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Messages - Willowsmith

Thank you so much Agujjim I have started sticking my nose into a few theads but will wait a bit till I am a little more well known till I apply. Once we all know eachother I will jump into toadfishhood with vigor.

Thank you so much as well DaveL I love all the things you mentioned and a good party besides. I will definatly check out The Sacred YArrghh, I will of course read with the proper solemnity.  ;D
Thank you so much for the upgrade  :D I love the pirate life. I enjoy politics, however I am better with not adding my 2 cents. My husband now he can talk politics. I would love to stop by though and check out the running discussions, I find that if you get two or more people in a room  *real or internet* and start a discussion on politics of any type from any place and you will get a very wide range of viewpoints and opinions with history thrown in somewhere. What a marvalous way to exchange thought that is so close to everyday life. So completely off topic how do I become a toadfish - pirate  8) now that is beyond cool.
Spirituality / Re: Limits of religious tolerance thread
December 20, 2006, 05:01:55 PM
Here is a question, what really is the difference in the religions? What is the fight about? You have cristians saying their beliefs are completely different then chathoics, and muslims saying their beliefs are completely different then Jews. To my way of thinking we are all the same. This is of course my own opinion and based on my own viewpoints. However I do not see where there should be room for intolerance. Humans cover every continent, we have created so many civilizations and religions, empires and customs that the fact that we should be steeped in ideals new and old and celebrate them all for what they are. Symbols are forms of communication mostly right? And please correct me if I am incorrect. A symbol represents a meaning something you are expressing to others. Those who use a symbol as a fad item something "cool" are really going to show themselves to be fools. The first time they are asked the meaning they show their ignorance. The same goes for those who have religious intolerance. Here is an example, I went to get a part-time job at a mall store and the store manager took a likeing to me the first few times I went in. But she didnt have any positions open with enough hours. I tell her that is okay I am working with my mother on our buisiness and can make do with fewer hours till a position opens up. She askes what the buisiness was called, so I gave her a buisiness card and explained we make scented bath products for pagans. She tells me she cannot give me the position we had talked about now because I would make her and the rest of the staff uncomfortable. She knew for a fact that the rest of the staff were christian. When I mentioned that that was illegal she said it was her store she could hire who she chose. Ignorance. When she discovered that what she had done really was illegal she claimed she was just about to call me with a job offer but now felt insulted that I would imply such a thing as religious intolerance. I have never gone back but nor have I pressed charges. I felt it was not worth the effort to eek something out of someone already suffering with a narrow world view.  :)
O'i would be most obliged ta be makin me way inta tha crew.
Wow I truely feel Well-come. And what a wonderful place with wonderful people. I heard about this great site through a pagan mailing list. Taking a liking to the name on the link I thought I would have a look, and would'nt you just know it, it is exactally what I was looking for. Intelligent people speaking calmly, politly, humbly, and respectfully to each other about the great mysteries of life and how we fit in it. Why to be honest I was shocked and amazed, for it has been a long search for such a wonderous place. As fer pirates, har maties point me too em. *grabs mugs of ale, looks at barrels, shrugs tosses mugs over sholder and brings along barrels instead*.
Start Here, Please / Hello *says the new new person* ^_^
December 19, 2006, 02:30:47 PM

Hi all,

  I am new, as you undoubtedly noticed from the title. I am really happy to find a great site of open minded people, and hope to get to know you all. About myself I can only say I only know how little I know  ;).