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Rampant Stupidity

Started by Pachyderm, July 11, 2007, 01:49:15 PM

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Quote from: beagle on July 12, 2007, 07:55:39 PM.... The contestant was re-enacting that bit from the Father Ted game show:

Presenter:   What is the capital city of England?

(Increasingly desperate) Presenter:  You live there...

Contestant: What, Sutton?
Myers Briggs personality type: ENTP -  "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 3.2% of the total population.


Just a small sherry. Go on, go on, go on, go on.
The angels have the phone box


so as not to begin another thread I'm putting THIS

Westboro Baptist Church (the ones that picket soldier funerals) is going to picket Heath's memorial---- yep it's because of that "fag" movie he was in

freakin assinine stupid dangerous morons!  :censored: :censored: :censored: :taz: :2guns: :microwave: :dalek: :duh: :soapbox: :desperate: and ETC
Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.



What I can't understand is why people in general let these morons disturb funerals and go on like they do? There must be some way to stop them. Egg them or throw rotten tomatoes at them!
Build a human wall (draped with the rainbow flag ;D) around them or at least between them and the grieving families! 

Or why not classify them as terrorists and send them to one of those nice little camps where everyone get to wear orange jumpsuits. I bet they are more of religious fundamentalists than at least a third of the people who currently are locked up there...
"Kafka was a social realist" -Lindorm out of context

"You think education is expensive, try ignorance" -Anonymous


I think they're just reacting very badly to not being able to get Barbra Streisand tickets.
The angels have the phone box


To quote the Captain of a USN ship visiting Fremantle a few years ago (commenting on some protestors on the dockside) "the problem with living in a democracy is that every idiot gets to have his say".

These people abuse the right to free speach with their offensive behaviour and it strains my sense of tolerance.  I feel myself diminished as a human being that such vitriol can apparently be hurled about without consequence.

I am not going to think about these twinks any more for now.  Instead I am going to concentrate on sending good thought to Griffin and hope she comes back soon.

Sibling Bluenose
Myers Briggs personality type: ENTP -  "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 3.2% of the total population.


Griffin has been spotted and is doing better, but is still sleepy.

Don't let the jerks in the world get you down. I believe that there are many more decent people than there are jerks. It's just that the jerks can be so obnoxious it's like they're magnified. But they just act that way because they are so small-minded. And they love it when they irk the rest of us. That makes them feel important. Sad, really.

All we can do is try to understand that they are how they are right now because something's not been right for them and hope that something will happen to help them evolve. Maybe just seeing that reasonable people are not joining them will eventually turn them around.

Scriblerus the Philosophe

What I would love to see is for a-holes like the WBC to be totally, utterly ignored. That would deflate them faster than a rainbow people-wall (A rainbow people-wall just might make them more annoying in the long-run. they'll feel justified).
And I have every intention of ignoring those silly, silly people from this day forth.
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

Griffin NoName

Griffin is right here wondering what the heck has happened to you all NERDS. It's like an infection.

And dumbos, it's CLING FILM. DOh!
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand

Sibling Chatty

I have found the King Solomon's Mine of Stupid People.

They work for the City of Somerville.

They turned off the water in the ENTIRE town at 10 PM.

They DID NOT warn people. "There's no way to call everybody." Ummmm...DUH!! This freakin' town is less than 2,000 people (MUCH LESS). And MOST of them are related to others, and most of them them up here and know half the town. So, they couldn't call, say 20 people and tell them to spread the word? Half the town (or more)  would have known within 45 minutes.

We were at the local 'home style' cafe...(Mama's Kitchen where the owner's husband is our mayor.) They were warned so that they could close early and be able to have the kitchen clean. (Water won't be back on until 6 or 7 AM, with the restaurants all opening by 5:30 or 6 for the early coffee drinkers--our friend at Mama's was filling jugs and jars with water for the coffee machine so the whole city won't be grumpy.) So, we finished up, called Mom and Denise, then came home and Dan filled the washer, the tub and some water bottles (and Spencer's water dish.)

I went walking in the COLD to tell the neighbors. They all appreciated the warning, getting at least toothbrushing and coffee water lined up.

We literally have no more than 1,500 people in the 'area', and at least a third of them are on well water, not city water. How hard could it be???
This sig area under construction.


Hmm, let me see, the last time Yarra Valley Water turned our water off they mailed everyone in our area about a week before hand to tell us.  Perhaps that's too high tech for your bozos.

They do not even need to know everyone's address (although I would think the City would have them all anyway), the post office over here can do bulk mail outs for very small areas and it does not cost much more than a few cents above the postage.  I am sure the post office in your town could manage it if asked.  What's more they do not need a lot of notice since it simply piggy backs onto their normal distribution system.  I do not think Austalia Post are rocket scientists when it comes to this. I reckon your posttal system could probably manage too.  I think you may be right about the City of Somervile
Myers Briggs personality type: ENTP -  "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 3.2% of the total population.


about WBC-- I agree- I wish we could ignore them and I also agree that they do abuse the right of free speech and turn it into something so negative. Quite often a local VFW or similar group will stand guard at a soldiers funeral so these idiots can't get too close---I like the rotten egg and tomato idea.

And what Chatty said about the town--- that is so true- call 20 and everyone will know within 45 minutes.Around my community it is called "someone call Mrs. Ketting" or my cousin Rosemarie(the woman has and uses all 3 of her cell phones)- hey you know what- we have family in TX so next time call me and I'll call Rosie and she'll let TX know about it, we even have access to the BOA electronic sign in Longview( I know that is a far piece from Somerville- but someone would see it and call). Lack of planning on the part of the water dept bozos- and of course the ones who made the muck up were probably all tightly tucked in at the country club leaving the poor saps at the phone desk to handle the ire of the community.

:fone: about our family phone network--- one can get in trouble and be called on it loooong before one even commits the act! some sort of Aunt psychic naughtiness foreknowledge thing.
Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.

Griffin NoName

In the UK we are supposed to have our radios on 24/7 in case of major announcements.

Well, it worked when WWII was declared !
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand


I think most of the USA also has an Emergency Broadcast System dealio-I suppose that one town could utilize their own little bit of it via the local national affiliate to get word out.

This is a test
This is only a test
if this had been an actual emergency you would have been instructed on where to go for more information
This has been a test of the Emergency Broadcast System

Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.

Scriblerus the Philosophe

Jeeeez. What a collection of fine minds you have running the town there, Chatty. Considerate, too.
Honestly, it shouldn't be too hard. Seriously, with a town that small, a few phone calls and requests, like you said, should be more than enough to get the word out.
"Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees." --Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay