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RIP Baiji

Started by Kiyoodle the Gambrinous, December 14, 2006, 10:34:42 PM

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Kiyoodle the Gambrinous

QuoteThe world's rarest mammal, a freshwater dolphin found only in China, was declared "functionally extinct" last night after a major international expedition to save the species ended without a single sighting.
The Yangtse dolphin, known as the baiji
The baiji, which has vanished from the Yangtse

The Yangtse dolphin, known as the baiji or white flag in Chinese and celebrated for its pale skin and distinctive long snout, is believed to be the biggest mammal to become extinct in modern times.

Scientists say it fell victim to the Chinese economic boom. Despite a dramatic decline in numbers in recent decades, a high-profile expedition with scientists from China, Britain, America and around the world expected to find enough survivors to form a rescue plan for the species.

Probably one of the most beautiful creatures of the world has been declared extinct. It's a sad day, which makes me think about civilization... Rest in Peace little dolphins!


I'm back..



Very sad and very scary.  :'(

The Meromorph

And Kuan Yin Weeps

Imagine, then.
Oh, call it eighteen hundred years ago,
a very small and useless girlchild,
discarded into the Yangtze River.
Too young to have a name,
Too young know, even a single word.

And Kuan Yin weeps.

And as she sinks into the painful cold,
A warm white body bears her up,
A gentle white snout pushes her,
head up into the reeds and mud,
the river's edge,
brings her three tiny fishes,
one by one, and lays them near her mouth,
that cannot eat.
And stays protecting close,
Into the welcoming dark.
She dies that night,
so very cold, but not alone.
And as she dies,
The only word she ever learns,
burns in her failing mind.

And, now.
An old man reads some news,
and stops and weeps.
And as the tears run down his face,
he  whispers.
"Goodbye forever to the Baiji."

And Kuan Yin weeps.

(cross-posted from the Art Gallery)
Dances with Motorcycles.


Oh, that is so lovely. Thank you for posting it.

Kiyoodle the Gambrinous

Oh my god...

I'm actually close to tears right now.

I haven't felt this way for a while...

I'm back..



Beautiful, Mero,

Sums up the way I think about this very well.

Sibling Bluenose
Myers Briggs personality type: ENTP -  "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 3.2% of the total population.

goat starer

The yangtze River Dolphin featured in Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardines book Last Chance To See. I think Mr Adams would be very upset had he lived to see this story.

Best regards

Comrade Goatvara

"And the Goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a Land not inhabited"