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Messages - Duke

Games and Jokes / Re: The Last Post Game!!!!
November 20, 2006, 05:32:32 PM
Sorry, I'm not here, but if I were, I'd be glad to try your Last Post Word Bingo. But, Last Post.

Games and Jokes / Re: Where are they now?
November 20, 2006, 05:12:02 PM
I'm here, but I cannot stay, for there are things that must be done, tasks begging to be completed....

Games and Jokes / Re: My Hill
November 20, 2006, 05:06:17 PM
Okay, just today, tomorrow, and four hours on Wednesday before I'm off, before I'm traveling, going home... ;D

Games and Jokes / Re: Haiku for You
November 20, 2006, 05:04:51 PM
Have flown far away.


A bird nest, right there,
A pair of cardinals live,


Games and Jokes / Re: The Last Post Game!!!!
November 20, 2006, 04:57:24 PM
Good morning! I hope you don't mind if I stop by and take the Last Post.

Miscellaneous Discussion / Re: The Open Thread
November 20, 2006, 04:54:01 PM
Quote from: Sibling Qwertyuiopasd on November 20, 2006, 06:59:32 AM
one thing I notice Duke....

you're the only one who has brought up a problem with the karma system. even if its not a problem, it IS bringing it up, and not in 'this is a great tool' light.

also, you're the only one I've noticed with any negative karma.

it would seem to me at first glance that you aren't exactly esctatic at the idea of having negative karma, and therefore, you bring it up as a problem, or a '"why do we need it/its useless/it hurts(me)" statement. possibly in an attempt to remove the karma altogether, removing the negative karma, or perhaps just to get sympathy points, either in good karma, or in people posting either sympathy or agreeing with you in the karma systems flaws.

again, this is at first glance. please, divulge into your thought process so I may better understand what you're trying to say.


You really do assume some far out things, Qwerty.

Quite frankly, I didn't care that I had negative 107 karma, it didn't bother me in the least. I never use the karma system on other sites and I wasn't planning on using it or playing attention to it here, either. But I was curious as to know if it was the same system as I'd seen on other sites, and I was told it is. But I was wondering why it was only allowed to be used for full Toadfish. Even though it doesn't effect me, I was wondering why it wasn't it wasn't used for all members if any members at all. I sincerely wouldn't mind if everyone, even guests, could use the system or if nobody could use it, but I was wondering why it was just halfway.

I don't think the karma system is a great tool or a terrible one. I don't think it's a tool at all. To me, it's just a gimmick that can be fun but doesn't have much of a point.

I don't see how someone could by sympathetic towards someone who doesn't care, or why I would want good karma points anyway.

Does that help you clear your head?

What are you / Re: What Are You Listening To?
November 20, 2006, 04:46:01 PM
Somewhere Only We Know--Keane.

Games and Jokes / Re: The Al Gore game
November 20, 2006, 04:42:19 PM
No, Lord Ackton invented the vaccum.

Al Gore invented platinum.

Games and Jokes / Re: Word Association Game
November 20, 2006, 04:37:10 PM

What are you / Re: What are you reading?
November 20, 2006, 04:30:18 AM
Oh, just today I adopted a copy of The Great Gatsby. I'll start reading it...eventually.

Art Gallery / Duke's Writings
November 20, 2006, 04:11:12 AM
Hey, I'm Duke, and I like to write. I'd be posting artwork, but I can't draw. You take what you get. Anyway! I write poems (as of Tuesday, I do), essays, and all sorts of other things. I'd like to share some of my "art" with you guys. Don't be afraid to be critical, it's much appreciated. Thanks!

This one's a fictional one about an ordinary guy. It's rather...tongue in cheek.


What a hero this Dan was,
Nothing in the world made him pause,
He was a man who obeyed all laws.
A man simply with no flaws,

A pure and simple man, at heart,
Not too dumb and not too smart,
With a feigned appreciation for abstract art,
A constant man in every part.

They would have called his life dull,
With no sharp ideas in his skull.
They might have said his life was a lull,
But then, to him, his life was full.

A hero of the normal man,
Boring is what they called Dan,
They laughed at his minivan,
He was without a clue, without a plan.

The tragedy of this simple soul
Was not in his being or his whole,
But to this earth he was like a mole,
Without any features to extol.

This one's not fictional.

Coming Home

I'll be home within a day,
Back to where I came,
In my house beside the bay;
My life at home is far more tame,
Than the life I lead when I am gone,
A better, more basic life,
With all my worries withdrawn,
In my pleasant house, without strife.
The time of a day is far too long,
I cannot bear the wait,
When will I be where I belong?
The pass of time I truly hate.
Just a single day more,
Until I see my homely nest,
Perhaps an hour, I shall see my door,
Maybe minutes, I shall be at rest.

It's got some versing issues, but...

They're probably mostly junk, but I thought I might put them out there.  :)

Site Content / Re: User-Made Content
November 19, 2006, 11:48:35 PM
Oh, huzzah! Thanks, Mero!  ;D

I'll be there shortly. :)

What are you / Re: What Are You Listening To?
November 19, 2006, 11:46:47 PM
Fame--Irene Cara.

Games and Jokes / Re: The Al Gore game
November 19, 2006, 11:36:40 PM
Al Gore invented the "Remember not to stick your hand in the toaster!" sign. I know because I've seen one.

Games and Jokes / Re: Word Association Game
November 19, 2006, 09:31:47 PM
Cookie Monster!
