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Messages - pieces o nine

Gigantic storm wending its way across the country again. Temps dropped to pretty darn cold with (fortunately) not too much ice on streets. Supposed to get colder and yet somehow snow as well.

"Feels like" 1°
Congratulations, Swato!

45 days, 6 hours and 7 minutes.
~320 days to catch up to where you are today.   :)
Games and Jokes / Re: Two word story
December 03, 2013, 07:41:54 AM
Chapter Seventy-4a

Without question, it was the finest pergola this side of the pond.
Announcements / Re: Monastery Response Times
December 03, 2013, 02:14:12 AM
* channels inner William Shatner * protect eyes from blinding monastery speed!...

Sunday, temps warm enough to open all windows half the day for another blast of fresh air.

Today, temps dropping, rain turning to snow...
Portsmouth / Re: The Admiral Benbow
December 03, 2013, 02:09:58 AM
^ That be luvverly, Opsa!

Ware arrrgh thee rest ov thee crewe, bringin gifts an hornaments, loike?
Announcements / Re: Monastery Response Times
December 02, 2013, 12:14:23 AM
Thanks, MB! 

Nice to see you on the board.   :)
Portsmouth / Re: The Admiral Benbow
December 01, 2013, 06:57:48 PM

We've sellybrayted Thanksallatke, an now turn arrrgh soights t'Decembarrrgh, an thee hollyday ov Monkey be loomin on thee 'orizon. Oi 'as taken thee libertee ov 'angin' sum garrrghlande abowt thee place, t'mayke hit moor festive, loike.

Oi 'as also slipped a pair ov fetching parrot hornaments on thee palm tree in thee corner.

Look aloive there, ye lubbers, an contribute sumfink t'thee festive hambients...
Announcements / Re: Monastery Response Times
December 01, 2013, 07:57:35 AM
I see it now and then, but not consistently.
Games and Jokes / Re: Two word story
December 01, 2013, 01:56:54 AM
Chapter Seventy-4a
Without question,
We have to hand it to you for getting that done...

Science / Re: PZ Myers' Friday Cephalopods
November 28, 2013, 11:30:44 PM
Puppetmaster Squid!
Aphos:  today it's visible!   :)
Perhaps it was caught in a space-time vortex...

Snark and Rant / skype
November 28, 2013, 05:53:04 AM
So Skype wanted to update and I clicked  SURE, BECAUSE WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?

The log-in window changed to a mini bluescreen of death with an endlessly swirling white cursor symbolizing the virtual hole my account had fallen into, with no actual log-in actually occurring.

I followed various magickal incantations per instructions, including attempting to go back to previous version, changing my skype password, 're-setting' IE, assorted yoga postures, intoning obscure passages from the Thunder Perfect Mind, and waiting for the stars to realign for about an hour.

:hitPC:       :voodoo:

For no discernible reason, skype has suddenly reanimated and allowed me to log in. One suspects they've been seeking innovative functional suggestions from the Google+/YouTube team...

What are you / Re: What are you eating?
November 28, 2013, 05:39:39 AM
Not quite yet, but getting close:   Thanksgiving.    :toast:

I will add that the US Google doodle is cute and informed me that Hanukkah 2013 meets Thanksgiving: Thanksgivukkah
QuoteBoth, meaning Thanksgiving and Hanukkah-- a rare quirk of the calendar has the holidays falling on the same date. It won't happen again for almost 80,000 years! This monumental occasion has earned the nickname "Thansgivukkah."

Happy last weekend in November to all siblings, whatever you're celebrating!    :toast: