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Messages - Griffin

The "Nutritional Information" (page 14) is particularly useful.


QuoteGenerally, healthy males provide high quality semen and vice versa

..and did anyone get as far as reading the Chef's Tip for omelettes?


Talking of lapdancing, one of the men at the disco over Christmas was rather taken aback when dancing with a woman (unknown to him) who suddenly said to him THIS IS RATHER STRANGE FOR ME; I AM MORE USED TO DOING IT WITH A POLE* - hours later when he was chatting with us in the bar, he still wasn't quite sure which sort of "pole/Pole" she meant !

* use of capital letters as this would not work written down otherwise!  It made sense at the time!
Miscellaneous Discussion / Re: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009!
January 01, 2009, 04:27:40 AM
Hey! It is tomorrow already today here too now !!

Just caught the first weather report of the year (usual over-indulgent British concern with weather). The Weather Man said the weather had done absolutely nothing yet, but it might rain in the sticky out bits of England-Scotland-Wales on Friday. He really did say that; he started to go a bit weird about a month ago.
Miscellaneous Discussion / Re: And the best Dr Who is...
November 12, 2007, 02:40:10 AM
If anyone is wondering what to give Beagle for Christmas these Doctor Who Glow in the Dark Moulded Stickers may give him some happy nights.

available from amazon
All Things Piratey! / Re: The All New PlayBilge Magazine
November 12, 2007, 02:32:01 AM
Oi 'as fownd ther perfect Pressie ter put in that Black Bart fella's Christmas under-sized sock

Yaaaaaaaaaaargggghhh!!!!!  Glow Colour Glitter Sheep @ amazon

Aaaaaaaaaaargh!!!! It be a roight shame wen yer sock be not big enuff fer the real thing !

'Ows abowt Playbilge get 'em in bulk ;)

Games and Jokes / Re: The Sibling Below Me...
August 11, 2007, 02:09:45 AM
So that's why I've been running round in circles all day. Good to know.

The sibling below me collects ants.
Human Concerns / Re: Respect for the Aged
August 11, 2007, 01:15:12 AM
There is so much in life that can only be learnt through direct personal experience. Many things I was told "for my own good" when young I simply didn't believe or didn't have the experience to actually take on board the issues. Guidelines have to make sense and they can't if there's not enough understanding to back them up. Like Kiyo's example, every child has to learn what hot actually is and they are only going to find out by experiencing hot.

I'm still learning from experience and I expect to go on doing so. I'll listen to what other people say, but then I'll make my own mind up and I may use a variety of ways of achieving that. This was as true of me as a child as it is today. I don't think young people and children are any different to adults in this respect.
Site Content / Re: Additions to the Smilies thread
August 10, 2007, 11:55:05 PM
Zzzzzzzzz  :Zzzz: and balloons :balloons:
Human Concerns / Re: Respect for the Aged
August 09, 2007, 11:33:31 PM
Respect is an odd word I think. It implies value. What people value differs. In accord with Mero, evolutionary forces would tend to value anything which promoted staying alive long enough to procreate, and procreate well and often.

I prefer dignity. Too many of our elderly live without dignity. It niggles away in my mind every day. I don't believe they need to be respected to be allowed dignity.

It is true information can be retrieved from a multitude of sources other than elderly folks brains these days. But sometimes I think with a rye smile of life after global disaster (choose as you will which type); I am eternally grateful to the person who taught me to weave as I would have a tradeable skill ;)
Snark and Rant / Re: UK Dial Up
August 09, 2007, 12:22:18 AM
Yes it does make stupid noises. (It's the handshake - tho why shrieking is required to do that defeats me).

I've had to adjust my modem to max 9600 baud rate to get any connection to stay connected. I think that has something to do with the 9.6 kbs. Since in the good old days when I used dial up all the time as broadband hadn't been invented, I always got rates between 36 kbs - 48 kbs on a 56k modem I am totally puzzled by this wretched 9.6 kbs. Unless it's something to do with the (certainly very odd) phone set up here.

I am finding humbleness very difficult. I want to do terrible things to various staff members who I keep over-hearing telling people Yes, we have internet. Even in 1991 when I first had access to the pre-pubescent internet, it wasn't THIS slow.
Snark and Rant / UK Dial Up
August 07, 2007, 01:59:56 AM
Temporary Emergency

Anyone know a GOOD free no-need-to-register Dial Up number/username/password ?

I've tried the first two thrown up by googling free isp - and a third which is connect/4free - they all seem pretty useless - the third one works intermittently but mostly says stuff like try later.

The highest rate I can get is 9 kbs which is like watching paint dry.
Snark and Rant / Re: Snark/rant
August 06, 2007, 04:04:28 AM
Personally, I think unwrapped is probably enough to see on my cell phone ! but for the sake of completeness yes wrap wrap wrap.

Of course, my cell phone claims it is selecting the best format, so it ought to have guessed the address  ::)

Incidentally, this site is working faster on dial-up than it does on broadband  :'(   (or is it because I am further north of the equator?).
Start Here, Please / Re: A New Pirate on the Scene
August 06, 2007, 03:51:19 AM
Ahoy JackDaw.

Oi moight get yer confuzzled wiv me parrot.  ::)
Snark and Rant / Re: Snark/rant
August 06, 2007, 03:37:55 AM
Griffin NoName tWofS here, using my puppet Griffin.


Booked a hotel with Internet. Told no Wifi. Cable. All rooms. Fine, I got cables.

Sure enough rooms have cat5 network sockets : 1 for telephone and 1 for modem.

But. What they meant was no Broadband. Only Dial Up. It used to be ADSL networked, but it got lost in a hotel takeover. So it is back to unplugging the telephone.

But. It's not just Dial Up. It's Archaic Dial Up. I've spent the last 8 hours adjusting my modem, and dialling up a variety of services, getting every error in the book. down, down down, to almost zero baud rates, different insanely antique protocols.

Finally I am here.

If only I hadn't forgotten my bluetooth dongle, or if only the Monastery was cell phone friendly.

Anyone fancy designing a cell phone forum interface ? :mrgreen:
All Things Piratey! / Re: Ye Pentagram of Avalon
January 18, 2007, 03:17:53 AM
Gaaaaaarrrgh! Oi as pricipulls. Oi'd never tell bad jokes ter anywun salivatin - health n saifety azzard - common cause of chokin ter deth. In fact, if yer want bad jokes Oi'd apply to the SDC fer yer release but I bet it's a life sentence.

Now Oi's offerin a top excellent stunning rip-off "You-Call-Me-A-Landlubber" package ere. Inclusive of sailin aroud in a sacred voyage with no woerk. An yer can be straight an onest when yer S/O phones up and tell em yer too busy goin round in circles. Lash a cine camera ter the mast and take it ome as proof.

Wot givs me anuvver idea. We'have had grass-cam, we've had tortoise-cam, now it's time fer woevil-cam. Buy in our optional exta "Woevil-Cam" Packcage and we'll send yer the crittur an instructions on ow ter get the best shots and the sorts of activity many of our customers want to capture.

NOte to Customers: 0.0001% of our profit goes ter Scumsoft. This does not buy you any rights; quite the opposite.