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Messages - Sibling Spoffish

Useless Speculation / Re: I'll never die until I...
November 11, 2006, 09:39:54 AM
Until I can speak Russian, Chinese, Arabic, and Welsh. :D :D
Site Content / Re: Issues viewing with Firefox
November 11, 2006, 09:19:40 AM
OK, good news: I did all the stuff you said, Bob (except video-driver since I don't know where to find that, lol) including installing Firefox 2.0. Then I rebooted. Everything looks fine now.

But I've lost my bookmarks, layout, everything, and it won't load Gmail. That's bad. I LIVE off Gmail.

I managed to find the file for my bookmarks, load it to IE, then import it from there... so I have my bookmarks back. But when I closed Firefox and started it again, they were gone again. So I've redone it.

What's going on? Should I email Mozilla? I'm really confused, and surprised. I don't like the new Firefox at all.
Site Content / Issues viewing with Firefox
November 10, 2006, 11:25:55 AM
Sometime in the last week or so, the site layout stopped working properly for me on Firefox. It all stretches out and I have to scroll down about a page and a half to get to the content... the sidebar is in the normal place, but the black background and coloured header aren't working.

If I use the Firefox extension to convert it to IE, or actual IE (I use 6) it works better... background and header come back and everything's normal when viewing forums, but when posting replies or new topics the box you type into (ie the one I'm typing into right now) is right down the page, as though it couldn't fit in with the sidebar.

So... it doesn't work on either. But much worse on Firefox. Anyone else having this problem?
What are you / Re: What are you eating? 2.0
November 10, 2006, 11:15:54 AM
Mmm... Haigh's chocolate pastilles... mmmmmmm....

All those of you who have never tried Haigh's, I pity you. It is unimaginably good.
What are you / Re: What are you reading?
November 10, 2006, 11:11:16 AM
Just about to begin Thief of Time myself, actually.... :)
What are you / Re: What Are You Listening To?
November 10, 2006, 11:07:46 AM
Dvorak's symphony From the New World... I like to pretend I'm civilized once in a while. :)
Games and Jokes / Re: Word Association Game
November 10, 2006, 11:03:00 AM
fat bastard
Picture Gallery / Re: Optical illusions...
November 10, 2006, 04:17:59 AM
I respect that. :)
Picture Gallery / Re: Optical illusions...
November 09, 2006, 01:40:09 AM
Now, THAT is cool.

This one seems strangely fitting:

Stare at the line of dots in the middle of this picture for 30 seconds. Then, look at a blank wall. Who do you see?

Pretty much sums everything up for me that it turns out that our lord is just an optical illusion.... ::)
It's very hard to get up-to-date news here down under... what's the current senate ratio? Last I heard was 50 dems, they didn't say how many repubs. What's the news since then?
Miscellaneous Discussion / Re: When's Your Birthday?
November 08, 2006, 01:15:36 AM
Hail Euro format!

I was born on 13.3, which happened to be a Friday - the thirteenth! But I was due two weeks earlier... on the 29th of Feb! ;D
Picture Gallery / Re: Heres looking at you kid!
November 08, 2006, 01:13:12 AM
Doom shall fall upon anyone whom the cheese sees frowning.

"Spoffish" and "Spof fish" both turn up nothing... taking the same assumption and shortening it to Spoff comes up with:

Meh - I suppose he could be female if you look hard enough... :)
Human Concerns / Re: A Place of Nightmare.
November 05, 2006, 08:59:03 AM
Oh my god. That is PETRIFYING. Because I've read a book, fictional, which was definitely about that place. And I remember thinking, when I finished it, "Thank goodness there isn't a real place like that". But there is. And the scary thing is, no one can prove that it doesn't work. If a student comes out and tells all the scary things that happened to them, then the program can just say that they didn't try hard enough.

Now I just have to remember what the book was called....
Well, how about that?

Now, everyone, say "Thank you Australia"...
Science / Re: Climate change
October 31, 2006, 01:28:05 AM
Well, at least they can stop using economy as an excuse - that's our government's main reason for not ratifying Kyoto. Though I'm sure they'll come up with some babble to cover themselves. ::)

But at least my school's going to take my entire year (120 spoilt rich girls) to An Inconvenient Truth... that's a start.