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The Sibling Below Me...

Started by DaveL, October 03, 2006, 11:59:29 AM

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Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

I can't say much given that I've only seen like half of an episode, no way to tell if there is enough nuance to loose or not at all (like BBCs Merlin which I find below their standards).

TSBM will defend the BBC at all costs.
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.

Griffin NoName

Yes I will defend the BBC. Emphatically.

TsBM defends their home with spanish cucumbers.
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand


Not anymore since the EHEC panic.

The sibling below me thinks that this should actually increase the defensive value.
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

...provided you are trained in self defense while wearing a hazmat suit.

TSBM passed that training with flying colors.
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.

pieces o nine

It's my swimming colors which keep holding me back.

TSBM is a hop, skip & a jump away from first place.
"If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you. But you have no chocolate! I think of that again and again! My dear, how will you ever manage?"
--Marquise de Sevigne, February 11, 1677


Why didn't you tell me that in the first place?!

The Sibling Below Me will ask of no man's leave.


Instead I will ask more women to come.

The sibling below me always comes early
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

Better arrive early and come late....

TSBM is horrorized with that statement.
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.


Don't you mean terrapinned?

The sibling below me dots his/her teas and crosses his/her eyes.
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

Better than crusades from teabaggers...

TSBM is waiting for the new Knights Templar.
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.


The fundies need the Jews to build the 3rd temple. That will be the fuse at the apocalyptic powder keg.

The sibling below me is surrounded by useful idiots
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.


If ye dont wanna be in me crew any more unca SWatty , ye just haff ta say so ,  now all tha crew be affer ye wiff there muskits .
I bet ye sorry nows !

oh no
i think me dyper springed another leek
tha sibing below me better watch out !


Here, have some P2O5.
No better simple absorbant. And you can put the product in your drinks.

The sibling below me loves phosphorescent cocktails
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.

Griffin NoName

Only because I get one of those little umbrellas to suck.

TsBM never opens an umbrella indoors.
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand


Given that its diameter is large than that of the hallway that is just common sense.

The sibling below me parks his/her jumbo on the roof
Knurrhähne sind eßbar aber empfehlen würde ich das nicht unbedingt.
The aspitriglos is edible though I do not actually recommend it.