baghdad right now here.
Whole damn place is a mess.

Al-Maliki said Iraq had become a "nation of gangs, militias and outlaws" and he was undertaking a "historic mission" in Basra to restore "the law of the land."
Good luck to ya.
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

The 'law of the land'? May he mean his particular Shiite version of it? ::)
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.

pieces o nine

You mean it's no longer safe for McCain to shop there?
Surely you jest... we've brought democracy to those people, after all.

:P    :'(
"If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you. But you have no chocolate! I think of that again and again! My dear, how will you ever manage?"
--Marquise de Sevigne, February 11, 1677

Bob in a quantum-state-of-faith

Quote from: pieces o nine on March 28, 2008, 11:46:15 PM
.. we've brought democracy to those people, after all.

:P    :'(

Coulda fooled me.... ::)  :P
Sometimes, the real journey can only be taken by making a mistake.

my webpage-- alas, Cox deleted it--dead link... oh well ::)


Okay, it might look a bit untidy at the moment but people will learn to kiss the iron boot of liberty.
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.

pieces o nine

Okay, it might look a bit untidy at the moment but people will learn to kiss the iron boot of liberty god-fearing family values and faith-based, neocon privatization.

Fixed it for you.   :'(
"If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you. But you have no chocolate! I think of that again and again! My dear, how will you ever manage?"
--Marquise de Sevigne, February 11, 1677

Bob in a quantum-state-of-faith

Who's family?   Charlie Manson had a family....

What values?  Jeffery Dahamer had values....

Which faith?  The Branch Dividians had faith...

Which Privitazation?  Author Anderson had privitization...


Perspective is everything  :mrgreen:
Sometimes, the real journey can only be taken by making a mistake.

my webpage-- alas, Cox deleted it--dead link... oh well ::)

pieces o nine

May I borrow those, Bob?

I'll tuck them away with "They laughed at Gallileo, they laughed at Edison, they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."
"If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you. But you have no chocolate! I think of that again and again! My dear, how will you ever manage?"
--Marquise de Sevigne, February 11, 1677

Bob in a quantum-state-of-faith

Quote from: pieces o nine on March 30, 2008, 07:12:27 AM
May I borrow those, Bob?

I'll tuck them away with "They laughed at Gallileo, they laughed at Edison, they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."

Feel free!

I did not invent the idea of "who's family, who's values".  I don't know who did, but the first time I heard it was an ill-fated (for telling the bald-faced truth) late-night local talk show called "You're On".   Sam Jones (a local TV personality) was the host.  I got to meet him, and express both my admiration and my regret at his fine show and it's cancellation.

Host was too cool, and represents the ONLY TIME EVER that I called into to a radio/tv show....

It was canceled because it was "too controversial" at the time when our city had a Republipuke mayor...  I'm quite certain the show was suppressed by the local republipukes and the local fundies.

Just for telling the bald-faced truth....

But, use'em or make up your own-- to one who looks at an issue as objectively as possible (and tries to remove the emotional component) I'm certain you can come up with more and better.  :)

Sometimes, the real journey can only be taken by making a mistake.

my webpage-- alas, Cox deleted it--dead link... oh well ::)


I think "kiss the iron boot of liberty" emphasizes the contrast better than a long string of right-wing buzz-words. Btw, liberty is traditionally anthropomorphized (Lady Liberty), "Family Values" is not. Would you recognize her/him on a costume ball? :mrgreen:
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.

pieces o nine

Here, you would.

That'd be the one person *not* in costume, waving a US flag in one hand and a KJV with an NRA sticker on it in the other.
"If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you. But you have no chocolate! I think of that again and again! My dear, how will you ever manage?"
--Marquise de Sevigne, February 11, 1677


I would think that the norm at a certain kind of costume balls.
Sorry  :offtopic:

About everything Maliki does makes him look even more like an US puppet, especially when he tries to show that he is not.
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.