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Travel: Places you have been to and would like to visit again

Started by Darlica, August 31, 2007, 12:52:03 PM

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Is there a place (or may be many) that you have visited that you would love to go back to?

I have a few:
Prague: I fell in love with the city when I got outside the hotel door the morning after we  arrived. I was there at the end of November beginning of December (1999) and I would like to go back sometime during the spring months.
We stayed at Hotel Kafka (still there I just googled it) in the Zizkov district, went to the fortress, museums and a lot of other touristy things :D and ate a lot of very good food. the last night we wanted to go out for a beer close to our hotel since we had a lot of things to do (last minute shopping spree :)) before we had to get to the airport in the afternoon. We ended up at PALAC AKROPOLIS (Akropolis Palace also still there) a huge 6 storey place with bars, restaurants, dance floors, you name it... We ended up in the Pub speaking to some locals in the same age as us 
(using an interesting mix of English, German, Czech, gestures and drawings :mrgreen: ) laughing and toasting until 2 in the morning. I guess much have changed in Prague since 1999 but I would still love to go back and take the little less touristy paths trough the city.

Soller and port de Soller, Mallorca: Far from the buzz in Palma and Magaluf a small town in the Northwest corner of the Mallorca Island. You can get there by car, lovely winding roads high above the coast line, breathtakingly beautiful at some places, or you can take the small narrow gauge railway from Palma de Mallorca to Soller trough almond orchards, olive groves, and the big mountain massive (in long tunnels) at the middle of the island and past old palace gardens that hangs on the mountain sides.   
The Town of Soller is spectacular in its own right dating back to the Roman Empire with mediaeval buildings here and there a bank palace designed by one of Gaudis disciples. It also has a little botanical garden devoted to the plants native of the Mallorca and Menorca islands. :mrgreen:

"Kafka was a social realist" -Lindorm out of context

"You think education is expensive, try ignorance" -Anonymous


The Grand Canyon(of the Colorado River) in Arizona-USA.
I get to visit about once every couple of years since I don't live in AZ anylonger. OH- how I miss it!

I first saw(what an understatement) this place when I was 12.
I will never forget walking through the Lobby of the Bright Angel lodge and out the door onto the stone patio/walkway and being transfixed/transformed/struck dumb/falling in love with our Earth. I think I wept then- I still weep now. I can't describe it adequately.
Driving in one can see glimpses of the canyon and even stop at overlooks well before the Lodge- somehow on that first visit I missed all this.

Things have changed in the 26 years since so your first visit will be different.
But - I hope you get your first visit someday- soon.
Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.

The Meromorph

Two magical places for me are Tarn Hows in the Lake District in England, and Glen Almond in Scotland.

Every time I have been to Tarn Hows, I come away refreshed and calm, and with photographs that look more like picture postcards than family photos. It's small, and simple, and perfect.
I drove through Glen Almond in August on the tiny two-lane road that runs across the bottom of it. I was 'cranking' through the back roads at high speed, just enjoying driving. When I came of the little hil into the glen, I just stood on the brakes, pulled over and looked for about an hour...
Dances with Motorcycles.


Turkey is just fantastic. Graeco-Roman ruins everywhere, superb food and sun. Glorious sun.

Uganda is high on the list as well.
Imus ad magum Ozi videndum, magum Ozi mirum mirissimum....


Oh, too many to post now....   but one of the most beautiful places on earth is Fraser Island, Australia.  Rainforest, 100 km of beach (shame about the sharks and rip tides), sand dunes, and 100 perched lakes, some of which are clear enough to see across, and some stained the color of coffee from the euky leaves.

But I am very happy to be returning to Korea and the Philippines.

Sibling Zono (anon1mat0)

A small town 4 hours from Bogotá, Colombia called Villa de Leyva. All the architecture is what we call colonial from the time the Spaniards were colonizing the place. This town was the Camp David of the Virrey back in the 18th century and it is lovely. I've been there several times since I was a kid.

The other place I really loved was Florence, Italy. For some reason the city seemed magical to me. I will be going back.
Sibling Zono(trichia Capensis) aka anon1mat0 aka Nicolás.

PPPP: Politicians are Parasitic, Predatory and Perverse.

Sibling Chatty

New Orleans. I would very much like to see it revive and survive, not become a rich white society's Adult Disneyland.
This sig area under construction.


Quote from: Sibling Chatty on September 01, 2007, 02:58:33 AM
New Orleans. I would very much like to see it revive and survive, not become a rich white society's Adult Disneyland.

I second that. I was ridiculously lucky with the timing of my trip. MLK weekend, instead of waiting for summer vacation and Katrina.
There is a pleasure sure to being mad
That only madmen know.
--John Dryden