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North Carolina School District May Add Creationism to Circculum

Started by Scriblerus the Philosophe, September 18, 2008, 08:03:16 PM

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Scriblerus the Philosophe
QuoteArticles in the Wilmington, North Carolina Star News on Tuesday and Wednesday report that the Brunswick County (NC) School Board is looking for a way to teach creationism in the schools. The issue was raised at Tuesday's board meeting by parent Joel Fanti who told the board that it was unfair for evolution to be taught as a fact. Fanti said: "I wasn't here 2 million years ago. If evolution is so slow, why don't we see anything evolving now?" School board member Jimmy Hobbs responded: "It's really a disgrace for the state school board to impose evolution on our students without teaching creationism. The law says we can't have Bibles in schools, but we can have evolution, of the atheists."

School board Chairwoman Shirley Babson said she does not agree with teaching evolution, but the state legislature requires it. Board attorney Joseph Causey said it might be possible under state law to add creationism to the curriculum if it does not replace the teaching of evolution. Superintendent Katie McGee said her staff would research the issue. Meanwhile, according to the Star News, the county school system offers a high school Bible as Literature course. However it is not being taught this year because no students signed up for it.
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay


However it is not being taught this year because no students signed up for it.

Heh heh. Other than that, scary.
Imus ad magum Ozi videndum, magum Ozi mirum mirissimum....

Bob in a quantum-state-of-faith

If they do start teaching it...they will be sued...they will loose...and huge amounts of $$ will be wasted, buying all the lawyers new limos.

And we will have another nice example to point to regarding the stupidity of creationism.

"Never underestimate the power of human stupidity"
Sometimes, the real journey can only be taken by making a mistake.

my webpage-- alas, Cox deleted it--dead link... oh well ::)

pieces o nine

DISCLAIMER: I'm writing this post as someone who seriously explored becoming ordained clergy; it's *not* intended to bash anyone of good faith or good intelligence. It's specifically addressed to people who are neither, and proud of it.  These people give Christianity a bad name! They give religion a bad name! They give school boards a bad name! They give Homo sapiens sapiens a bad name!

We've all seen the other scientific "theories" offered as challenges to this foolishness; they need to be challenged in *all other disciplines* as well. IMO, academia as a whole  should oppose this nonsense!
1. Why teach kids anything about Greek and Latin roots for words, loan words, or etymology? Isn't linguistics the "atheist" attempt to undermine the Tower of Babel story?
2. What about maths and the whole "Al-Gebra" movement! Suspiciously anti-murrican and anti-biblical, eh?
3. *All other science* and *history itself* fall like the proverbial dominos with YEC. So drop them from the curriculum.
4. And while you're at it, YEC-ers, turn in those laptops you're feverishgly posting your nonsense on, as they are the product of "atheist" scientists. Stop going to the doctor, *right now*! Stop takling any medicine you don't distill yourself from plants grown in your own little "Herbs of the Bible" garden. Stop eating any pre-packaged food, and any produce which is the result of hybrid seeds and commerical chemical fertilizer. Stop wearing anything purchased from a commercial manufacturer with computerized machinery and computerized purchasing and distribution systems. Stop driving your soccer-mom-mobiles and your big-dick-trucks with big-dick-tires, and your lexuses with geo-sat-nav. Have an old-fashioned burning party for your bluetooths, your ipods, your fax machines, Mr. Coffees, dvd players, etc.

I'd also like to see some local and national CEOs put out lots of PSAs in the afflicted areas explaining that one reason they outsource is to find better-edumacated peeps, peeps who are more interested in doing their job well than in spewing about their "faith", and to sincerely thank school board members *BY NAME* for giving them more good reasons to keep outsourcing those jobs.

And I'd like to see the American Bar Association do lost of PSAs thanking the people for donating their hard-earned tax dollars to enriching lawyers instead of investing in their children's educations. Of course, I'm just talking crazy now...
"If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you. But you have no chocolate! I think of that again and again! My dear, how will you ever manage?"
--Marquise de Sevigne, February 11, 1677

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

These people aren't consistent, otherwise they would live like the Amish (which despite of my disagreements I do respect) and do exactly as the bible says. I am convinced that the whole fundie christian movement is just a way to express all that repressed prejudice they feel, but now is politically incorrect to manifest.

Consistent Christians follow the book in its spirit and much rather not judge lest they be judged. Sadly they seem to be an endangered species now.
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.

Sibling Chatty
Quoteparent Joel Fanti who told the board that it was unfair for evolution to be taught as a fact. Fanti said: "I wasn't here 2 million years ago. If evolution is so slow, why don't we see anything evolving now?"

May be because he doesn't know what to look for--like entire generations whizzing past the intentionally, at his hand, retarded students that are forced to suffer along with HIS children, being denied a scientific education that will prepare them for the real world.

You can only hobble the development of an organism's brain for so long before there's real, quantifiable damage.
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