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Messages - Bluenose

General Piratin' Issues / Re: The Sacred YARGHHH!
October 06, 2006, 09:47:34 PM
It be a bewtiferl Sat'y morn'n, sun shinin', berds sing'n, frogs croak'n.  Makes me feel like a good

What are you / Re: What are you eating? 2.0
October 06, 2006, 09:05:07 AM
Just got home from work, time for a little snack - yes I think my old fave, a peanut butter, Vegemite and pickled onion sandwich will do the trick nicely!


Note:  Peanut butter must be sugar free and the pickled onions the old fashioned ones without sugar, just brown vinegar and perhaps some spices.
Start Here, Please / Re: I'm here now.
October 04, 2006, 07:40:11 AM
Hi Al,

Great to see you here.

Quote from: Al Dante on October 04, 2006, 01:38:52 AM
...I've been asked to help moderate there. I think I could do it, and help keep the place useful and interesting. But should I? Certainly, the new admins don't deserve my help. But perhaps some of the members do. (Those aren't very humble opinions either way, but there it is.)

Sibling Chatty, you have special moral authority regarding this question. Of course I will respect all my other siblings' advice and opinions while making my own decision. But Chatty, a single "I'd rather you didn't" from you and I'll be out of the mod biz there without delay, leaving behind only a piece of my mind, with no regrets. Really, no regrets at all, so don't think I'm laying some heavy dilemma on you. Just tell me what you'd rather see happen.

(My emphasis)

Sorry to repeat so much of your post, but I think the context is important.

Al, I think you have answered your own question.  My advice is to follow your own heart on this matter.  It seems to me (of course I could be wrong) that you are looking for a reason to say no to the request.  Unless you are really sure that you want to do it, I would steer clear.

At the end f the day it is your choice and I respect your right to make it, I am just pointing out what looks like a subtext to you post that you may not have realised you were making.

'nuff said.

All Things Piratey! / Re: Ask Aunty Black Robe
October 04, 2006, 02:07:29 AM
Yarr, be careful o' any o' them thar cats wot have glow in the dark red eyes.  Cap'n DaveL had a bit o' trubble wi' one o' they ones a while back...

An anonymouse friend
All Things Piratey! / Re: Scurvy Disciplinary Board
October 04, 2006, 02:02:18 AM
Sir Ronald Siegfried Algernon Humphrey Ethelred Winston Whistlecock returned to the bench.  The Clerk of the Court exclaimed "All rise!"

"Now Mr Clerk of the Court," Sir Ronald said "read the charges for the first case, if you please."

The Clerk of the Court picked up some papers off his desk and proceeded "M'lud, the first case this morning is case number 23,967,463a, part II, subsection 23 - In the matter of the Scurvy Fleet versus Black Bart, it is alleged that Black Bart has gone AWOL on or about the 23 September and has not reported for duty since."

Sir Ronald asked "Am I to understand that Mr Bart is not present in court?"

"No he is not M'lud"

"Very well, we shall proceed to trial with with the defendant in absentia.  Mr Prosecuter, if you please..."
Oi bin havin a bit er trubble wiv me red tailed black cockatoo, Oi fawt 'e be gettin a bit lonely an' so Oi went an got im a girlfiriend, or so Oi thunk.  But it seems the parrot shop Oi went to did not know their business reall good like, coz the female they selled me were no girl parrot at all but anuvver male.  Now my bird is nay interested in the girls and keeps wistlin at all the boy parrots.  Wot do yer suggest?

Cap'n Bluenose
Portsmouth / Re: The Admiral Benbow
October 03, 2006, 12:42:27 PM
Yarrr, that RRRR be right rubbish, my crew reckon yer carnt go past RRRRR.

Cap'n Bluenose
All Things Piratey! / Re: Ask Aunty Black Robe
October 03, 2006, 12:37:31 PM
Yarr, Cap'n Fudd be given yer good advice there, but make sure it's wabbit season.

Cap'n Daffy
All Things Piratey! / Re: The Continuous Briny Fable
October 03, 2006, 12:31:42 PM uncertain person, he gave a sigh and sat back down, keeping hi eye out for for a certain person.  Just when he was about to give up all hope he saw...
General Piratin' Issues / Re: The Sacred YARGHHH!
October 03, 2006, 12:23:14 PM
Yarr, well until 'e be showin' hisself Oi spose Oi'd better do some Yarring to keep fings goin.

Science / Re: Armstrong got moon script right
October 03, 2006, 06:37:33 AM
I have always been neutral on whether Neil said the "a" or not.  However, to me it is a minor matter, I have always thought that the most momentous transmission was not "One small step..." but rather "Houston, Tranquility Base.  The Eagle has landed."  I still get goose bumps when I hear recordings of that transmission.

After all, once they were safely down it was basically inevitable that they would walk on the moon.  However, it was never certain beforehand that they were going to make it safely and indeed they very nearly did not - Neil cut it very fine on the fuel supply and landed with only seconds of fuel remaining.

All Things Piratey! / Re: The Continuous Briny Fable
October 02, 2006, 10:31:19 AM
...lemurs.  Yes, the behemoth had been chartered to that evil zoological genius Mad Squirrel Bobkin.  Bobkin planned to capture all the world's endangered animals and hold them for ransom at his secret hide out in the Bermuda Triangle.  After Madagascar, Bobkin planned to sail to...
Site Content / Re: This I believe....
September 30, 2006, 11:12:15 PM
To me, with the sole eception of some branches of mathematics, there is no such thing as absolute knowledge, thus just about everything becomes a matter of belief.

Whilst for day to day convenience it is useful to assume that certain things are true - that the sun will come up (although I acknowledge that that is an illusion, I do understand astronomy), that my car will start when I get in it, that sort of thing, I'm sure you get the drift - when we start to get deep and meaningful, I don't think that way at all.  What I do, at the deep and meaningful level, is assign probablilities to things, so things like whether the sun will come up, or perhaps it would be better stated that the Earth will continue to rotate giving the appearance of sunrise, I ascribe a very high probability almost to the point of certainty, and other things such as whether I am going to levitate off my chair and float up through the roof of my house I ascribe a very low certainty almost to the point of negative certainty and many other things fall somewhere in between.

The important point is that I always allow that I may be wrong on even the most apparently certain (positively of negatively) things.

I am a very firm believer in the rational, scientific view of things and if people make a claim for something, I ask for the evidence.  The more extraordinary the claim, the more extraordinary the requied evidence.  I do not believe things just because someone says it is so.  Obviously if a recognised expert says something is so in his or her field of expertise, then that will get the statement a reasonable degree of probability on my personal "probability meter", but I will not move it closer to one of the reasonably certain ends of the guage until I have considered the statement in relation to other evidence I know of (or can find) and considered the reasonableness of the statement.  Even experts can be wrong, after all.

I do not believe in any god or gods for the simple reason that I do not see anything that requires a god to explain.  In my view gods are a human invention.  This does not mean that I insist on my POV being imposed on everyone else, others are of course entitled to make whatever conclusions they wish.  It just seems a great pity to me that so many people simply go along with the religion they happen to be born into without ever going through any real critical thought process to determine whether they really, personally believe.  It has been my experience that so many people simply do not want to have to think about things and they simply want someone else to tell them what to think.  It is sad, but it is fact of life.

One of the things that attracts me here is finding peole who have gone through the thought process.  It allows us to discuss these things without disrespect.  Who knows, we might even learn something from each other in the process. 

Plus I get to be a pirate.

Site Content / Re: Technical difficulties....
September 28, 2006, 10:25:58 PM
Quote from: Kiyoodle the Gambrinous on September 28, 2006, 03:49:47 PM

And I'd like to ask something. Back in the Other Place I Won't Be Mentioning I had the title of Alcohol Boy, written under my name. I got vey used to it and I like it very much. What I wanted to ask you, is it possible to get this title, instead of the title of newbie?


Hi Kiyoodle,

If you go to the place where you added your avatar, there is field where you can add you personal text.  This will do the job for you.

All Things Piratey! / Re: Ask Aunty Black Robe
September 28, 2006, 05:54:37 AM
Dear Cap'n MIDL,

Oi be not wantin ter take Aunty Black Robe's place but even as a recent convert ter the ways o' th' Toadfish, it seems ter me that ye'd be foine takin the blaggards 'ead orf wiv yer cutlass so long as ye do it in a 'umble and respeckful way.

Cap'n One-Eye Nick