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Do you recognize this "man"

Started by anthrobabe, September 27, 2007, 07:49:00 PM

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man in quotes- in my opinion he is a thing that should be....

follow this link

and if you know this person please contact the police

he is in a video with a little girl -- about 5 years old-- yes it is that kind of video-one of the worst I've ever heard of(this is a media version-I've seen the police version)
The child is unidentified and her welfare and whereabouts are unknown
please look at the story and see if you recognize anyone.
Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.

goat starer

I searched for a blurry blue man with with a tache and only found the fellow below. I have realised that the internet makes us all worry about things / people / places we can do NOTHING about. i cant help with this at all so knowing about it just makes it a another problem i cant deal with.

on that note i am taking a break. i cant solve war here and i cant solve anything so i will try (ineffectually) to solve stuff in my own sphere. the monastery is giving me things to worry about that i cant posssibly help so a short hiatus is called for.

so farewell for now. you are fellow travellers but i am off on a different path for a bit.



ps the blurry man....


Best regards

Comrade Goatvara

"And the Goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a Land not inhabited"


we will be here when you return

but as long as I live I will keep trying--
be well
Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.


You're right, Goat. No-one can save the world, not all at once and all alone.  The best we can do is try to learn what we can do and do it. What we do doesn't have to be great.  Even if it's something small, it's something. Finding peace in our own minds is a good start. Making peace with others is a good continuance. Spreading what we learn is progress. Take heart!

We're still with you, wherever you are.


In anycase the little girl is alive and "well" she is with her mother who was called by a friend who saw the news story and the mother claims she knew nothing about the abuse

?????? is she a stupid blind moron??????? anyway it was about 3 years ago when the girl was 3years old.

The family will now get treatment- the perp has been id's and arrested.

so -- I could do absolutely nothing- except hope that the child was alive and in some sort of 'salvagable' shape, for now it appers that she is.

sometimes hope- even if for another- is all we have.
i've had days where I had no hope for myself- but still got up and kept plodding along because something caught my interest and gave me "something to focus on".

love to all.
Saucy Gert Pettigrew at your service, head ale wench, ships captain, mayorial candidate, anthropologist, flirtation specialist.


  and back to you ! :hug:

I hope that the little girl is okay. It's hard to imagine that the mom didn't notice anything unusual about her.