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Messages - Bluenose

Art Gallery / Re: Kephra's Krap
November 20, 2006, 12:26:21 PM
Simply beautiful!

Sibling Bluenose
Portsmouth / Re: The Piratica Monastical Football Club
November 14, 2006, 07:43:38 AM

Oi sez bring it on!  Oi bin praktissin me goal shootin, an now Oi can hit a swabby sized target from 300 yards wiv me peg legs set to maximum power.   Oi'm avin a bit o trubble but, az Oi need some more swabbies for target praktiss, coz the wunz Oi bin using keep fallin over wen their 'eads get knocked orf boi the football.  Iffen enni o yoo mateys got sum spare wuns, please send over to me ship.

Cap'n Bluenose
Miscellaneous Discussion / Re: When's Your Birthday?
November 12, 2006, 12:24:19 PM
Umm... I think it should be as follows...

(remember, it is DD.MM)

[pedant mode]

30.01   DeadPoet
08.02   Sibling Kephra (Tansy)
13.03   Sibling Spoffish
19.03   Kiyoodle the Gambrinous
06.04   Bob in a quantum-state-of-faith
11.05   Quasimodo (The Meromorph)
02.11   Sibling Chatty
02.11   Aphos
06.11   Bluenose

[/pedant mode]

Bluenose   :smartass:
What are you / Re: What Are You Listening To?
November 07, 2006, 08:16:58 PM
Peterm Gabriel - So
Games and Jokes / Re: Word Association Game
November 07, 2006, 08:15:23 PM
Miscellaneous Discussion / Re: When's Your Birthday?
November 07, 2006, 07:57:58 PM
6 November

Games and Jokes / Re: Word Association Game
November 07, 2006, 05:32:52 AM
Yarr! Well, ye can buy that easily enuff, but ye'll be needin a new 'ard drive ter load the cussword database, see the 'elpdesk thread.
All Things Piratey! / Re: Scumsoft 'elpdesk
November 07, 2006, 05:26:25 AM
Dear Mr Spot,

Yarr!  Well yer 'ard drive needs ter be replaced wiv an all-new Scumsoft Fast Ultra Wide SCUMSI III 15 Terrorbite drive, available fer only 10,397 Dubloons plus 150 dubloons post and packagin.  Installashun can be arranged boi yer own scurvy tecknishun or Scumsoft can do it fer you fer jest 1,000 Dubloons.

Glad ter be o' service,

Scumsoft Elpdesk
Games and Jokes / Re: The Last Post Game!!!!
November 07, 2006, 05:10:47 AM
Well done NoName!  I was beginning to think I had been too clever by half...

Quote from: Sibling Chatty on November 07, 2006, 12:52:33 AM
Are there any marsupials smaller that bandicoots?

Oh yes, there are lots - all manner of marsupial mice, antechinas (spelling?), ring-tail possums, bilbies, gliders (sugar ~, feather tail ~, leadbetters possum etc etc) and all the other ones I can't think of just now.

Bandicoots are cute, but they can be a right pain in camp - have to make sure all the food is well secured!


I'll have to think inconspicuosly about the new word - drat only six syllables!

Last Post

Ye be biddin on:

Well known Pirate Cusswords Volume 298a, Sub Section 29, Part III by Bartholemew Noir

Sellers warning:  Do not allow this book to come into contact with children as spontaneous combustion may result.

Current bid: 14 Dubloons
All Things Piratey! / Re: Scumsoft 'elpdesk
November 06, 2006, 08:20:16 PM
Dear Treadmill-Dow-Jones,

we have emailed you full instructions on how to fix your problem.

Your ever helpfull Scumsoft 'elpdesk operator

Dear Cap'n SoSolidCrew,

The skull and crossbones skin is available for purchase from out Accessories Dept.  I have taken the liberty of placing an order on your behalf and the amount of 2,097.99 Dubloons has been automatically deducted from your credit card.  the skin has been despatched by Cronin Couriers and should arrive within 12 weeks.

The Scumsoftpod Nano should be shipping some time soon.

Yours incincerely

Scumsoft 'elpdesk 
Games and Jokes / Re: The Sibling Below Me...
November 06, 2006, 08:11:39 PM
Well how else do you think I get all the stalks under my roses?  Eh?

TThe sibling below me loves to eat ginger yoghurt
Games and Jokes / Re: The Last Post Game!!!!
November 06, 2006, 08:00:57 PM
Quote from: Quasimodo (The Meromorph) on November 06, 2006, 03:58:36 PM
*strikes Helpful Admin pose*

It might have been a slight tactical error to use that first clue (funny as it is) as the first clue...
Perhaps if you consider Clues 3 and 4 first and then add in clues 1 and 2...

* abandons Helpful Admin pose, and runs for his binkie *

Thank you Quasi, I was beginning to realise I may have lead peole astray by being a bit too cryptic.  I hope everyone gets a laugh when we finally get there.  To summarise the clues:

Clue 1) Irish fruit This is a clue about the word itself, not about the thing that the word names

Clue 2) Small jumper This says something about the thing named by the word

Clue 3) Four syllables in the name of this group of animals The word is not a collective noun

Clue 4) The biggest member of the biggest group is red, but this is the smallest group. This group is part of a more widely recognised group that has more or less three sub-groups, this is the smallest of the three sub groups in terms of the animal size.  Generally people do not distinguish between the members of the target group and simply call them all by the group name that we are trying to find.

Clue 5) These animals are found in Australia

Last hopefully helpful Post
What are you / Re: What are you reading?
November 05, 2006, 11:10:57 PM
Just been given Thud! and The Wintersmith both by Terry Pratchett for my birthday.  Which to read first?

Hmmm...  Think I'll go for Wintersmith, I just love those little blue guys!
