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Messages - Bluenose

Portsmouth / Re: The Piratica Monastical Football Club
October 23, 2006, 02:17:29 PM
Aaargghhh Bart me ole shhipp-mayte, Oi fort ye were never gonna make it over ear.

Have a shwig of me latesht rum, err tonic.

Oi fink Oi might 'ave a nuvva kuppla bottles o "tonic" messhelf, itsh a very good year, eh Bartey boy!

Singing (badly)
Fifteen men on a dead man'sh chest, Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, err tonic!


We are the champoinssss, we are the championssshhh...

Wot 'appenned ter all me tonic, errr, Oi'l jesh ave ter get anuvva shix bottelsh outta me lokka.

Arrrr, thatsh the shtrick, wotz vat Bart me ole mate?  Ok ere'sh a cuppel o bottelsh.  Oh, moi bottlesh are all empty, ow did vat appen?  Oi fink OI got shum ova shomwear here, er, dare vey arrrghhh.    ...shchamionsh otha werlde...


Portsmouth / Re: The Piratica Monastical Football Club
October 23, 2006, 12:15:28 PM
Sotto voce

Psst, Bart, Oi doan no abowt ye but this ban on grog is makin me moighty twitchy.  Ow abowt ye come ova ter moi place an we can troi owt a new brew o me rum errr, tonic.  Ye can invoit any o the players, but make sure Coach Chatty an Team Captain Kiyoodle doant find owt.
All Things Piratey! / Re: Custom Pirate Leatherwork....
October 21, 2006, 10:23:19 PM

Francine's got a full set o' riding crops, from short little stiff ones right up ter great big long whippy ones.  An' her collection of leather hand-cuffs has ter be seen ter be believed!


Portsmouth / Re: The Piratica Monastical Football Club
October 21, 2006, 10:17:17 PM
Errr, Coach,

kood Oi 'ave a set o' dentures made out o' dubloons?

General Piratin' Issues / Re: The Sacred YARGHHH!
October 21, 2006, 10:13:23 PM

There be so much cross-threadin goin on 'ere Oi fink Oi better get me tap n die set out ter straighten em up!

Portsmouth / Re: The Piratica Monastical Football Club
October 20, 2006, 09:48:40 PM

Oi be feelin much betta now, after all that relaxashun ferappy wot Oi got fanks ter Francine.  Oi be fightin fit an ready fer the next match.

Did someone mention beer?  Orltho it be a poor substitoot fer rum, Oi reckon Oi cood go a kupple er pints about now...

Cap'n Bluenose, the Flaggellated
Food / Recipes to share
October 20, 2006, 07:38:47 AM
Hi guys,

Thought it might be fun to share some recipes.  No limits on what you put up, it can be an old family favourite, a recipe you made up yourself, whatever - the only criteria is that it must be delicious!

I will kick it off with one I made up when I was staying with a friend of mine who lives in the Australian Alps. 

High Country Lamb Shanks

Serves 4


4 Lamb Shanks
1 large Onion
4 medium potatoes peeled & cut into 2-3 cm (1 inch) cubes
2 large carrots, peeled and cut into thick diagonal slices.
3-4 cloves of Garlic
1 400g can Borlotti Beans, drained (400g is about 8 oz)
1 400g can Chick Peas, drained
2 400g cans of diced tomatoes
1 serve concentrated beef stock, or 1 crumbled stock cube
½ cup water
1 sprig each Rosemary & Thyme


Slice the onion and brown in a large Dutch oven (or ovenproof casserole with a lid).  Reserve onion when browned.  Brown lamb shanks.  Crush the garlic with the flat of a large knife, peel and toss into pot.  Add remaining ingredients, including reserved onion.  Stir ingredients roughly together.  Bake at 180ºC (350ºF)for 2 hours.  Serve with broccoli or green beans.
I saw a report about this last night, one of the key features of this fossil is that it is not crushed and remains in its original 3D comfiguration.  This allows a true investigation of the anatomy rather than largely having to infer it from flattened out remains as usually happens. 


All Things Piratey! / Re: The Continuous Briny Fable
October 19, 2006, 10:57:52 PM
navigation bag, ruining a lovely set of colour by number charts of the West Indies he had been working on for weeks.  He had just got all the dragons and sea serpents coloured in and was about to begin on the compass roses, now it was all in vain.  In a rage Cap'n H grabbed...
General Piratin' Issues / Re: Ye Insult Challenge
October 19, 2006, 08:25:01 AM
Yaaarrrr!  Oi 'umbly submit ye be lower than a barnicle's bottom on Cap'n Cronin's flagship...
Portsmouth / Re: The Piratica Monastical Football Club
October 19, 2006, 08:20:34 AM





Stop it Francine, that tickles!


All Things Piratey! / Re: Would HOT accept the Pirates?
October 19, 2006, 08:11:08 AM
Ahoy thar Bart, matey!

Did yer get a good price?  Oi'm a bit short meseff just now, wot wiv Francine and all, an me ole mum's jess sittin around at 'ome not doin much...

Quote from: Kiyoodle the Gambrinous on October 18, 2006, 10:17:46 PM
“For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.”

- Vincent van Gogh

What a lovely quote Kiyoodle, Applause for you!

What are you / Re: What Are You Listening To?
October 18, 2006, 10:04:29 PM
A very old tape of Jon Anderson - Olias of Sunhillo.

Still looking for a CD version, one day...
What are you / Re: Our Favorite Pets' Thread
October 18, 2006, 09:36:10 AM
Dearest Chatty,

I am so sorry about your loss.  Remember always that your friends are thinking of you even in this time.  Yes we know that our pets are not really people, but in so many ways they are.  I know that you have done your best for your little dog and I sincerely hope that our love and support helps you to carry on.  The pain of losing a pet never really goes away, but I have found it best to remember all the little fun things you did together and consider the balance of the whole life, not just its end.

With deepest sypathy,
