Toadfish Monastery

Open Water => Miscellaneous Discussion => Topic started by: Griffin NoName on February 09, 2015, 02:20:42 AM

Title: How to outwit your parents
Post by: Griffin NoName on February 09, 2015, 02:20:42 AM
Had a lovely Skype with Australia yesterday. My son and d-i-l were trying to fence in their new enormous TV set using a play pen which you build yourself by clipping the four sides into each other. Their plan was to not join the last side so it could be stretched out like a fence with the outer sides angled in towards the wall on either side of the TV, thus forming a barricade. (the plan was a little short-sighted, once errected no one could see the lower half of the TV screen Lol., however they persevered.). The reason for this rather daft plan being that my grandson delights in electric cables and any piece of electrical equipment. They are absolutely his favourite things.

Needless to say he took a great interest in the building of the barrier and while that was going on he was quite happy to ignore the TV. But the minute it was finished........... he managed to squeeze past one side by the wall to start tugging at some of the wiring. So the sides were adjusted to stop him. Immediately, without even trying the same trick, (clearly judging it as no longer viable) just one year old, not yet walking without hanging onto something, he quickly crawled across the room to fetch one of those hard sort of cushion boxes on wheels that people have as adjuncts to arm chairs, and then raced along pushing it ahead of him getting up a good speed and slammed it into the "barrier"!! It was the funniest thing. Couldn't stop laughing. How to be outwitted by a one (just) year old......

You have to wonder though, if a baby can work out what he wants to happen, what is needed, then work out what is actually quite a complex plan, and then carry it out, what hope is there for the rest of us.
Title: Re: How to outwit your parents
Post by: anthrobabe on February 10, 2015, 03:17:03 AM
Clearly the child has inherited his granmums superior genetics.

Yay for baby!
Title: Re: How to outwit your parents
Post by: Darlica on February 10, 2015, 11:13:40 AM
That's a really clever (and determined)  little rascal.  ;D

I hope the parents are equipped with a lot of patience and humour because they will need it!  ;) 

Title: Re: How to outwit your parents
Post by: Griffin NoName on February 10, 2015, 05:00:26 PM
They certainly will. Not sure if their stamina will hold out!

He looks utterly innocent. Which I suppose he is. At present.
Title: Re: How to outwit your parents
Post by: Bob in a quantum-state-of-faith on March 03, 2015, 02:28:36 AM
I seriously hope they have that monster TV securely fastened to the wall-- a tumble of that scope, onto little kidlet, will not be pretty.
Title: Re: How to outwit your parents
Post by: Griffin NoName on March 03, 2015, 04:14:53 PM
Hmmmm, I have no idea about stability. Good thought.