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Messages - Bluenose

All Things Piratey! / Re: The Continuous Briny Fable
November 05, 2006, 08:44:24 PM
...potato collections!" as she swung the cleaver in a frenzy quickly reducing the onions to a fine dice.

It was DaveL who had introduced Bart to the finer points of potatoes, previously Bart had only collected broad beans.  The boys screamed in terror, and ran off to...
Games and Jokes / Re: The Last Post Game!!!!
November 05, 2006, 08:19:34 PM
More clues.

No 3) Four syllables in the name of this group of animals

No 4) The biggest member of the biggest group is red, but this is the smallest group.
Useless Speculation / Re: My dream car(s) is/are:
November 05, 2006, 05:40:03 AM
All time fave, practicality not a consideration -> lightweight D-Type Jaguar in British Racing Green with the fairing behind the driver's roll bar and with aero screen and metal tonnaeu on the over the passenger seat.  I actually saw one once up close and personal and fell in love.  Would still blow away most "exoticars" today.

Announcements / Re: Birthday Rumbles
November 05, 2006, 05:08:41 AM
Hi everyone,

Sorry if I lead people astray, my birthday is not the 2nd, rather the 6th of November.  I was congratulating Chatty on being a first week of Nevember person too!  It's just that in re-reading this thread it seems I have given people the wrong idea and I apologise - I am not looking for more best wishes for tomorrow.  Oh, h*ll!  It doesn't seem to matter how I write this, it looks like I'm trying to angle for applause or something.  I think I'll stop digging now...

BTW, in my family this is a busy time of year, my sister's birthday is on the first, mine the sixth and my mum's is on the 14th.  Dad's is on the 11th of December so the last couple of months of the year have always been a sort of hectic season.

Funny how you see things when you're a kid.  When I was about 5, I remember that I knew that the reason everyone let off fireworks on Guy Fawkes night was because it was my birthday the next day!   :D   ::)  Well it worked for me!


Miscellaneous Discussion / Re: Beer Club
November 05, 2006, 04:49:40 AM
Got some of these cooling to have with dinner tonight.  Can't wait...

Picture Gallery / Re: Pictures
November 05, 2006, 04:26:13 AM
Arrive safely up at Brookville.  Alister (my friend who kindly allows me to take over his kitchen when I am up here) has to put up with this view every day:

We went for drive this morning, and oh dear, had to stop off at alocal winery and stock up on some of the deliciouys wines, it was a dirty job, but there was no one else around to do it.  Anyway on the way home found something growing in a tree on the side of the road, took a photo but it did not come out well with the sky behind, but we did find a bit of the plant on the ground and it is beautiful

As Alister says "its hell in the bush!"

Games and Jokes / Re: The Last Post Game!!!!
November 04, 2006, 08:20:37 PM
OK, managed to find the Internet in the wilds of the Australian Alps.

DD's last guess was both half right and in another sense way off the mark.  You're all still being too literal

Clue no 2: a small jumper

Oh, and last post
Science / Re: Climate change
November 03, 2006, 11:26:48 AM
I want to reply to your post in some detail, but I have no time just now, and may not have much time over the next few days since I'm going away for 4 or 5 days and will have only limited access to the Internet.

However, let me say that although I agree with most of what you say, I think that many climatologists have yet to come to terms with the lack of predictibility of non-linear systems.  You can completely know everything about even quite simple non-linear systems, all the forces, the starting positions of everything (to wihin the quantum level of uncertainty) and yet still not be able to predict the behaviour of the system beyond the immediate future with better than chance accurracy.

The climate is by no means a simple system and that will magnify the problem significantly.

All Things Piratey! / Re: Scumsoft 'elpdesk
November 03, 2006, 10:06:55 AM

From: Elpdesk Manager

To: Chief Financial Controller

'Ere, Johnno,

Smiggins down in accounts as got his revenue program all outer kilta agin.  We jest received wun o' iz "Nigerian" letters in the elpdesk inbox.

Could you go down an get im ter fix the blaggard thing so it uses the customer database, not the employee one?

Elpdesk Manager

Games and Jokes / Re: The Last Post Game!!!!
November 03, 2006, 09:55:59 AM
Don't be too literal.

Gloria's first guess is almost another clue.

Last Post
All Things Piratey! / Re: Scumsoft 'elpdesk
November 03, 2006, 03:53:24 AM
Dear Cap'n Lumberjack,

Fer a small fee, Scumsoft can previde you with the secret access codes that allow you to use the "back hatch" built into every copy of Portholes XP and allows you to utilize the inbuilt zombie program to help spread your valuable messages.

Just click on the following link and the codes will be automatically downloaded into your computer.

Thank you for using Scumsoft
Thought for the Day / Re: Toadfish Thought of the Day
November 03, 2006, 02:37:35 AM
If it won't matter in a hundred years, it doesn't really matter.
Games and Jokes / Re: The Last Post Game!!!!
November 03, 2006, 02:32:03 AM
Ok, I'm thinking of a new word. 

Clue No 1: Irish fruit.

Last Post
Games and Jokes / Re: Movie rules/cliches game
November 02, 2006, 10:12:42 PM
You can jump off a moving train or out of a moving car without any risk of persnal harm.

All automatic weapons used by heros have special magazines that allow the user to fire for up to three of four minutes at a time before needing to be replaced instead of the usual three seconds for everyday guns.

The hero's magazine will only ever need to be replaced during a lull in the shooting and when he/she is safely behind a bulletproof solid object.

A desk is a bulletproof solid object.

Hero clothes dry instantly after immersion in water.

The heroine's hair is always perfect when she wakes up in the morning.
Games and Jokes / Re: The Last Post Game!!!!
November 02, 2006, 09:59:17 PM
OK, how do we start a new word for the Last Post?  (I've got one in mind)