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Messages - optyx1

Announcements / Re: Monastery in Mourning
June 24, 2009, 01:41:12 AM
Thanks all for the welcome.

I will check in now and then, but I'm more a reader than writer.  I don't have Chatty's facility with the written word (or, for that matter, the spoken word).  I've often told people that I have a tested IQ of 147 and I'm the stupid one.

Remember--just because I write little that doesn't mean I'm not paying attention.

Chatty told me so much about this place and those who inhabit it that I really do feel I'm among friends.

May the deity of your choice smite the other guy.

Announcements / Re: Monastery in Mourning
June 23, 2009, 10:02:02 PM
Dear Toadfish

For the first time I decided to register and post.

My name is Dan. I'm the one that Chatty often referred to as her Semi-insignificant other.

I wanted to thank everyone here for your kind words about the most special person I've ever known.  She loved this forum and the people on it.

Some people have been surprised to learn that she wanted no funeral service.  I'll use her words:  "I refuse to be the guest of honor at any party where I can't have the last word".

Someone like Dee Dee comes along rarely and I'm honored to have been allowed to be part of her life.

As we used to say in the '60's: peace and love to all.
